FOTA Vice President Elena Vizvary


Centennial Vision Element
Long Term Goal / Short Term Goal / Action taken to address goal
I. Expanded Collaboration for success
Long tem goal:
1.a. Identify and partner with representatives of organizations with similar interests for political, educational and advocacy issues. / 1.a.2 Enlist the identified groups for mutually beneficial continuing education opportunities especially the annual conference. / Negotiated agreement with NSU Tampa to host 2012 Fall conference.
Contacts made with OT Department at Daytona State College to host conference November 2013.
Long tem goal:
1.c. Improve internal collaboration and communication among and from FOTA leadership / 1.c.2. Develop communication system from the Continuing Education Committee about the approved courses in the Sanctioning program/Forums to disseminate information to members / Solicitation of members to serve as new chair of FOTA Sanctioning process. Orientation and support will be provided. Thank you to Anne Hull for serving as Sanctioning Chair for last year. Sanctioned courses continue to be posted and updated on FOTA website. Process and forms have been updated.
I continue to process Forum applications, including submitting CEBroker for the initial publishing and entering attendees who have completed courses. Fiscal year 7/11-6/12, 8 applications were processed: South Bay=4, Volusia=2, Pensacola=2.
II. Membership = Professional Responsibility
Long tem goal:
3.d. Offer educational courses to occupational therapy practitioners that meet the current educational demands / Conference Fall 2011 at USA (St. Augustine) record number of 387 total registrants including: 128 OT & OTA practitioners, 4 Retirees
and 255 Students.
Two pre-conference Institutes registrations: 62 (37neuroanatomy + 25 autism)
Laws & Rules and Medical Errors provided and well attended.
Conference 2012: Five institutes will be provided as optional pre-conference educational opportunity for practitioners.
Continue to provide license mandated courses: Laws and Rules and Prevention of Medical Errors.
Remote site for simulcast of Sat. educational sessions being explored. Coordination between NSU and FAMU technology departments.
3.d.1. Compile information from the course evaluations to determine the educational needs of the members / Nov. 2011 Conference evaluation conducted online post conference. 88 or 23% of attendees responded.
98% of respondents indicated overall satisfaction as very satisfied or satisfied.
36% of respondents identified the educational sessions as excellent; 13% rated them as very good, 16% rated them as good, 3% as fair and 1 (1%) as poor.
Conference evaluation will again be conducted online after Nov. 2012 conference. We will separate student vs practitioner responses.
IV. Well-prepared, diverse workforce
Long tem goal:
4.b Inform the members and other OT practitioners about the continuing education available including the annual conference. / 4.b.1. Develop and implement a plan to market continuing education opportunities. Establish a method to measure effectiveness. / Fall 2012 Conference advertising is occurring on FOTA website, in FOCUS, on Facebook, via blast e-mails and via FL Dept. of Education publication sent to all district ESE supervisors.
Postcard will again be created and mailed to all FL licensed practitioners in August 2012. Extra copies will be sent to state OT presidents of adjoining states and FLOTEC members with request to distribute to clinical contacts.
FOTA membership numbers swelled after postcard mailing last year. It was determined to be an effective method to advertise conference and solicit membership..
V. Clear, compelling public image
Long tem goal:
5.b. Design a long range plan for annual conferences / 5.b.1 Present a plan with location and dates for a 2-pronged annual conference – one associated with the business meeting, and the other a fundraiser / Planning for 2013 FOTA Annual Fall Conference (Nov. 2013) initiated with venue, hotel and Chamber of Commerce contacts. Local conference convener TBD.
5.b.2. Prepare a conference budget annually for approval / Conference budget discussed with treasurer with approval for line items anticipated at July 20 mtg.
November 2011 conference realized profit for FOTA.
2012 conference expenses being tallied. Income and expenses in alignment with expectations.
5.b.3 Coordinate all activities and involvement needed from the FOTA Leadership / Use of FOTA website Board Discussion page and e-mails to keep board members informed.
5.b.4. Clarify expectations from volunteers and benefits they derive from involvement in conference planning and implementation / Solicited conference volunteers via website.
Collected names of members who indicated interest in volunteering at conference. Asked for help to contact and coordinate 50+ members. Sara-Jane assisted and I wish to thank her for her help.
Discussed roles of volunteers with LCC and Sara-Jane.
Since we have an increased number of potential volunteers, we have developed additional options for volunteering.
Will provide all conference volunteers with certificate including length of time volunteered and statement of appreciation.
VI. Evidence-based decision making
Long tem goal:
7.a.3. Increase continuing education activities focused on EBP / 7.a.3. Include in each conference program continuing education activities related to EBP / Conference review committee included EBP criteria in selecting courses for conference.
One of the five pre-conference institutes being offered specifically targets EBP.
IX. To meet the Elements, fiscal and operational excellence.
Long tem goal:
9.e. Evaluate the operational structure for the continuing education efforts / 9.e.1. Determine and provide the support needs for the Sanctioning Program / Anne Hull served as Sanctioning Coordinator and replacement TBD. Two potential replacements declined opportunity to serve.
Sanctioning committee includes OT and OTA reviewers.
Sanctioning applicants during recent fiscal years:
08-09: 24 processed = total $3600 to FOTA
09-10: 34 processed (8 from same agency) = total $5100 to FOTA
10-11: 31 processed = total $4650 to FOTA
11-12: 42 processed (11 from same agency) = total $6300 to FOTA
9.e.2. Determine and provide the support needs for the continuing education provision during the annual conference / Made on-site visits to 2012 Conference venue in November 2011, February 2012 & June 2012.
Continued communication with venue contacts: LCC and hotel re: AV, accommodations, food / beverages, keynote, etc.
Coordinated phone and teleconferences with conference planners.
Consulted with Conference convener, student poster coordinator and webmaster re: call for proposals, dates/deadlines/schedule, and review process,
Communicated with webmaster and treasurer as needed.

Additional Activities:

  • Used “Meeting Wizard” to schedule teleconferences with LCC and EB.
  • Set up teleconferences via FOTA “free conference” account.
  • Participated in FOTA phone duty rotation until disbanded
  • Answered CE provider, Forums, members and others questions re: conference, continuing education, and sanctioning program.

Goals for next year:

  • Continue planning and oversight for 2012 Conference
  • Develop Educational Program for FOTA 2013 Annual Conference aligned with current strategic plan.
  • Assist and coordinate with conference convener all other events for 2012 and 2013 Conferences.
  • Continue to work on other activities outlined in strategic plan.

Action requested of EB:

  • Discuss theme for 2013 conference
  • Discuss refund policy for conference and sanctioning.