Santa Rosa County School Board
RFP 02-03 Courier Service
John W. Rogers, Superintendent of Schools
Purchasing Department
Judson C. Crane, CPPO, Purchasing Director and Contract Administrator
6544 Firehouse Road
Milton, FL 32570-3411
Phone (850) 983-5130
FAX (850) 983-5133 Suncom 689-5130
The Santa Rosa County School Board solicits a submission as listed in this request for bid.
All terms and conditions below are a part of this bid request, and no bids will be accepted unless all these terms and conditions have been met, unless superseded by the bid specification. Rights are reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive technicalities. Bids not submitted in accordance with this bid request will be rejected.
1. The purchasing department will be the point of contact for this bid, unless otherwise noted in the bid specifications. Under no circumstances are the superintendent of schools, board members, school administrators or any other school board employee to be contacted concerning this bid until after award. Any such contact may result in bid disqualification.
2. Price, quality, specifications, payment discounts, warranty, travel time for warranty service, ability to provide service and time of guaranteed delivery will be the determining factors in the awarding of this bid.
3. Bid price shall be the delivered and unloaded price to the designated point according to the purchase order. *** Collect shipments will be refused ***
4. Bids may be awarded or rejected in whole or item-by-item, with rights being maintained to make joint awards if in the best interest of the district. The Santa Rosa County School Board will retain all copyright and patent rights that may be created by the contract resulting from this bid. These rights are to include, but are not to be limited to written works, computer software and mechanical devices that are created as a requirement of this bid.
5. Enough detail is given in the bid to describe the item being bid, although not written, full manufacturer's specifications are implied. Manufacturer's specifications take precedent over information within this bid if any discrepancy exists. Manufacturer's literature is available from the office of the Purchasing Agent upon request.
6. Any manufacturer's name, trade name, brand name, information and/or catalog numbers listed in a specification are for information only in order to describe and establish general quality levels, not to limit competition. Such references are not intended to be restrictive. The bidder may offer any brand for which authorized to represent, which meets are exceeds the specifications for any and all items. If bids are based on equivalent products, indicate on the bid form the manufacturer's name and number and indicate any deviations from the specifications. IMPORTANT NOTE: If bidding an alternate, complete manufacturer's literature, giving full description of the alternate being bid, must be submitted. Failure to submit manufacturer's descriptive literature when bidding an alternate can result in bid rejection for failing to comply with bid instructions. Any bid lacking written indication of intent to quote an alternate brand will be considered and received as a bid in complete compliance with the specifications as listed in the bid. If upon receipt it is found not to meet specifications, payment will not be made and the item will be returned at the bidders expense.
7. For Service and Term contracts, the board reserves the right to provide all services internally, and similar goods and services may be procured through a general contractor or other existing contract. The board also reserves the right to separately bid out large purchases of similar goods and services.
8. In the event more than one bid is submitted for a line item, please indicate the alternate item by inserting "ALT" after the unit price.
9. To be considered all bids must be submitted on the enclosed bid form, properly signed by an authorized representative on the company placing the bid, and delivery date stated.
10. In the event of an error in extending the total cost of an item, the total price submitted will prevail.
11. Sealed bids must be submitted by hand delivery or mail only as noted in the bid specifications. Bids by telephone, fax or e-mail will not be accepted. Only those submitting a bid or a bid marked "NO BID" will be retained on the bid mailing list. No Bids may be sent via mail, e-mail or fax.
12. The bid opening shall be public and at the time noted in the bid specifications.
13. Tie bids will be awarded to the bidder with the earliest postmark or if hand delivered, the earliest actual time noted or stamped on the envelope. It is the bidders responsibility to insure the actual date and time are noted on the envelope. The only exception to this rule is if the tie bids are between an out of state company and a company headquartered in Florida, the Florida Company will prevail.
Santa Rosa County School Board
RFP 02-03 Courier Service
14. A notice of intended decision will be posted in the office of the Purchasing Manager one week prior to award. A notice of intended decision will be furnished only to bidders who supply a self addressed, stamped envelope with their bid or by downloading from the purchasing department internet web site at Bidders and interested parties may examine the bid tabulations and files during normal business hours (public record) after bids have been awarded.
15. Rights are reserved to purchase additional quantities at bid price.
16. Payment will not be made until an order is completed in full.
17. The successful bidder will allow duly authorized representatives of the board, the Auditor General of the State of Florida, the Comptroller General of the United States, or other authorized representatives access to any books, documents, papers, and records of the bidder which are directly pertinent to this contract for the purpose of making audits, examinations, excerpts, and transcriptions.
18. Failure to file a protest within the time prescribed in Section 120.57(3), Florida Statutes, shall constitute a waiver of proceeding under Chapter 120, Florida Statutes. All contact in this regard to be made exclusively with the purchasing department.
19. (Service bids only) Insurance required to be carried shall include:
A. All contractors including subcontractors shall maintain valid workers compensation insurance as required by Chapter 440, Florida Statutes, except that employer liability shall be increased to minimum of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) each accident.
B. All contractors including subcontractors shall maintain public liability insurance against bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage, in limits of not less than five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) per incident or occurrence, and these limits shall not be reduced by other claims against the contractor. The School Board of Santa Rosa County Florida shall be named as an insured under this policy and will be entitled to all benefits of the contractors and subcontractors policies. Coverage's of said policy shall include: Comprehensive General Liability, Blanket Contractual Liability, and Products and Completed Operations Liability, Owners and Contractor Protective Liability, Broad Form Property Damage Liability, Personal Injury Liability Broad Form.
C. All contractors including subcontractors shall maintain automobile liability insurance against bodily injury and property damage liability insurance against bodily injury and property damage liability in at least the amounts of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) per occurrence, and other coverage's as required by Chapter 324, Florida Statutes.
D. All contractors and subcontractors policies shall contain the HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT: "Contractor assumes entire responsibility and liability for losses, expenses, demands and claims in connection with or arising out of any injury (including death) to any person, or damage, or alleged damage, to property of The School Board of Santa Rosa County, Florida, or others sustained or alleged to have been sustained in connection with or to have arisen out of or resulting from the performance of the work, act or omission by the Contractor, his subcontractors, agents, or employees including losses, expenses or damages sustained by School Board of Santa Rosa County, Florida, and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the School Board of Santa Rosa County Florida, its agents and employees from any and all such losses, expenses, damages, demands and claims and agrees to defend any claim, suit or action brought against them, or any of them, based on any such alleged injury or damage, and to pay all damages, cost and expenses in connection therewith or resulting there from.". Certificates evidencing all of the above insurances are in force shall be furnished, to the School Board of Santa Rosa County Florida, Risk Management Department, 5086 Canal Street, Milton, Florida 32570, within 20 days of bid award or before any work may start, which ever is sooner.
Direct all insurance inquiries to David Ford, Risk Manager, (850) 983-5007.
20. Other governmental agencies which qualify under School Board of Education Rule 6A-1.012(5) may purchase from this bid. This is also a joint bid with the Emerald Coast Purchasing Co-op who's members may also purchase from this bid at bid prices.
21. In accordance with Florida Statute 237.161, funding is subject to availability of appropriated funds.
NOTE: Do not return this document with bid submission.
Santa Rosa County School Board
RFP 02-03 Courier Service
A mandatory pre-proposal conference to discuss this project will be held at 10:00 AM Central Time, April 29, 2002, at the Purchasing conference room in the Santa Rosa County School Board Administrative Support Complex, 6544 Firehouse Road, Milton, FL 32570
Evaluation of Proposals - A committee will review and rank proposals based on various factors, including but not limited to company history, qualifications, location, references and price. The committee will enter into negotiations with the company that receives the number one ranking.
Submission of Proposals - One original and 3 copies of the proposal must be filed in the Purchasing Manager's office of the Santa Rosa County School Board, located at 6544 Firehouse Road, Milton Florida prior to 3:00 PM May 17, 2002, and clearly marked "RFP 02-03 Courier Service". The sealed proposals will be publicly opened in the Purchasing Manager's office at 8:00 AM, May 20, 2002 to be acknowledged and referred to the Purchasing Manager for tabulation. The notice of intended decision will be posted by 4:00 P.M. June 6, 2002. The contract award will be at the School Board meeting of June 13, 2002, or at a later date if additional study is required. Bidders and interested parties are invited and encouraged to attend both the opening and award.
Note: To receive a copy of the notice of intended decision, send a stamped, self addressed envelope with this bid. The notice of intended decision will be posted in the purchasing office by 4:00 P.M. on June 6, 2002, and on the Internet at
Contract: This contact is to be for a five (5) year period. Either party can cancel the contract, without reason,
July 1st of each contract year. Cancellation must be in writing and received 90 days prior to July 1st of each
contract year. Silence from both parties will be considered as acceptance for another contract year at the same terms and conditions. The resulting contract from this bid can be canceled by the Santa Rosa County School Board at any time for cause. This condition is not to preclude providing the lowest possible price based on current economic conditions. As per Florida State Statute, this contract will be canceled if not funded. The normal ending for this contract shall be June 30, 2007.
Scope of Work: A five-year contract, beginning July 1, 2002, to provide courier service for all school board locations. Service to include:
1. Daily Pickup and delivery of inter-county mail to all locations listed below. All locations to be serviced one time each day with exception of locations listed in italics, which shall be serviced twice daily, (three times daily on pay days, 15th and 30th day of each month), and each Friday with travel pay, prior to and after all other locations.
Administrative Support Complex 6544 Firehouse Road, Milton, FL 32570
Avalon Middle 5445 King Arthurs Way, Milton, FL 32583
Bagdad Elementary 4512 Forsyth Street, Bagdad, FL 32530
Berryhill Admin Complex 6751 Berryhill Street, Milton, FL 32570
Berryhill Elementary 4900 Berryhill Road, Milton, FL 32570
Central High 6180 Central School Road, Milton, FL 32570
Chumuckla Elementary 2312 Highway 182, Jay, FL 32565
Civil Service Board 6495 Caroline Street, Milton, FL 32570 (Stop as needed 2-5 times per month)
Community School/Milton 103 N.E. Stewart Street, Milton, FL 32570
East Milton Elementary 5156 Ward Basin Road, Milton, FL 32583
Gulf Breeze Elementary 549 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, GB, FL 32561
Gulf Breeze High 675 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, GB, FL 32561
Gulf Breeze Middle 649 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, GB, FL 32561
Hobbs Middle 5317 Glover Lane, Milton, FL 32570
Holley Navarre Intermediate 1936 Navarre School Road, Navarre, FL 32566
Holley Navarre Middle 1976 Williams Creek Drive, Navarre, FL 32566
Santa Rosa County School Board
RFB 02-03 Courier Service
Holley Navarre Primary 1955 Lowe Road, Navarre, FL 32566
Jay Elementary 4949 South Alabama Street, Jay, FL 32565
Jay High 4955 South Alabama Street, Jay, FL 32565
King Middle 5928 Stewart Street, Milton, FL 32570
Locklin Tech 5330 Berryhill Road, Milton, FL 32570
Milton High 5445 Stewart Street, Milton, FL 32570
Munson Elementary 11550 Munson Highway, Milton, FL 32570
Navarre High 8600 High School Blvd., Navarre, FL 32566
Oriole Beach Elementary 1260 Oriole Beach Road, GB, FL 32561
Pace High 4065 Norris Road, Pace, FL 32571
Pea Ridge Elementary 4775 School Lane, Pace, FL 32571
Printshop 2216 Berryhill Road, Milton, FL 32570
Professional Dev. Center 6556 Firehouse Road, Milton, FL 32570
Rhodes Elementary 800 Byrom St., Milton, FL 32570
S S Dixon Intermediate 5540 Education Drive, Pace, FL 32571
S S Dixon Primary 4585 S S Dixon Road, Pace, FL 32571
Santa Rosa Professional Educators 301 Santa Rosa Street, Milton, FL 32570