Woodlake Elementary Community Charter


Student Council - Election Rules

  1. Students from 4th and 5th Grade can run for the following offices:
  • President – 5th Grade
  • Vice President – 5th Grade
  • Treasurer – 4th Grade
  • Secretary – 4th Grade
  • Classroom Representatives – 3rd, 4th & 5th Grade (elected by Classroom)
  1. All candidates must maintain a 3 or 4 in all academic areas as well as in their study and work habits. Students must not have missing homework assignments. Students must demonstrate excellent attendance.
  1. All interested students MUST complete a permission slip and return it completed to Ms. Miramontez or Ms. Barbula by Wednesday, October 21st by 2:30 p.m. Any slips received after the deadline will not be permitted to participate in Student Council.
  1. The permission slips will be reviewed on Thursday, October 22. Each candidate will be notified whether or not there candidacy has been has been accepted. Candidates may display ONE poster. The poster is due on Wednesday, October 28thin Room14during the student’s lunchtime. Any posters after this date will not be accepted.
  1. Candidates running for President are the only students who must give a speech. Written speeches must be turned in onWednesday, October 28th in Room 14during the student’s lunchtime. Once approved, the speeches will be made to only the 3rd, 4th and 5th grade classes at the end of Monday Morning Assembly on November 2nd. Speeches must be appropriate and must not make unrealistic promises.
  1. Voting will take place on November 2nd. Election winners will be announced on Tuesday, November 3rd.
  1. Candidates are responsible for running their campaign in a fair and honest manner. All questions about whether he/she can do something will be clarified at the candidate information meeting.
  1. Candidates may not have buttons, extra posters, flyers, etc. Candidates may not promise things that cost money or give out candy, gum, cupcakes, erasers, etc.
  1. Candidates are subject to being disqualified from running if they a rule or miss a deadline.
  1. Once the representatives are determined, if a student council member misses a homework assignment, receives a 2 on a progress report in academics or behavior, receives a behavior citation, or has poor attendance, he/she will lose their position as a council member and will be replaced by an alternate.

Schedule: (to be updated ~ schedule shown is 2015)

Thursday, Oct. 15:Information Meeting

Wednesday, Oct. 21: Permission Slips Due

Wednesday, Oct. 28: Speeches & Posters DUE

Monday, Nov. 2: Speeches Read

Monday, Nov. 2: Voting

Tuesday, Nov. 3: Election Results Announced

Wednesday, Nov. 4:Student Council Officers introduced at PTSA meeting
