25things to do to change lives in 2017

1. Put a silver coin aside each week for your church’s Commitment for Life contribution

2. Cut out stories of those in poverty in a newspaper and pray about them

3. Get your church prayer group to reflect on the four stories in the mini magazine and then pray about the people in them

4. Change one thing on your shopping list that has plastic wrapping

5. Buy 1 new Fairtrade product

6. Find out about the banks phase of Christian Aid’s Big Shift campaign

7. Find out what is happening to the weather in your partner country

8. Do a big action e.g Join The Amos trust’s Walk to Jerusalem

9.Find out your local Christian Aid office and introduce yourself as a Commitment for Life Church

10. Print out a prayer about how action changes live and keep it with you

11. Start a conversation with someone in the congregation about violence and how Christian Aid partners are helping communities

12.Write out the word commitment and try to find a word that starts with each letter that explains why as Christian we should be loving our neighbour wherever they are

13. Write ‘Micah 8 verse 6’ on a board and read it at least once a week

14. Lay a piece of material in the sanctuary and get people to write pledges to do something extra to raise money for Commitment for Life

15. Write to your local councillors and ask them to introduce a motion to support the introduction of tougher tax compliance questions into their procurement procedures.

16. Support the Climate Coalition campaign ‘Speak up for climate change’ on February 14th,2017

17. Check whether your pension fund invests in fossil fuels

18. Use the stories in the 2016/17 magazine to make a prayer station in the sanctuary

19. General Assembly passed a resolution to change the story about refugees. Write to your local paper to share a positive story about a refugee.

20. Look at your shopping list each week. Take the smallest item and multiply it by four and put that in a jar ready for your Commitment for Life collection.

21. Find recipes from your country and have a themes supper with music.

22. Check your will and make sure it reflects your current passions, priorities and commitments

23. Walk in someone’s shoes. Fill an old pair of shoes with loose change. Use the shoes to mark a journey to justice

24. Make a river of change using silver coins

25. Start a prayer wall of all the articles you can find about your partner country. Add throughout the year.

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