Please find below the questions and two responses. The first response

are my thoughts. In addition, I queried the Associate Deans for

Academic Affairs/Programs on campus and the Department Heads in the

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences for their opinions on these

questions. I have summarized their ideas and comments under the heading

of "responses".

What title should this individual hold?

Vice Chancellor for Information Technology

Responses:Vice-Provost for Information Technology

Vice Chancellor for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer

Vice Chancellor for Information Technology

To whom should they report?

Depends on Chancellor and whether NC State is following the stated or

implied organizational structure. If all the other vice chancellors

report to the Chancellor, then this one should as well. If all the

other vice chancellors report to the Provost and Executive Vice

Chancellor, then this one should also. This individual must be an equal

in the senior management team (Vice Chancellor for Research, Vice

Chancellor for Engagement, Extension and Economic Development, Vice

Chancellor for Business, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)

Responses:Majority indicated Chancellor, others indicated Provost

Scope of responsibilities

All IT matters great and small, including infrastructure, data

management, and visionary leadership. The individual should have direct

reports and a budget. The individual should sit on the university space



Varied to include:

·Campus computing environment only

·Campus computing environment to include functionality, access and security

·Campus-based applications and activities, but not college-level operations, applications and activities

·Visionary leadership in planning, creating and managing overall IT infrastructure and supporting applications for the

business, instructional, research and extension/engagement activities at NCSU

·Development and delivery of services to include data and voice networking, data centers, security, campus card systems,

peoplesoft, storages space, etc.

How should the central enterprise be organized?

The organizational structure should be the purview of the new leader,

but with the understanding that all IT infrastructure and program

delivery resources be available for reorganization and realignment.

There needs to be a concerted effort to reduce the redundancy that

currently exists.

What areas are in the position’s cone of influence?

The individual in this position should have influence over all

computing, data management, electronic technology, and communications

functions at the University.

What resources should fall under this individual?

A position of this nature needs to have a significant budget. These

lines are already in place and they should be redirected and consolidated.


·All funds to provide technical and administrative support for the


What oversight should be in place?

Same as with any other senior administrator at NC State. The

individual’s supervisor (Chancellor or Provost) needs to conduct annual

reviews and obtained feedback from various groups including the Deans,

Associate Deans, College IT Representatives, Department Heads, and

faculty. In addition, a comprehensive review should be conducted every

five years as with other administrators.

Consideration should be given to establishing an advisory council as

appropriate to provide input into decisions. There should not be an

expectation that decisions will be made by committee.

What type of management style?

The individual in this position should be a transformational leader,

consensus builder, collaborator, facilitator, and visionary.


The individual must be very familiar with an academic institution as large and complex as NC State University. It would be best if the individual had academic credentials.

Does the individual need IT experience?

It is much more important that the individual have board knowledge of IT, data management, and information flow than to have specific knowledge in any particular area.

What qualifications and attributes should this individual possess?


·Masters degree at a minimum. More importantly, significant experience

working in a large scale institutional or corporate distributed

computing environment. Ability to communicate effectively to “techies”

and the wider university community. Innovator/creative

personality…willing to take risk.

·Clearly, contemporary IT knowledge and a vision for future IT

developments are necessary. Additionally, the individual should have

some experience in a an academic setting as well as a proven, verifiable

record of coalition building and developing service-oriented

organizations. Experience in both centralized and decentralized

environments is desired. Academic credentials consistent with the

appointment as VC.

·A history of academic IT leadership, combined with recent corporate

experience could be a valuable combination. A history of open, honest

communication, and a willingness to make the tough, unpopular decision

when needed.

·The individual in this position needs to have expertise in the

technical side of IT so that he/she will be able to evaluate new

technologies and have a basis for making informed recommendations about

what is useful and reasonable and what is not. This person also must

have the ability to interact productively with the leaders of all of the

university's functions.

·A person who can advance a 'big-picture' perspective on campus that

rises above a silo-like view of things.

·PhD in respected IT domain. Should be able to work well with

competing interests. Should understand both the academic and the

non-academic IT agenda's of the University.