Physical Education Course 2B

Mrs. Weeks

Nutrition Project: Part 3 – Go Green Project


Students will enter 3-days of their personal eating pattern on an Excel template. The template is provided for you on the FHZ Physical Education web page. Food values will be identified for Protein, Carbohydrates and Fats. The following links will guide you through the assignment.

You will need Microsoft Word and Excel to do this project. If you do not have these programs you can download Open Office for free onto your HOME computer. This is a great program as it includes PowerPoint and the ability to also read Microsoft Works along with a number of other software programs.

You may also prefer to download Google Chrome as a browser instead of Internet Explorer (IE). It will perform faster and some of the web page features may not work with IE. You can still keep your IE but use Google Chrome for this project.

Begin by locating our OHMMHS web site. Take a few minutes and look around. Then find PE and open the page. You will need to select a link on the PE web page to open out PE Department web site. The Physical Education web site is: Physical Education Department OHMMHS . Select the link and take a minute and review the department information. Locate the Healthy Fitness Zone tab. HFZ

You will then be able to down load the necessary information. Excel 3-Day Eating Log and various Grocery / Shopping lists, etc. right from the web page. You should right click on the item you want to download then point click on open. From there you will need your own USB or floppy disk to save your work.

  1. Use your nutritional log from Part 2 of the assignment project.
  2. Using the information on line for the day of your project identify the food content regarding the Protein, Carbohydrates (Carbs), and Fats.
  3. Also note the Total Calories and Total Fat Calories for that food item.
  4. On the LA Café web site you will see our school’s breakfast and lunch menu along with other nutritional information
  5. Using the LA Café web site, locate the appropriate food items and list the food value on the spreadsheet. You may need to use the orange/white arrow box to go back to the date in March when you at in the cafeteria.
  6. Incase you are having trouble accessing the LA Café website drop down menu: The following is a link to a menu detail that may help you. MENU ITEMS located on our HFZ web page. Or go online to

Calorie Counter, enter your food title and select search. Continue to locate your specific item.

From the PE/HFZ web page:

  1. You may down load these project instructions in Word or PDF format.
  2. Make sure you save the spreadsheet with your name and period number as the file name. Please use the underscore and format below to save your Excel file: first initial_lastname_period#
  3. Examples: M_Rodriguez_p2 S_Thomas_p4L_Smith_p6

I will not grade Excel assignments if the file is not saved in the proper format

You can locate the food value for the cafeteria food at the following link: LA Café

  1. You may work in partner pairs.
  2. You will turn in your nutritional project (hard copy) 5/4. Make sure your name and period number is at the top of each worksheet.
  3. Any project that is not completed in the class time is assigned for homework. It is due Friday 5/4.
  4. You will email your excel project to me as an attachment file by 5/8. I will provide you the email address Monday 5/7.