Tri-Valley Board of Education Agenda
September 8, 2011

Tri-Valley District Office

7:30 P.M.

Board Members:

Eddie Brock

Cindy Cameron

Terry Hutchison, President

Eva Sieber

Scott Welker

This is a meeting of the Board of Education for the purpose of conducting the School District’s business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated on the agenda. All cell phones should be turned off during board meetings.
Citizens of the Tri-Valley School District and employees who wish to speak with the Board are requested to keep items presented as brief as possible. Items are limited to five minutes for presentation and five minutes for discussion. Please complete the appropriate form and give it

to the treasurer for proper recognition.

Open meeting – Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call:


Adoption of the Agenda:


Public Participation:

I. Treasurer’s Report:

a.)  Approve the minutes from the regular meeting of August 11, 2011, as presented.

Motion_____ Second_____ Brock_____Cameron_____Hutchison_____Sieber_____Welker___

b.) Approve the Financial Report for July, 2011, as presented.

Motion_____ Second_____ Brock_____Cameron_____Hutchison_____Sieber_____Welker____

c.) Approve the FY12 appropriations at the fund level as presented.

Motion_____ Second_____ Brock_____Cameron_____Hutchison_____Sieber_____Welker____

II. Personnel Items:


a.)  Approve one year temporary contracts to the following for the remainder of the 2011-2012 school year pending verification of background checks:


Stacy Richardson – 3.5 hours daily as library aide

Jody Rodgers – 3.5 hours daily as library aide


Edna Deeds – part-time cook

Jaime Swingle-Erwin – part-time cook

Motion_____ Second_____ Brock_____Cameron_____Hutchison_____Sieber_____Welker_____

b.)  Approve the continuation of a Leave of Absence for Kim Prince, part-time secretary

at Dresden Elementary until January 1, 2012.

Motion_____ Second_____ Brock_____Cameron_____Hutchison_____Sieber_____Welker_____

c.) Approve Beth Conrad as TVMS Drama Club Advisor for the 2011-2012 school year.

Motion_____ Second_____ Brock_____Cameron_____Hutchison_____Sieber_____Welker_____

III. Superintendent’s Report:

a.)  Approve all Professional Leave requests.

Motion_____ Second_____ Brock_____Cameron_____Hutchison_____Sieber_____Welker_____

b.)  Grant approval of all bus top locations as recommended by the administration.

Grant the authority to designate and relocate subsequent bus stops to the

Superintendent and Director of Operations.

Motion_____ Second_____ Brock_____Cameron_____Hutchison_____Sieber_____Welker_____

c.) Grant permission to advertise for the purchase of one conventional handicapped

equipped school bus.

Motion_____ Second_____ Brock_____Cameron_____Hutchison_____Sieber_____Welker_____

d.) Grant approval of the following resolution:



September 8, 2011

WHEREAS, the Board of Education adopted a resolution on March 23, 2011 to consider terminating the employment of teacher Susan Moore;

WHEREAS, on March 29, 2011, Ms. Moore requested a hearing before a referee regarding the Board’s intent to consider terminating her contract(s);

WHEREAS, the Board and Ms. Moore did not mutually select a referee, and the Ohio Department of Education appointed Richard A. Baker, Esq. to serve as referee at the hearing;

WHEREAS, pursuant to R.C. Section 3319.16, the Board of Education is required to set a time and place for the hearing regarding Ms. Moore and to notify Ms. Moore of the same;

WHEREAS, the Board of Education and Ms. Moore consented to hold the hearing on dates mutually agreed upon with the referee;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, pursuant to R.C. Section 3319.16 that the hearing to consider the termination of Susan Moore’s contract(s) will be held on September 19, 20, 21 and 22, 2011, beginning at 10:00 a.m., at the Tri-Valley Local School District Board Office, 36 E. Muskingum Ave., Dresden, OH 43821, with such dates, time and location subject to change by mutual agreement of the parties and the referee;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Treasurer is authorized and directed to serve a copy of this resolution to Ms. Moore and her attorney on September 9, 2011.

Up-date on Race to the Top.

Committee Reports:



Career Center



Adjournment @ ______P.M.

Motion_____ Second_____ Brock_____Cameron_____Hutchison_____Sieber_____Welker_____