Antique & Classic Car Registration Form

Hydroplane and Raceboat Museum and Americas Car Museum presents-:

The 7thAnnual Vintage Boat and Car Show

Lake Chelan, Washington – October 7 & 8, 2017

Owner: ______Co-Owner : ______

Address:______City:______State:____ Zip:______

Phone: Cell: ______Home: ______


Classic Car Entry (Note: No hot rods):


Model: ______

Style: (check all that apply) Convertible ______Sedan ______4 Door ______Other

Tell us something unique about your car or famous history

Year: ______Color: ______

Engine Make: ______Cylinders: ______Horsepower: ______

Insurance Company and Policy Number:______

Classic Car Registration Fee: $40.00 due by September 18, 2016 $ ______

NOTE: Car Registration after September 18, 2016 will be $50.00

Friday Night – Sept 30, Reception: $15.00/person # Attending? _____ $______

Saturday Night - Oct. 1, Awards Banquet: $40.00/person # Attending? _____$______

At Campbell’s Resort - No refunds on banquet due to Resort policy and scheduling

Total:Make check payable to: HARM (Hydroplane & Raceboat Museum)Total Due: $ ______

Mail completed form & check to:M&M, c/o HRM, 5917 S 196th St, Kent, WA 98032

Questions? Call David Williams at 206-764-9453or email

More info at: uson Facebook – as MahoganyMerlot

Liability: I hereby waive any claim for injury to my person, car or personal property for damage or loss that may occur due to my participation either personally or personal property or equipment in the 6th Annual Lake Chelan Mahogany & Merlot Classic Car and Boat Show on September 30-October 2, 2016 at the Lake Shore Marina in Chelan, Washington. I acknowledge that I am responsible for any family members, guests and/or minors that may accompany me on my car or within the restricted areas of the event. Further, I certify that I currently have effective insurance to cover any damage to my car, and to cover my liability from any damages to others and their property arising from the use of my boat during this event

I agree to hold harmless the Hydroplane and Raceboat Museum, City of Chelan and all sponsors, organizers, hosts of said Show, their employees, officers, agents, and volunteer assistants for any injury or loss resulting directly and indirectly from any actions, failure to act, or omissions of said sponsors, organizers, host of said show, their employees, officers, agents, and volunteer assistants, or others having, or allegedly having, any connection with said Show.

Please send copy of policy with registration

Agreed and accepted:

Owner ______Date ______