ANNUAL REPORTS DUE SEPTEMBER 19, 2014: The PI-1505 Annual Report and PI-1505-SE Special Education Annual Report are due September 19, 2014. Please contact a school finance consultant as soon as possible if you are unable to submit the report by September 19.

Due to the high number of revisions to the PI-1506-AC last year after submission, DPI has changed the approval process for this report. During the DPI review of the PI-1506-AC, DPI will check to see if the district has any remaining errors in the PI-1505 Annual Report. DPI will not approve the PI-1506-AC until all errors in the Annual Report are resolved. Please understand that DPI must review and approve all PI-1506-AC reports. When the majority of these reports are submitted around the due date, this process takes a little longer and we approve them as quickly as we can in the order they were received. An e-mail will be sent to the district and auditor when the PI-1506-AC has been approved and the district can then go in and submit their PI-1505 Annual Report.

PI-1541 INTERDISTRICT INTEGRATION TRANSFER REPORT AND PI-1542 INTRADISTRICT INTEGRATION TRANSFER REPORT DUE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2014: Districts receiving state aid for pupil transfers resulting from a plan to reduce racial imbalance (Inter- or Intra-District Aid) in the 2013-14 fiscal year are reminded that the PI-1541 and PI-1542 reports are due on October 15, 2014.

The report format is an Excel spreadsheet found at: Completed reports can be e-mailed to either Carey Bradley at or . Contact Karen Kucharz Robbe at (608) 266-3464 should you have questions.


[Reports currently open: PI-1804 Pupil Count-Summer, PI-1524 State Tuition Claim; PI-1505 Annual, PI-1505 SE, PI-1505AC, PI-1506AC, PI-1506 FB Audited Fund Balances; Audited Financial Statements]


[September 24: WASDA New Superintendents Workshop II, Concourse Hotel, Madison]

[September 24: WASDA Phase II New Superintendents Workshop I, Concourse Hotel, Madison]

[September 24-26: WASDA Fall State Superintendents Conference, Concourse Hotel, Madison]

[October 2-3: WASBO Fall Conference, The Osthoff, Elkhart Lake]

[October 2-3: WASSA–Wisconsin Association of School Superintendent Assistants Fall Workshop, Kalahari Resort & Conference Center, WI Dells]

[November 3-4: Midwest Facility Masters Conference, Kalahari Resort & Conference Center, WI Dells]

[December 2: WASBO Winter at a Glance, Madison Marriott West, Middleton]

[December 3-4: WASBO/WASPA School Personnel Academy, Madison Marriott West, Middleton]


[Gene Fornecker, Auditor: 608-267-7882

[Brian Kahl, Auditor: 608-266-3862

[Michele Gundrum, Auditor: 608-267-9218

[Victoria Chung, Accountant: 608-267-9205

[Bruce Anderson, Consultant: 608-267-9707

[Carey Bradley, Consultant: 608-267-3752

[Dan Bush, Consultant: 608-267-9212

[Karen Kucharz Robbe, Consultant: 608-266-3464

[Vacant, Assistant Director: 608-267-9209]

[Bob Soldner, Director: 608-266-6968


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PREVIOUS LISTSERV MESSAGE #571, September 8, 2014

PI-1506 AC REPORT DUE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12: This is a critical report that is used to determine a district’s October Aid Certification. Districts are responsible for their auditors submitting the report on time. Please contact a school finance consultant as soon as possible if your district’s auditor is unable to submit the report by September 12.

Please note due to the high number of revisions to the PI-1506-AC last year after submission, DPI will be changing the approval process for this report. During the DPI review of the PI-1506-AC, DPI will check to see if the district has any remaining errors in the PI-1505 Annual Report. DPI will not approve the PI-1506-AC until all errors in the Annual Report are resolved. Please understand that DPI must review and approve all PI-1506-AC reports. When the majority of these reports are submitted around the due date, this process takes a little longer and we approve them as quickly as we can in the order they were received. An e-mail will be sent to the district and auditor when the PI-1506-AC has been approved and the district can then go in and submit their annual report.

We are also asking that auditors do not submit the PI-1506-AC until they are reasonably certain the numbers are accurate and won’t lead to more changes if the Annual Report has not been finalized. If the due date is approaching and there are outstanding audit issues, please do not submit the report just to have it submitted on time.

TRANSFER OF SERVICE (TOS) PI-5000 PART A & B TO CLOSE SEPTEMBER 12: The PI-5000 for Part A & B of transfer of service requests will close on September 12, 2014 and Part C will close on September 19.

Each school district who has submitted a TOS Part A request is encouraged to verify that the information in Part C is correct. Check the values the district entered in the “New Costs” column for accuracy and if additional staff (instructors or aides) is included in the requests, the “New FTE” column has been completed accurately.

For more information about transfer of service, go to the Transfer of Service Information link on the left sidebar at the DPI School Finance Team Home Page or go directly to: Contact Bruce Anderson by e-mail or by telephone at (608) 267-9707 or Karen Kucharz by e-mail at r by telephone at (608) 266-3464, should you have questions.

FINAL 2013-14 GENERAL AID REVISION: Recently, it became necessary to re-run the 2013-14 Final General Aid computation in order to adjust the property value for one district. The result was a drop by $1 in the statewide tertiary guarantee and a drop of $4 in the statewide secondary guarantee. The 2013-14 October-to-Final adjustments were also recomputed.

The revised 2013-14 Final General Aid amounts and revised 2013-14 October-to-Final Aid Adjustments can be found at:

By law, the 2013-14 October-to-Final Aid Adjustments are added to or subtracted from your district’s 2014-15 September equalization aid payment (payment date is September 15, 2014) and will be incorporated into the October 15, 2014 General Aid Certification. The adjustments are considered 2014-15 revenue.

Contact Karen Kucharz Robbe by e-mail at r by telephone at (608) 266-3464 should you have questions.

ENERGY EFFICIENCY EXEMPTION – REPORTING REMINDER: Districts that levied for the Energy Efficiency Exemption are to report on the results of the performance contract on an annual basis.

At the end of the school year, prepare an addendum to the following year's budget summary (65.90) that reports the results of the energy savings incurred as a result of the expenditure. (e.g., At the end of the 2013-14 school year, prepare an addendum to the 2014-15 budget summary.)

No later than two weeks following the date of the school district's budget hearing, submit to the department the contents of the addendum to the school district's published budget summary. Districts will need to return to their Referenda Home in the SAFR Reporting Portal and enter the 65.90 energy savings addendum contents in the "Actual Wording" text box of the original resolution.

Please contact Carey Bradley at (608) 267-3752 or email at: if you have questions related to Energy Efficiency Exemptions.

FUND 46 - PI 1505 REPORTING FOR 2013-14: Districts must provide certain documents to the Department in order to submit financial data used to calculate shared cost. Information regarding Capital Projects Funds and Fund 46 may be found at: Please contact Carey Bradley at (608) 267-3752 or email at: to arrange for PI 1505 reporting access to use Fund 46.