147th KSW 24th Nov 2017
“This is probably one of the best knowledge seeker workshop to date, pack full of useful information! ”
Public teaching for gardeners and growers – Sunday 27th Nov 7pm Sydney time; and then every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month. Aim to share info so its not just reserved for the agriculture sessions. Teaching and experiment feedback.
Zoom address given.
13min They call plants vertical people, they move vertically, they are living entity, have emotion and feeling, feed like us from the plasma of the planet.
Syllabus of public teaching: how to play with the tech in your gardens and to get back in touch with nature; then some on seeds and how rays coming to earth interact with the plants. Look at soil biology, photosynthesis. Teachers use aquaponics, having been in agriculture for 5 yrs. Feel its exciting to show people in cities or the country to try using the technology with their plants.
17.5min MK mentions a food preservation unit that can go in a fridge.
19min photos of radish seeds. Seeds soaked in CO2 water comp to control. Gen shelf life is 12days. Both sets actually lasted about 6 months in the fridge, so MK points out that they are so close they actually share the plasmatic field.
25min Co2 structure makes things odourless, and so the plasma condition does the same, stops rot smell. Carbon plasma absorbs the odours prior to them also becoming matter state. Traditionally if you put a piece of carbon in a smelly fridge it absorbs the smell. Soon we will sell odour sprays ! carbon element in the plasma gans absorbs fields of odour. Presence of O2 helps create the link. So this radish could rot completely without smelling.
You can wash food in the Co2 water, which takes most of the germs. Use with CuO2 to help disinfect – inc meat.
29 We processed spinal cord of a lamb in caustic and left it on top of the fridge, it did not deteriorate. So we also see ganses as a preservative. If power goes down and fridge stops, surround by Co2 and this should lengthen the life of the food. AA based entities like veg and meat, need to consider production of nitrogen.
Co2 field extends beyond the greenhouse, the glasshouse stops some of this though...
36 we are looking at stopping possibility of creation of cancer, also at plasma based vaccines. If you have egg salmonella in Africa for example, spray some Co2/CuO2 water on the egg while you are cooking it. Can do that in food generally if you want to decontaminate/sterilise.
So if you don’t have a fridge for a moment you can soak meat in Co2 and disinfect and create an environment around the meat, create its own protective field. We don’t kill germs we just create an environment in which they cant exist. Carbon links out to other gases, and copper links onto the line of the neuro-system of protein that has become meat – so there are no links left to link up with microbes.
Spray co2/cuo2 onto wounds and burns – create linkages that leave no room for viruses and microbes.
We need to try to understand how this is working too.
44 in Ghana we asked for scientists to come and learn, and help in the new factory, we have twice as many as we need. They do 1 week making and 1 week teaching, the teaching is our main target really.
Our ancestors salted and smoked meat to extend shelf life – now we have found a natural new preservative-gans, works with totality of the environment.
We must expand the knowledge, ignore the negativity those who criticise have never made a gans in their life, they are parasites.
46.40 photo of squashes grown and not grown in CO2 water, wow! Understand the tech and don’t be afraid. Don’t worry what will happen if I do this or that …try it.
When you go down a street one lamp doesn’t light the street, lots of lights are needed to light the street.
Each star is created out of specific condition, none are the same. Same with us.
51.30 if you soak a potato and put gans in the water and grow it, the fields expand in the ground into the next potatoes. If you now put gans water on top of the ground you have created a shield also. And made a gradient and flow with the field in the soil.
What if we instead put Ch3 / CuO2 on the ground? Then it’s more strong.
What happens in a drought? Nothing now, you have made a nourishing plasmatic environment. Need for water reduces by 50-80% because you have made a link with outside. We are physically oriented and so find this hard to believe.
56 do you want to give, take, stabilise ?
could try calcium, which is what cauliflower needs, so you can link these together.
Creation of Sun and earth and the magrav field flowing between them gives atmosphere to us, but also part of the elements coming from the suns radiation are attracted here and converted in to matter state. In creating a calcium gans around the plant you extract from the environment what is at the strength of calcium for the cauliflower. Open your eyes and understand, don’t just think I will add gans to my potato.
59.44 one thing we have seen in cancer research is when the cancer part of the cell is opened up then all the Co2/Zno/Cuo2 move to the next cancer cell, not any other tissue.
We see migration from one cancerous cell to the next, we are following their path in the body. Why do they do this? The cancer part of the cell was opened up, the gans has carried a field that can adjust, and effect the RNA and DNA, the field interaction changes the game, and the plasma knows where to head.
1.02 Why do we see people who have had cancer, they even get happier, the cells have been changed, the environment ahs changed and brings food to the body. We die of lack of energy because cancer takes all of it to grow, but now we have opened up the cell and re-balanced it then the energy is directed back to man, has become food to him. The game of biology and chemistry has changed, to now it has been matter state science, now plasmatic science which gives rise to the matter states. The past is not wrong, just limited. Dynamic state is plasmatic.
1.05 3 types of cancer: cancer through evolution/accident/emotion. Look at markers in a blood test. Is Zn elevated on its own or Cu ? = accidental. If there has been a physical trauma the concentration of energy in that part gives rise to the cancer.
Evolution – works different – is a change in environment, so connected to salts. If you see elevation in markers for mag/sodium/sulphur/phosphor/ salts are backbone of the body of man, and so this shows you are dealing with evolution, these cancers are difficult to change, processes that happen over whole life, and from gene line, and absorb energy. You bring in a different parent to the gene line and the chemistry alters and a stress in the energy happens. Hard to change, but can.
Accident ones are easier to interact with, metals based markers.
Emotional cancer – very simple – you see Zinc elevation. Then if connected to any of salts you understand it has been embedded from the past, mother to daughter – pass emotion of hate of man to right breast to daughter … so we need to understand more in depth the knowledge of the science of creation. How do we evaluate this?
And we can give a patient what they like, but they go away and create the cancer again. Look at the level of elevation of zinc for example and you see how much emotion is stuck there. If you are over max in zinc you are dealing with ‘I want to die’. I refuse cancer cases – I see sir you have very high zinc and caesium, cobalt, I know you want to end it.
1.11 to try to elevate the emotion I will put more fuel to the fire. If evolutionary we try to find how to change the environment. Ben has used magnesium salt, still gets gans Co2, but the protein on the top is diff and the C is of a different strength. Can help people with problems in different directions. Up to now we just used sodium, look at other salts, make a cocktail. Then help evolutionary change in people. These cancers are touchy things.in your kitchen lab it is still fine, keep learning.
1.18 I am trying to get you to see the flight system but no one can hear yet, I wont do it for you, I give you the principles and tools, but you need to understand (but we don’t see power yet either!)
How can a 50g tennis ball lift a 2kg brick? We would use pulleys/levers . but in matter we would need to take our pulleys with us.
Now look different. You have a rope. Connect the ball and brick but pass the rope through a tube. Shake the tube to rotate the ball, at a certain speed the brick will lift.
As long as you keep the speed up and hold the tube the brick will never fall, and you can dictate the level of the brick. The brick is a proton, the ball is an electron. If the ball could fly anywhere around the tube it would be like an atom. If we could hold the brick in the middle then the links between the ball and brick define the positions.
1.25 make a pocket? of ganses. They have to be very heavy. 2000/50 ratio for example. Proton/electron is 2000:1. The rope is Hydrogen (plasma). Make a pocket of Co2, keep it fixed, put in the ball and start playing with the ?? until you see it lift.
Get a chair rotate a rope above your head, you can get lift (hmm?) same principle.
Look what we did with coils, heavy grav and diff mag then you can create any energy between them.
Moving from matter state to Plasma state, into transfer of voltage to current, whatever you like, you are all in space, certain rpm/voltage makes lift. It is inertia independent.
Put heavy gravitational alkaline in the centre, look at your alkalines, all have O2 (grav field in plasmatic condition), but if you spread it down it becomes Hydrogen property. 1.33 So you put heavy gans in centre, put a bit of feedback (length of rope), bit of alkaline, but you need a line of connection, hydrogen inside. Alkaline can change – the rope length – but the rope itself cant change, which is the hydrogen, which you made with aluminium in the bottle. The common denominator cannot be broken. So you have the tools.
So don’t change the inner core, keep gans and diameter; change the outer cores, play with it, change slightly more acidic, diameter, speed etc.
1.37 connect all grav cores of magrav stackers together, with very little feedback, and then change no of turns or current flow through the mag core of all three and your magrav will fly! will create a shielding first, and field expansion, understand but consider matter as one of the strengths of plasma in the total spectrum.
1.40 ….the composition of the air in the ball links with the air in the brick, they share atmospheric conditions. If I change the air in one or the other then you will find out that [something] in the rope will change and there will be no interaction. The strength of the connection is decided by man. We are looking at 5000/10000 rpm motors. Common denominator for isotopes of carbon is between 6 and 8, so rpm must be around 6-8000. Depending on diameter separation between 2 cores. How do we measure atomic mass plasma of the centre core? Not grams. We measure molecular plasmatic weight, and amount you put in…. Avogadro no. …
1.46 Q: relationship between a dynamic and a static system. If I put coils in the middle I should be able to ,instead of applying mechanical/electrical rotation, put in a dual core system two coils in the middle and then I should be able to create the PDs between the cores without actual rotation. MK: yes but consider gans used for coating them, and separation of nano material. Current flow is in plasmatic, not as a current as a voltage. Q: so I could change no of turns and avoid mechanical issues of rotation. MK: yes its more efficient, and faster, but so string above matter state, you need to find a way if you want to use for energy to bring it out, and for lift you must understand the comparison with the earth magrav field position. None of you have lost a coil yet (have lost balls), if you look down the double coil, the grav centre core is another core and every turn on it is additional field transfer so if you look its exactly another reactor. Look at the fields in the centre, not the copper and turning and n/coating. Q: so no of turns intensifies the inner field. MK: yes in the ball cores you consider what you put in, in the coils you don’t. you can make a coil fly as easily as a core, in fact easier, there are flight systems in universe who use tis system but it needs mastering. Every turn to the other amplifies the strength if you use the end to feed energy too. Q: there must be a relationship between the no of turns and rpm? MK: yes, an order of magnitude. story: to pay back a man who invented chess put a grain of rice in the first house, and double it in the next … by the time he reached 64th house there was enough rice to feed the city.
1.52 if you understand the coil system then in the future you will build a doughnut, it has a lot of advantage. Huge. But very hard to control because it absorbs too much energy, you can tilt it much easier so easy to fly. Beauty of a doughnut field makes it very robust in space… try it, connect grav and mag to different power supplies. Make sure they are batteries because the structure starts rotating and needs to be free. First tries to left anti clockwise, but then finds balance and stays straight.
1.56 Q. Rennen. MK: Can we see your demo ?
2.00 Q: from california. You say there is a universal gans for every purpose in universe, lift, energy,medical, one single gans, can you explain? MK: it is deuterium. It is a balance condition. Got to go back to essence of physics. Pause
2.01 rennens flight demo: 50g ball pulls 2kg sandbag into flight with centripetal force.
{This is physical not plasmatic, an analogy for the plasmatic concept]
You have neutron, proton,electron. Neutron is centre of grav part. Proton is lighter, then the electron, which uses this (diagram) dynamic between the first two. The distance between neutron and proton is X and electron sits in relation to this. But you can control this positioning by moving the electron (S1,2,3) Deuterium has a stable condition in the centre. The proton position defines what you get next. Can create any element like this.
2.05 The magnetosphere strength dictates the manifestation of the property of the element. The entity of the proton or electron. Coulombs barrier is magrav field balance. If you are a hydrogen it accords to strength between proton magrav fields and the electron or neutron. Neutron is the centre. If you play with deuterium you are always winner, can make elements very fast. You can make deuterium with your 3 core layers …. [need to watch direct] … often electrons rotate through the nucleus … [if MK really knows this stuff, which eludes me, pretty amazing if its true and to those who can understand/imagine; then the off grid should be basic to him, and must be close …. ?!!]
2.10.30 we made it simple when we use matter to make the nano materials in the gans. The binding is strong because they all share the same common denominator element. It applies the same to the plasma. The neutron in centre of deuterium which holds onto the proton and electron must have the same common denominator magrav field [as they do]. If it doesn’t it becomes Hydrogen. That’s why we see H so much on this planet. If you look at … [listen] …
2.13 Q: john. Like to go back to the fridge and preservation. Gans water could be used to preserve dead bodies..and get rid of the smell. MK: yes.
2.15: john. About deuterium, do we have to make heavy water or another way. MK: make it yourself easily. Work with nitrogen and carbon, push it, not to become helium but create a condition in the salt content so it becomes deuterium. The environment of the earth in certain places supports this ….
Explains another way. Example of how the planet makes things by interactions between ocean and matter states …. Explains how we get oil – it is not fossil fuel, that would need far too much ‘fossil’. 20-30million gallons of oil a day materialises in the pockets in the earth under the right plasmatic conditions. This process also creates life in the oceans as the plasmatic conditions pass through the levels. The beauty of the gift of the sun does not finish, this process is continuous. Plasma/gas/liquid/matter manifesting as fields interact. And as matter states arise the fields change again and so the complex kaleidoscope of life is always changing, evolving, continuing. Oil doesn’t seep through rock and collect in chambers, it is created in pockets where magrav fields are right.