Project Read Jan. 7-11
Monday---Unit 17 Lesson 1 Skill: Final consonant blends –nd, -mp
Class will review –nd final consonant blend by skywriting –nd 3 times and rereading worksheet 17-21 (-nd words).
Teacher will place the story, “Ed’s Brass Band” under the document camera. Students will practice reading and discussing the story. Teacher will leave the story under the document camera while students complete a short comprehension quiz over the story. Teacher will take up the quizzes and students will use the story to discuss what answers that they should have marked on the quiz.
Teacher will write the ending blend –mp and ask the students to say the letters with her: “dash, m, p, stir, /mp/.
Teacher will tell the students that they hear /mp/ on the end of the word jump and will write the word jump for students to finger blend and sweep sounds to read the word.
Teacher will have the students skywrite –mp 3 times.
Teacher will place worksheet 17-23 (-mp words) under the document camera. Students will practice reading the words 2 times: the first time with finger blending and the second time by teacher tapping the spellings while students provide the sounds and then teacher sweeping under the word while students say the word.
Teacher will have students head a piece of notebook paper with worksheet 17-23 and 17-25 at the top, name underneath. Students will blend and write the words from worksheet 17-23 which the teacher will leave under the document camera.
Teacher will place worksheet 17-25 (sentences containing –nt, -nd, and –mp words) under the document camera. Students will practice reading and discussing the sentences. Students will add these sentences to their notebook paper sheet. This sheet will be sent home for reading homework. Students will place this sheet in a sheet protector.
Teacher will place the story, “Song of a Swamp” under the document camera. Students will practice reading and discussing the story. Teacher will pass out this story to students. Students will place this story in a sheet protector to also practice for reading homework.
Tuesday---Unit 17 Lesson 1 Skill: Final Consonant Blends Review –nt, -nd and –mp
Class will review –nt, -nd, and –mp with the following activities:
- Skywrite each final consonant blend 3 times each.
- Teacher will place worksheets 17-21, 17-23, and 17-25 under the document camera and students will practice rereading words and sentences discussing vocabulary for the words as needed and comprehension of sentences containing –nd, -nt, and –mp words.
- Teacher will place the story, “Song of a Swamp” story under the document camera. Students will read and discuss the story. Teacher will leave the story under the document camera while students complete a short comprehension quiz over the story. Teacher will take up the quizzes and students will use the story to discuss what answers they should have marked on the quiz.
Teacher will pass out Unit 17A Study Guide and ask students to fill in the answers. Teacher will provide final consonant blend sounds and students will write: st, sk, sp, nt, mp, nd. Students will write the following words: fast, desk, land, went, jump, crisp. Students will also write the following sentences with correct spelling, capitalization, and punctuation: Frost is on the grass. The trucks went fast. Students will take the study guide home to study for reading homework.
Wednesday---Unit 17 Lesson 1: Final Consonant Blends Assessment and Unit 17 Lesson 2: Red sight words two, do
Oral Reading Assessment of worksheets 17-21, 17-23, and 17-25.
After students complete Unit 17A assessment, class will complete the following lesson.
Teacher will display the red word two in the blue pocket chart and worksheet 17-29 (sentence with the word two in it). Teacher will draw red boxes around red words two, of, the, are, and the in the sentence and ask students why are there red boxes around some of the words in this sentence? These are red words---words that are not spelled like they sound.
Class will read the sentence and predict what the red word two is in the sentence by using context clues.
Teacher will also write up the sentence Two plus two is four. And have students read this sentence.
Students will arm tap and sweep the word two on their arm 5 times.
Teacher will also place worksheet 17-31 (sentences with the word two in them) under the document camera. Students will practice reading those sentences.
Teacher will have students head a piece of notebook paper with worksheet 17-29 and 17-31 at the top with name underneath. Students will write the sentences from the 2 sheets on their notebook paper. This will be sent home for reading homework.
Teacher will place the story, “Two” under the document camera. Students will read and discuss the story. This story will be sent home for reading homework. No quiz tomorrow on this story.
Thursday---Unit 17 Lesson 2 Skill: Red sight words two and do
Class will review the sight word two by arm tapping and sweeping the word 5 times and rereading sentences on worksheets 17-29 and 17-31.
Teacher will place the story worksheet, “Two” under the document camera. Students will practice reading (oral reading check) and discussing.
Teacher will display the red word do from the blue pocket chart and worksheet 17-33 (sentences containing the word do). Teacher will have students predict what the word do is in the sentences. After reading the sentences, teacher will tell students that the word do means to act. The word do can be a question word also.
Teacher will ask students to arm tap and sweep the word do 5 times.
Teacher will have students head a piece of notebook paper with worksheet 17-33 at the top. Students will write sentences containing the word do from the worksheet and place this sheet in a sheet protector in their notebook for reading homework.
Teacher will place the story worksheet, “You and I” under the document camera. Students will practice reading and discussing the story. This story will be placed in a sheet protector in their notebook for reading homework also. No quiz tomorrow on this story.
Friday---Unit 17 Lesson 2 Skill: red words two and do
Class will review red words two and do by arm tapping and sweeping the words 5 times each.
Teacher will also place worksheets 17-29, 17-31, and 17-33 under the document camera. Students will practice reading these sentences containing red words two and do (oral reading check).
Teacher will place the story, “You and I” under the document camera. Students will practice rereading and discussing the story (oral reading check).
Students will complete a spelling assessment over the following words: went, plant, hunt, and, land, send, jump, stamp, two, do.