Characteristics of students ages 3-11 Grades Pre K -5
GradeAge / Cognitive / Physical / Social / Emotional / The Curriculum Should
(3-5) /
- Play & Explore
- Move Frequently
- Copy & Repeat Activities
- Large muscles in learning
- Clumsy; collisions & spills common
- Sit for short periods
- Awkward with writing & small motor movements
- Lots of physical activity
- Likes to help & follow rules
- Learns from modeling
- Friendly, talkative & bubbly
- Responds to clear expectations
- Sense of humor & able to show empathy
- Friendships are formed
- Prefers same gender playmates
- Cooperative play increases
- Time for testing new abilities in new settings
Provide opportunity for frequent movement
Include repetitive activities
Involve music & movement for literacy
Incorporate small & large motor activities daily
Allow for small group activities to encourage cooperative play
(5-6) /
- High volumes of work with low content
- Herre and now literal thinking
- More aware of fingers as tools
- Noisy in classroom
- Enjoys outdoors & PE
- Easily tires & frequent illness
- Wants to be first
- Competitive nature
- Anxious to do well but does a lot of testing
- Enjoys play
- Any failure is hard
- Thrives on encouragement
- Easily hurt
Incorporate physical movement
Include hands on learning
Be centered on family, friends, school & community
(6-7) /
- Needs repetitive tasks & routine
- Uses manipulatives
- Needs to complete work
- Strives for perfection in work
- Discovering concepts best
- Still needs to whisper read
- Begins bridging noisy work to quiet areas
- Work is more tidy
- Pencil grasp at point
- Letter writing anchored
- Works with head down
- Likes to work one on one or small group
- Friendships shift frequently
- Strong likes and dislikes
- Needs security & structure
- Tense feelings
- Hypersensitive
- Moody
- Needs constant reinforcement
Include structured content
Provide time for repetition of material
Promote concrete thinking
Age / Cognitive / Physical / Social / Emotional / The Curriculum Should
(8-9) /
- Gets involved in activities but socializes
- Likes group activities
- Works quickly & industrious
- Basic skills mastered
- Sense of competence with skills
- Speedy
- Fully of energy
- Needs outdoor time
- Somewhat awkward
- Limited attention span
- Strong vision
- Likes cooperative work
- Overestimates abilities
- Group friendships
- Talkative
- Exaggerates
- Resilient from mistakes
- Trouble with limits and boundaries
- Humorous
Break down tasks to smaller bits
Include group work
Include organizational strategies taught
(9-10) /
- Critical of themselves; avoid sarcasm
- Movement toward skilled memorization
- Curious but less imaginative
- Move towards problem solving
- Abstract concepts difficult at first
- Frequent injuries, complaints & nervous habits
- Gradual increase need for breaks, snacks & outside activities
- Neatness in handwriting disappears
- Worriers but gradually moves toward contentment
- Can be either aloof or fiercely competitive
- Move toward enjoyment of group/family times
- May revert to baby talk
- Boys rough house
- Start to be good listeners
- Become more talkative
- React negatively to almost everything then move towards a more happy outlook
Be based on thematic units with longer projects and assignments
Allow group work
Promote pride in finished product
(10-11) /
- Concentrate for longer periods
- Good at problem solving
- Begins to see world at various perspectives
- Abstract thinking
- Vast need for physical activity
- Need for rest periods & more sleep
- Fine motor skills more developed
- Works well in groups
- Likes sports, clubs, & activities
- Tests limits
- Self-absorbed
- Generally content
- Quick to anger and forgive
- Emotional extremes
Include physical movement
Allow for hands on learning
Incorporate class meetings & peer mediation for students who break rules
Team Members: Elizabeth Culbertson, Dawn Fargo, Deanna Lothrop, Elaina Renfrew, Lisa Smith, Jonah Stevens