January 3, 2013

Amendment No. 3 to

Audit Services Contract

Task Order Request for Proposals ASC-2012-09-001 (CHRC)

For Verification Audit Services for DDA CHRC Infrastructure Grants

This Amendment No. 3 is being issued to amend and clarify certain information contained in the above named TORFP. All information contained herein is binding on all Master Contractors who respond to this TORFP. Specific parts of the TORFP have been amended. The following changes/additions are listed below; new language has been double underlined and marked in bold (ex. new language) and language deleted has been marked with a strikeout (ex. language deleted). (This Amendment also includes Amendments No. 1 and No. 2.)

1.)  Revise ATTACHMENT A – SCOPE OF WORK as shown below:

On page 21, Section 3.0:

3.0  The Agency’s goal for this financial audit service is: to review approximately 125 reports in late October early November late January/early February, and approximately 70-121 final reports in December March .

(1)  Review 121 interim reports and provide determination whether grant funds were used in accordance with approved infrastructure project as provided in the DDA CHRC Grant Infrastructure Analysis (“Master Spreadsheet of 121 Organizations” attached as Exhibit 3); delivery date November 16, 2012 February 11, 2013. CHRC staff will provide a template (likely 1 page) (attached as Exhibit 4) to facilitate the submission of the deliverable (1 per grantee reviewed).

(2)  Perform at least 20% (to be selected at random by the contractor) on-site visits and provide summary reports; delivery date November 30, 2012 February 25, 2013. CHRC staff will provide a template (likely 1 page) (very similar to Exhibit 4 to confirm work has been completed to be provided prior to on-site visits) to facilitate the submission of the deliverable (1 per grantee reviewed).

(3)  Review approximately 70-121 final reports and provide determination whether grant funds were used in accordance with approved infrastructure project; delivery date January 11, 2013 April 1, 2013. The number of final reports to be reviewed will be determined by the CHRC staff. CHRC staff will make a determination whether the interim report submitted in October will be sufficient to serve as the final report. If an interim report is sufficient to serve as the final report, the grantee will not be required to submit a final report nor will this need to be reviewed by the contractor. CHRC staff will provide a template (likely 1 page) (attached as Exhibit 4) to facilitate the submission of the deliverable (1 per grantee reviewed).

(4)  Perform at least 20% (to be selected at random by the contractor) on-site visits of the final reports and provide summary reports; delivery date January 25, 2013 April 15, 2013. CHRC staff will provide a template (likely 1 page) (very similar to Exhibit 4 to confirm work has been completed to be provided prior to on-site visits) to facilitate the submission of the deliverable (1 per grantee reviewed).

On page 22, Section 4.0 (4):

(4) Provide requested reviews, on-site visits, and deliverables in accordance with the following time schedule:

i. Completion of goal 3.0 (1) by November 16, 2012 February 11, 2013;

ii. Completion of goal 3.0 (2) by November 30, 2012 February 25, 2013;

iii. Completion of goal 3.0 (3) by January 11, 2013 April 1, 2013; and

iv. Completion of goal 3.0 (4) by January 25, 2013 April 15, 2013.

Should you require clarification of the information provided in this amendment to the TORFP, please contact Mrs. Jamie Tomaszewski at 410-260-7386 at the DBM Contracts Management Office.

Date Issued: January 3, 2013 By //s//

Jamie Tomaszewski

DBM Contract Manager and

Procurement Officer