Proposal for a dissertation targeting more agile measurement
A Declarative Specification System for More Agile Measurement, Analysis, and Visualization Targeted at Software and Systems Engineering
Thesis Proposal
Larry Maccherone
2009 July 14
Institute for Software Research
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
Thesis Committee:
William Scherlis (advisor)
Jim Herbsleb
Anita Sarma, University of Nebraska
Barry Boehm, University of Southern California
There is essentially universal agreement that better understanding (as in knowledge and situational awareness) generally leads to better decisions and outcomes. However, there are competing ways to gain better understanding. The more precise means which include measurement, analytics, and visualization are in competition with less precise means including observation, intuition, folk lore, and tacit knowledge.
For some types of questions, measurement is clearly superior. “What is the diameter of this axel?”, for instance. Even for our domain, most would agree that using a consistent line of code (LOC) measure is a better way to gauge the size of a software product than intuition. Unfortunately, for too large a number of important questions, developers would rather rely upon intuition and tacit knowledge. I identify two reasons for this: (1) the cost of conducting measurement, analysis, and visualization in our domain is too high; and (2) the connection between the things that can be measured and the understanding that is useful for making decisions (later referred to as “predictive power”) is not strong enough. I believe perception is worse than reality on both of these fronts but efforts to change that perception have met with mixed results. However, if we can drive down the cost and increase the predictive power of measurement we can increase the number of questions that are answered with more precise means.
I make the following suggestionsthat outline an opportunity to improve this situation:
- Avoid preplanning costs and limitations. The most successful uses of measurement in our domain operate on the premise that gathering and analyzing data is expensive and to minimize this expense, we must utilize careful pre-planning and deliberation. However, the increasing richness and accessibility of data that is passively gathered erodes the foundation of this reasoning and makes an ad-hoc, just-in-time approach to measurement feasible. Such an approach would allow us to answer the questions of immediate concern even if we did not think of them before we started work.
- Reinforceand utilize tacit knowledge rather than compete with it. Agile methods rely more upon tacit knowledge possessed by the team members than they rely upon documentation. Plan-driven approaches to measurement call for questions and indicators to be determined in advance. An analytical approach to measurement that works in conjunction with tacit knowledge; allowing the user to rapidly confirm or refute hypotheses, devise new questions from the output of current analysis, and spiral in on the answers is likely to be more powerful than either approach on its own.
- Iterate rapidly. Another core belief of Agile is that you are better off trying something, getting feedback, and rapidly evolving it, than you are spending a lot of time upfront on design. A more agile regime for measurement would similarly benefit from more rapid iteration. The more measures (and visualizations) you can try, the more likely you are to find one with predictive power (or improved expressiveness).
- Borrow from the business intelligence community. The introduction of powerful abstractions for ad-hoc, interactive, and visual analysis (like those found in the business intelligence community carefully adapted to our domain) would further enable this more agile approach.
- Consider coordination, dependencies, and relationships. Of particular concern to our domain are issues of coordination. Software development is done on components that are interdependent, by people who have a variety of different relationships (social, organizational, geographic, etc.) with each other. When these social and technical relationships are aligned things go more smoothly. If our measurement systems took these dependencies into account, they would have predictive power with respect to these important issues.
In this dissertation, I propose a way to declaratively specify a measurement, analysis, and visualization system. Creating a measurement regime using this specification syntax and associated tooling should be a significant improvement over traditional means along the dimensions mentioned (avoiding preplanning, using tacit knowledge, iterating rapidly, utilizing better abstractions, andconsidering socio-technical relationships).I identify this approach as, “more agile measurement”. This dissertation will try to show that we can achieve this greater agility of measurement.
Table of Contents
1.Introduction, background, and contributors
1.1.Measurement, knowledge, and making better decisions
1.2.Advanced statistical techniques for software and systems
1.2.1.The Team Software Process
1.2.2.Goal-question-metric, practical software measurement, and ISO/IEC 15939
1.3.Coordination, dependencies, and relationships
1.4.Agility of measurement
1.4.1.The rise of Agile
1.4.2.Agile: Observations, characteristics, and important concepts
1.4.3.Rapid searching and hill climbing
1.4.4.Criteria for a more agile approach to measurement
1.5.Business intelligence (BI)
1.5.2.Applicability of OLAP to software and systems measurement
2.Illustrating example
2.1.What to take away (and not take away) from this example
3.Proposition, research questions, and plan
3.2.Research questions and plans for validation
3.4.Risks and mitigation
3.4.1.Lumenize implementation risk
3.4.2.Time risk
3.4.3.Risk that users cannot be taught the system
3.4.4.Risk for longitudinal study
4.Expected contributions
5.Existing approaches
5.1.Object-oriented metric definitions
5.2.More generic metamodels for code metrics
5.3.Patterns and DSLs for generic software measures
6.Current status of development for Lumenize
6.1.Creating networks with Lumenize
7.Tesseract: a socio-technical browser
7.1.Tesseract usage scenario
1.Introduction, background, and contributors
1.1.Measurement, knowledge, and making better decisions
In the 18th century, Lord Kelvin posited, “that when you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meager and unsatisfactory kind.” [1]However, the connection between measurement and knowledge goes back even further than that. The pyramids of ancient Egypt and Mesoamerican civilization [2]could not have been oriented to the position of the sun on solstice days without mathematical models for both the position of the sun as well as models for engineering and construction. The pyramid buildersobserved a phenomenon – the motion of the sun – that varied over nested temporal cycles (day and year); took measurements of the position of the sun at various points in the day and year; and then devised a predictive model that was used as an input to their design and engineering efforts.
Fast forward to a similarly wondrous engineering effortin the modern age…sending a man to the moon. NASA developed wide reaching measurement capability for the space program. Techniques for using computed tomography (precursor to medical CAT scanning) to examine components for hidden imperfections were developed so that weight-costing safety factors could be minimized. They did not limit their pursuit of deep understanding and predictive power to the physical realm. They also furthered the cause of measurement in the area of project management decisions. While they invented neither the PERT chart nor the Gantt chart, they applied them both on a scale never before seen and they evolved the concept of a hierarchical work breakdown structure (WBS) to accommodate the massive effort to get a human to the moon, keep him alive while doing it, and somehow bring him back to the earth.
With these tools, NASA engineers and project managers were able to understand the critical path, and make decisions about where to allocate resources and focus risk mitigation. They had a clear understanding of the work remaining, and once they made sufficient progress, they could use the data from their earlier work to not only predict the effort remaining but to also decide how much confidence they should place in their prediction.
For both the pyramid builders and NASA, it is precisely the prediction power of their models that enabled engineering decisions. Without the ability to predict the outcome of various alternatives, decisions are made on hunch and intuition; they are, “of a meager and unsatisfactory kind.” Such decisions may lead to a usable outcome but they rarely result in wondrous products and are almost certainly not accomplished at minimal cost.
A simple classroom experiment that I invented and have conducted many times illustrates this point on a much smaller scale. Three students from the class are lined up an arm’s length apart. At one end of this human chain, a bowl full of marbles is placed; at the other end an empty bowl. These students are expected to pass the marbles down this virtual “bucket brigade” until all the marbles are moved. A short distance away, three other students are placed around a bowl with the same number of marbles. They also have an equidistant empty bowl. The students in this “bucket runner” group are expected to pick up a marble, walk to the other bowl, drop it, and return for another until all of their marbles are moved. Once everyone is in place and expectations are explained, I take a survey of the class asking which group they think will finish first. The vast majority of folks think the bucket brigade will finish first. The last time I conducted this experiment, all of the roughly 30 people in the room (except for me) thought the bucket brigade would finish first – not surprising since it is generally accepted that a bucket brigade is the most efficient way to bring water to a burning building. However, their intuition is wrong. The myth of the superiority of the bucket brigade is busted. Every time, the bucket runners finish first… and by a wide margin (25-50% from memory).
It’s not terribly important that marbles get moved from one bowl to another in the most efficient manner, but the impact of technical, project management, and process decisions on a software or systems engineering effort can be critical the success of the project. Should we do inspection? Should we do test driven development (TDD)? How much of each and in what combinations should we do? Should we live with a code base that has accumulated significant technical debt or should we refactor it? Or re-write it from scratch? Should sub-teams be organized by specialty or should the organizational structure match that of the architecture? What changes in architecture and team structure lead to minimal effort wasted on coordination? What should we do next? To what completion date should we commit?
Without data and analysis to help make these decisions, our conclusions are likely to be similarly “meager and unsatisfactory.”
The dissertation proposed by this document attempts to bring about an incremental improvement both in the adoptability and effectiveness of measurement capability for software and systems engineering. The expected result for users of my approach include(1) better understanding of the current situation, and (2) an improved ability to predict the likely cost and impact of alternative choices. This is in turn is expected to improve the quality of decisions that are made – decisions about what elements to include in their processes and in what proportions and order; decisions about how best to organize teams and structure technical artifacts; decisions about what to do next and what commitments to make.
Throughout this introduction, I identify a number of “motivating observations”. They are distinguished from “assumptions” because the hypothesis and questions posed later do not directly depend upon them. The research is still valid without them. However, the degree to which they prove to be true will generally correlate with the potential impact this work will have on the state of the practice. The first such motivating observation is the fundamental motivation for this work.
Motivating observation 1:Better measurement leads to better understanding, which leads to better decision making, which, in turn, leads to better outcomes.
The document is organized as follows:
- Section 1 includes this introduction and a discussion of relevant background on the history of measurement for software and system. It includes a discussion of several areas from which my proposed approach draws. It identifies the opportunity posed by emergence of Agile methods and it describes the nature of the improvement in measurement necessary to capitalize on this opportunity as criteria to be used to evaluate my proposed approach.
- Section 2 is an illustrating example of how an Agile team could use the approach that I am proposing.
- Section 3 presents the proposition of my dissertation and the research questions I will need to validate to defend that proposition.
- Section 4 contains a discussion of the expected contributions for this research.
- Section 5 provides a status update on the current development of the apparatus I intend to use for this research. It includes a brief explanation of the syntax for the declarative measurement, analysis and visualization specifications that my proposed system uses.
- Section 6 provides elaboration on a particularly significant contribution of the proposed approach to measurement – that is measurement and visualization that allows users to reason about socio-technical relationships and dependencies. This elaboration is accomplished by describing an example tool, Tesseract, which is the output of earlier research in which I participated to explore socio-technical measurement and visualization.
1.2.Advanced statistical techniques for software and systems
While Lord Kelvin, pyramid builders, and NASA all used measurement to gain better understanding and make decisions, there is another area whose example is more revealing for the discussion herein; that is the application of statistical process control (SPC) to the manufacture of durable goods. Starting in the 1960s and 1970, experts in the art of measurement including Deming[3,4] and Crosby[5]showed automobile manufacturers (and later, electronics manufacturers) how to define their processes, measure them, and keep them under control. Rather than “test” each product as it came off the line, they could take key process measures from a sample of the parts and sub-assemblies in progress. Only if those measures showed that the process had gone out of control, was intervention necessary. This approach was applied so successfully in the electronics world that Motorola (among others)was able to create “six sigma” processes, which is defined as processes which produce no more than 3.4 defective parts per million opportunities[6,7]. The output of these processes can often be shipped without anyfinal testing.This approach, and its derivatives, is generally accepted today as the way to mass produce physical goods.
It should come as no surprise, then, that we have attempted to apply these concepts to the area of software and systems development. The general idea behind most process improvement efforts for software in the last couple decades has parallels in the realm of manufactured goods. The basic idea behind arguably the most well known of these efforts, the Capability Maturity Model (CMM), and its derivatives, is that you first gain control of your processes by clearly defining them and accomplishing consistent execution (levels 2 and 3) and then you use measurement to improve them (levels 4 and 5)[8,9]. Six Sigma techniques are frequently used in conjunction with CMM/CMMI level 4 and 5 efforts[10].
1.2.1.The Team Software Process
An example of a high maturity CMM-based process is the Team Software Processes (TSP)[11]. TSP is a well defined, mostly level 5 process created by Watts Humphrey, who also created the CMM and stewarded by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI), who also has stewardship of the CMMI. TSP calls for teams to maintain the following base measures:
- Size. Line of code (LOC) accounting is expected to be maintained for the production of code parts. Added, deleted, changed, and generated/reused numbers are expected to be gathered at various levels of the product hierarchy. Size data in other units (pages for design documents, the number of tables and fields in a database, etc.) is expected to be gathered for other artifacts.
- Time. The time spent working on each artifact is tracked and broken down by work phase (design, design review, code, code review, unit test, etc.).
- Defects. Defect logs are maintained both during and after production. Defect entries are also tagged for the phase they were injected and removed and the time needed to find and fix each defect is gathered.
- Schedule. The original as well as any updated commitments are considered base measures in TSP. This data is used to gauge how close the project is tracking to the current commitment.
These base measures are then combined to formderived measures. The most simple derived measures are just ratios of these base measures including productivity in LOC/hour, defect density in defects/KLOC, and defect removal rate in minutes/defect. These simple derived measures when combined with the phase and/or work breakdown hierarchy can be used to calculate things such as how much time “should” be spent on a code review of a particular part. TSP recommends that code review rates not exceed 200 LOC/hour. Code parts with review rates significantly higher than that can be flagged for additional review.