Board Meeting
Tuesday July 12, 2016
Crainville Village Board met in a regular session on Tuesday July 12, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. Roll call as follows:
Mike Harbin Yea Sam Jones Yea
Julie Aue Yea John Oetjen Yea
Vicki Chapman Yea Jim Rains Nay
Ron Mitchell Yea Tena Steinacher Yea
Brad Olson Yea Jaci Chapman Yea
A quorum was present:
Minutes from the June 14, 2016 regular Board Meeting were presented. On page one Whitecotton was misspelled, page 3 Vogler Ford was misspelled, on page 4 Motion 11 2016-2017, and on page 4 residents was misspelled.
Motion 1: Aue made the motion and Harbin seconded the motion to approve the corrected Village Board Meeting Minutes for June 14, 2016. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report:
Tena Steinacher presented the Treasurer’s Report. The Board accepted the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Steinacher requested that the Board bring down $50,000 instead of the usual $30,000. The Village paid for the new generator in June. This caused the General Fund balance to be lower than what Jilek, the Village accountant, feels appropriate.
Motion 2: Jones made the motion and Chapman seconded the motion to approve bringing $50,000 from the Illinois Funds to the Village of Crainville’s General Fund. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.
July bills were presented.
Motion 3: Harbin made the motion and Aue seconded the motion to pay the July bills. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.
Visitor Participation
Aron Costantino is a landlord who owns a house on 1402 Marilyn. Mr. Costantino is currently renting the home. Mr. Costantino and several of the residents who live on the cul-de-sac on Marilyn were present. Mr. Costantino and the other residents are concerned because the cul-de-sac, after it rains, does not completely drain which causes water to flood the road and is now causing the road to disintegrate. After a rain, water will run into their yards, and in some cases the water is high enough that residents are concerned that the water could come into their homes. They are asking if the Village can help them with this problem. Mitchell asked John Crawford to look at this area and see what can be done to correct this water issue.
John Crawford Report:
IDOT Utility Relocation
No new developments with the IDOT Relocation. Contract will remain open in case of unforeseen issues that could occur.
No new developments with the DCEO Water Main Replacement. Contract will remain open in case of unforeseen issues that could occur.
Street Work For 2016
John Crawford and Associates are working on putting the street work for 2016 out for bid.
Department Heads
Water Report: (Pam Borders)
1. There are 742 water customers
2. 557 garbage customers.
3. 2 Building Permits
4. 8 new customers
5. 7 disconnects
6. Room Rental 7 days for a total of $370.00
Street/Water-Sewer Report (Ryan Farrar)
Ryan Farrar reported that the Street/Water Department have been mowing. A pump at the Pine Valley Lift Station went out and had to be replaced. The dump truck had to have new brakes and the trailer also had to have some brake work done.
Police Report (Chief Rogers)
Chief Rogers has ordered the new squad car. Rogers is looking for price quotes for the equipment that is needed for the new Explorer Police Car. Rogers requested that the Village purchase 3 new steel plated armor vests that will protect the police from rifle shots. These vests will be used only in certain situations and will be kept in the squad cars. The cost of the new vests will be $355.00 apiece.
Motion 4: Aue made the motion and Harbin seconded the motion to purchase for the Police Department 3 new steel plated armor vests for approximately $1065.00. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.
Old Business
Zoning Ordinance
Zoning Ordinance is tabled until August meeting.
Storage Units
Storage Units is tabled until August meeting.
Golf Cart Ordinance
Golf Cart Ordinance is tabled until August meeting.
New Business
Carterville Fire Department Golf Tournament
On September 16 there will be a golf tournament to raise money so that the Carterville Fire Department can purchase new defibrillators for the emergency vehicles. The cost to sponsor a golf foursome would be $400.00; however, you can sponsor a hole for $100.00. The Board decided to sponsor a hole for $300.00.
Motion 5: Harbin made the motion and Aue seconded the motion to sponsor a hole at the Carterville Fire Department Golf Tournament for $300.00. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.
Dan Finke
Dan Finke was present and asked the Village to sponsor a golf foursome in the JALC Foundation & Bank of Herrin Golf Classic. Proceeds are to go to the JALC Foundation.
Motion 6: Jones made the motion to sponsor a golf hole for $200.00. The motion died for a lack of a second.
Annual Audit
Mitchell told the Board that the auditor that we used last year Tanner and Associates is no longer doing audits. Mitchell has approached Chris Scroggins C.P.A. to do the Village Audit. Mr. Scroggins will do the audit for $9,500.00 which is down from his original quote of $14,500. This is still more than what the Village has paid for audits in the past. Mitchell will continue to try to find another C.P.A. to do the Village Audit.
Water Penalty Appeal
Nancy Nicholson who lives on Hurricane had a broken water line which resulted in a $410.00 water bill. In the past the Board has given residents a percentage off of the sewer component of their water bill when they have a water break. However the Board is unable to give Ms. Nicholson a break on the sewer component of the bill because she does not have Village sewer. The Board decided that she could have 6 months to pay the $410.00 bill. The Board also recommended that she contact her Homeowners Insurance to see if there is any recourse through her insurance.
Carterville Lions Club Free Fair
The Carterville Lions Club has asked for sponsors for the Carterville Free Fair. The Village can have an ad in the brochure for $50.00.
Motion 7: Oetjen made the motion to purchase a $50.00 ad. The motion died for lack of a second.
Executive Session
The Board did not go into Executive Session.
Motion 8: Jones made the motion and Oetjen seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 pm. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.
Jacquelyn Chapman, Village Clerk