Southern Bluffs PTO Meeting Minutes
October 18, 2016
Meeting called to order by Stephanie Thornton at 6:35 p.m.
Attendees: Stephanie Thornton, Kara Herlitzke, Lisa Schreiner, Kathy Heiderscheit, Kristin Pretasky, Casey Scheuerell, Tim Dale, Jill Wurm, Laura Smanski, Dawn Palm-Leis, Corrine San Miguel, and Daria Lapp.
Secretary’s Report – Kara Herlitzke: The September Minutes had been e-mailed out to those present at that meeting. Read and approved. 1st = Kristin Pretasky. 2nd = Corrine San Miguel. Motion carried unanimously.
Principal’s Report – Lisa Schreiner:
- Thank you for conference meal last night. Very much appreciated.
- Staff participated in Alice Training on last Early Release Day. Recommendation is moving towards taking action if possible versus hiding.
- 5th Graders will be participating in a Gallup Poll on hope, engagement, and connectivity with adults, etc.
- Held Cool Cats kick-off. Had twenty something attendees and lots of new faces. They are trying Pride Days this year where multiple Cool Cats will sign up and come during a lunch/recess. First one is next Wednesday.
- First quarter ends on November 8. On November 10, there will be our two Veteran’s Day concerts.
Treasurer’s Report – Tim Dale: Current PTO Balance is $23,677.84 (Lanesboro - $749.63, Bank balance - $11,838.92, Field trip reserve - $4,023.00). TOTAL AVAILABLE - $7,066.29. Read and approved. 1st = Daria Lapp. 2nd= Dawn Palm-Leis. Motion carried unanimously.
Old Business
Skate Night: Skate Night at High Rollers will be held this Friday night, October 21. It will go from 5:30 pm to closing time. $5 per person includes admissions and skates. Half of the money will come back to us. Remember to mention you are from Southern Bluffs!
Cool Cat Pizza Party: Thank you to those who helped! See above in Principal’s Report. They did a calendar and highlighted those activities/events they can be a part of. Would like them to wear their Cool Cat shirt and help out where they can.
Conference Meals/Book Fair: Thank you to everyone who has volunteered so far! Food sign-up for Thursday night is filled. Book Fair filled up more slowly. Mrs. Fitzwater has some older kids helping out as well. Thursday night will be soup/chili night.
Picture Retakes: Taking place tomorrow.
New Business
Vision Screening/Dental Sealants: Vision Screening will be held on Nov. 2 from 8:30-10:30 am. Dental Sealants will be held on Nov. 3. At the last meeting, Stephanie sent around a sign-up sheet. Sign-up sheet was sent around again. If interested and able to help out, can also let Stephanie know directly. Lions Club is also doing 1st grade vision screening now as well (along with Kindergarten). Dental Sealants take place in 2nd grade.
Playground Equipment Request: Lisa Schreiner presented request for playground equipment. Took inventory and request is approximately $1,100 for items like balls, flags, tether ball, etc. Motion made by Laura Smanski, 2nd – Kristin Pretasky. Motion carried unanimously.
Staff Requests for Funds: Will send out form for staff to complete if they have a need.
Holiday Fair: Will be held December 3. Group reviewed classroom basket themes. Removed three of them to update with the number of classrooms this year and modified a few to change them up. Following changes suggested by group: Remove Home Office. Change Sweet Tooth to Health/Wellness. Add Baking onto Holiday Prep. Remove Winter Fun & Warm Up. Remove Holiday Baking Basket. Remove Pet’s Life. Possibly add Science & Exploration or Staycation. Add Sports of All Sorts to Tailgate Party. Add Outdoor Fun with Play Ball or change to Four Seasons of Fun. Daria agreed to organize the Bake Sale. Dawn will help her. Casey will do ornaments again. She suggested option of both ceramic and card board. Lifetouch will do pictures with Santa again. They will set up at 8 am and do pictures from 9-noon. Donation letters for Silent Auction went out in September. Tim Dale is going to check with You Get Connected again to see if we can get some volunteers to help. Lisa has gotten interested volunteers already from Central High School.
Mt. La Crosse Ski Day: Looking at date of January 13th. It is an Early Release Day. They have us on the calendar for that day. It will be an inexpensive day to ski.
Final Thoughts: None
Next meeting is November 15that 6:30 p.m.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:25p.m.
Respectfully Submitted By:
Kathy Heiderscheit