Name of In Class Activity: How to write a concrete poem
Type of modality / Poetry.Type of play / Solitary
Interaction pattern / Extra-individual
# of participants required / 1
Equipment/supplies / Paper, pencil, eraser
Facilities required/environment / Activity done on flat surface
Precautions / Eraser can be put in participant’s mouth
Task Analysis
- Choose an object
- Brainstorm words and phrases that describe the object or anything that comes to mind when you think of the object (and what it could possibly represent)
- On a sheet of paper, sketch your object
- Begin to fill in your sketch with the words and phrases you brainstormed
- When you are finished filling the spaces, you may go back and erase your sketch so that the words stand out as the image.
- *You can also think of a topic, such as Thanksgiving, write down things that remind you of Thanksgiving, and then draw an item that represents Thanksgiving (such as a turkey) placing the words you have written down into, or around the shape of the item (the turkey).
Activity Analysis
Category / SkillsPrimary body position / Static sitting (Could stand as well)
Part of the body required / Arms, hands, torso (when sitting)
Movement / Picking up, 3-Jaw Chuck Grasp, writing, drawing, radial or pincer grasp to pick up the eraser if it is not already on the end of the pencil.
Physical / Static sitting, dynamic sitting, fine motor coordination, active range of motion (upper extremities), visual-motor integration, bilateral integration (to hold paper with one hand, while holding pencil and drawing with the other).
Cognitive / Focused attention, sustaining attention, concept formation, concentration, initiation, insight, short term memory, intellectual knowledge, organization and planning, reading, Shape/form recognition, sequencing, spatial operation, spelling, strategy, concrete thought, abstract thought i.e. to think of the concept of love being represented by a picture of a heart, a parent, etc writing,
Social / N/A
Perception / Tactile, visual, auditory
Communication/language / Reception of written language (when reading the directions), Expression of written language
Self-care / N/A
Psychological/emotional (possible) / Joy (when you have finished the poem), frustration (can’t think of words that go with your object)
Ways to SIMPLIFY demands / Ways to make more COMPLEXCognitively / Provide a list of simple objects for one to choose from / Provide a list of complicated objects for one to choose from
Set a minimum amount of words/phrases that they need to complete the poem
Physically / Use adaptive equipment to make using a pencil easier / Participants need to stand while writing the poem
Socially / Write the poem alone / Partner with another person
Encourage to join poetry club
Present poem to an audience