
Band Handbook

South Lyon East High School

52200 W. 10 Mile Road
South Lyon, MI 48178
(248) 573-8700
FAX (248) 486-4009

Matthew K Smith, BandDirector

Laura Hogan, Band and Choir Coordinator

Course Overview
Symphonic Band - Co-Curricular

The Symphonic Band is open to any students who wish to perform. Students in this ensemble will study, rehearse, and perform musical literature encompassing many styles, historical periods, and cultures. Students will receive guided instruction on their instrument and as an ensemble regarding instrument tuning, care and maintenance, basic technique, fundamental music theory, and musical expression. Rehearsals and performances are required and are part of the student’s grade.

Marching Band -Co-Curricular

All members of the Symphonic Band are also members of the marching band. The marching band will perform at all home football games and local parades. In addition, the marching band will perform at the MSBOA Marching Band Festival and various competitions as we strive to become a competitive marching band. Rehearsals and performances are required and are part of the student’sgrade.

Color Guard (option for band and non-band students)

Students outside of the marching band may participate in the color guard program. Students do not have to be enrolled in the band program in order to participate. A letter is offered for two seasons of color guard participation.

Pep Band

All band students will perform pep music at selected home basketball games. A travelling Pep Band to attend a few away football games may be an option depending on student interest.

Jazz Ensemble (extra-curricular)

Members of the Jazz Band study, rehearse, and perform many styles of music that fall loosely into the “jazz” idiom. Auditions for this group will occur the week following marching band season. Any person may audition on instruments typically used in a Jazz Band.

Percussion Ensemble (extra-curricular)

Students with an interest in percussion music may join the percussion ensemble. Auditions and previous percussion experience are not required, but members must attend all rehearsals and performances, practice diligently, and consistently work toward proficiency on every percussion instrument to which they are assigned.

Pit Orchestra – Musical (extra-curricular)

Anyone may be involved in the Spring Musical whether it is on stage, behind the scenes, or below the stage in the orchestra pit. Performing as a member of a pit orchestra is a thrilling, challenging, and unforgettable experience. Necessary instruments vary from show to show, but most shows require a representation of standard band instruments as well as stringed instruments. Pit orchestra auditions will be held before winter break and rehearsals will begin immediately following winter break. After-school availability is required between January and May.

Solo and Ensemble Festival (extra-curricular)

Students have the opportunity to participate in small groups or as soloists in District and State Solo and Ensemble Festival. Students are expected to rehearse on their own time. Music selections should be done on their own as well, but the director can help students find appropriate music if the students address their needs to her. Performances are in front of judges who provide helpful comments, suggestions for improvement, and a rating based on performance. All band members are strongly encouraged to participate in this valuable event.



Attendance is expected at all performances and at all pre-scheduled rehearsals and events (see calendar in back of handbook). Band is Co-Curricular, meaning your grade is dependent on your participation and attendance. Band is your CLASS, and all band activities are part of this class. Extra-curricular activities that conflict with these curricular band events must be worked out in advance. The only acceptable excused absences are personal illness, ACT or other testing, family wedding, funeral, religious activities, family emergency, and academic ineligibility. Please review the calendar for conflicts and please use these dates when preparing your family calendar. Work or job related activities are NOT excused absences.

All absences must go through the band director and music department coordinator. Students must complete a “Band Conflict Form” (in the back of the handbook, and available in the band room) when there is a conflict. A parent signature is required on this form. It will be the student’s responsibility to obtain a form, fill it out, get the appropriate signatures and submit it to the band director. The band director will review the form and will determine if the absence is excused or not. Absences are not to be sent by email to the director or band coordinator unless it is a last minute illness or emergency. Every absence must go through the band director using the conflict form no less than two weeks in advance of the affected date.

For students involved in athletics, drama, and other activities, the following general policy is in effect:

Performance in Band vs. Athletic/drama/other activity or practice: Go to Band

Athletic/drama/other Competition or Performance vs. Band practice: go to Other Event

Conflicts that involve competitions or performances at the same time should be discussed with all coaches and directors involved as soon as the student is aware of the conflict. In most cases, a compromise can easily be reached between the student, the student’s parents, and the coach. Athletic conflicts will be assessed on an individual basis and the student will be notified regarding the need for a make-up assignment or project.

Performances are an integral part of the band program and are factored into the student’s grade. By choosing to participate in band the student has committed to all rehearsals, performances and fundraising activities as listed on the calendar in the back of the handbook. Because there is no substitution for attendance at a performance or dress rehearsal, excused absences must still be made up through the completion of an alternative assignment or project chosen by the director. Unexcused absences may not be made up and will affect the student’s grade.

**Please note: With a few of our concerts being combined with the SLEHS Choir and middle school bands, you will be required to be an audience member for some portion of the concert. Be advised that this is part of your required participation and if you leave the auditorium/building before the conclusion of the concert, it will be considered an unexcused absence and you will not receive points for the performance.

**Every attempt has been made to provide you with an accurate schedule for next year. However, all dates are subject to change and attendance at rehearsals, performances and festivals will be required even in the event of a date change.


Participation in the band will require travel both within and away from the South Lyon Community School District. In consideration for the opportunity to participate in the bandactivity, the student will ride in District-provided transportation, if available. Parents will be asked to sign a “blanket” permission slip which is on the back of the Band Handbook Contract which must be signed and returned by September 9. This permission slip will cover all travel to and from curriculum related performances with the band. Other permission slips will be required for any activities in which we use parent drivers or for an out of state trip.


The student’s grade will have a “participation” component. The following will be considered by the director when determining this part of the grade:

Promptness- Students are to be in their seats with all necessary materials and instruments ready to play two minutes after the bell rings (daily classroom), or 5 minutes BEFORE the posted start time for dress rehearsals and evening rehearsals. This includes having all music and reeds ready, all valves oiled, slides greased, etc. Once rehearsal has started students are not to get up for drinks, bathroom, or anything else, unless permission is given by the director. Students will lose their varsity points for an event at which they receive an unexcused tardy. Tardies will be handled in the same way excused absence requests are made.

Attentiveness- Students are expected to be attentive at all times that class or rehearsal is in session and will be held responsible for all information given from the podium. Students should be aware that distracting other students will result in disciplinary action. It is expected that each student will contribute to rehearsal each day by being attentive and actively engaged in the rehearsal. Rehearsals are considered classroom instruction and should be treated like any other classroom. Outside materials such as homework from other classes, books, and electronic devices should not be out during rehearsal.

Talking- It is impossible for a student to be attentive if he/she is talking or is being distracted by someone who is talking. Talking once class or rehearsal has started is not necessary, unless it is regarding the music being rehearsed or other instructions given to sections. Excessive distractions to the classroom will be handled as described in the SLEHS Student Handbook.

Citizenship- As musicians,your goal should be to acquire the skills necessary to make music independently. It is the nature of a performing ensemble to contain both strong and uncertain musicians. With this in mind, when students are asked to play something in front of others it is extremely important to remain as courteous and encouraging as possible to those around you. Respect your fellow musicians at all times. Citizenship also includes behaving within school policies at all time.

Dental Work – Any work a student has done on their mouth will greatly affect their playing. When determining to have dental work done please contact the director immediately once dental work is first discussed as an option.

Care of Music- You are expected to care for your music and keep it in the folders you are provided. Music is the property of SLEHS and is not to be defaced or written on in ink. Music should never be folded, rolled or placed in an instrument case. Music laying around the floor, in practice rooms, or left on music stands will NOT BE TOLERATED. Improper care of your music will result in points lost in the “participation” component of your grade. Your music is considered your textbook and you must have it every day. If extra copies of music are needed, you may ask the band coordinator to take care of that for you.

Proper Use of Band Lockers – Students will be assigned a locker that is appropriate to the size of their instrument. These lockers are to be used only for band related items, and should be locked AT ALL TIMES. If your locker is found unlocked you may find yourself in the Principal’s office asking him for your instrument! Band lockers are NOT to be used to store books, athletic equipment, food, or coats while not in rehearsal. Instrument cases are to be stored in your locker or under your chairs during rehearsals, NOT on the floor of the hallway outside the band room. All lockers will have a school owned lock and no other lock will be allowed. The locker assigned to the student is not to be shared, traded, or switched. Any student found using a locker that isn’t the one to which they were assigned will lose their locker privileges.

Proper Care of Uniforms- Students are provided with complete marching uniforms as well as concert uniforms (except black shoes and black socks) and are expected to care for these with utmost respect. Proper and appropriate behavior is expected at all times in the uniform room. Students will be responsible for properly hanging up their uniforms after each use. Students will also be polite and respectful to the uniform parent volunteers. Complete uniform guidelines are found in the “UNIFORMS” Section of this handbook and are expected to be followed.

School Policies, Code of Conduct & Performance Behavior –The following school/district policies will be enforced during rehearsals and performances and are also taken into consideration in determining the students “participation” component of their grade.

Tardy Policy –Tardy students will be sent to Student Services who keeps track of tardies. On the third tardy, a student will have a session with our restorative practices facilitator. On the fourth accumulated tardy, the student will receive a two hour Saturday detention. Failure to serve the detention will result in a four hour Saturday detention. On the fifth accumulated tardy, and every tardy thereafter, the student will receive a four hour Saturday detention. Excessive tardies after 10 will result in a suspension. Failure to serve a detention will also result in a suspension.

Discipline Policy

1st Offense: Verbal Warning

2nd Offense: Detention – 30 Minutes, Student Conference, & Call Parent

3rd Offense: Detention – 60 Minutes & Parent-Teacher Conference

4th Offense: Saturday Detention – 120 minutes & Referral to Principal

5th Offense: Meeting with Counselor/Principal to discuss removal from SLEHS Band

Code of Conduct- Whenever students leave school grounds on a performance-related matter, they represent both SLEHS and the community. As such, they must abide by school rules at all times, and are expected to follow both the Codes of Conduct outlined in the student handbook and the guidelines of the Extra-curricular Code of Conduct. Actions that fall short of these expectations will result in the removal of the student.

Performance Behavior- As an audience member, whether on school grounds or elsewhere, all students are expected to carry themselves professionally. Etiquette and expectations will vary depending on location and style of musical performance, and students should adhere to the expected standards. Cell phones and other electronic devices are strictly prohibited while students are on stage or as an audience member. If a student is caught, the director will confiscate the device and a parent will be required to pick it up.


Extra-Curricular Code of Conduct- In January 2002, the following guidelines went into effect from the Board of Education, related to all events after the hours of the school day, including band performances and after-school rehearsals.

• Marking period/Semester GPA of 1.70 and no SEM grades of “E” must be maintained to attend practices/performances.

• Poor choices and behavior out of school may cause the student to lose the chance to perform or go on a performance- related trip.

• Alternative assignments will be given to students without the grades or behavior to represent their school.

• If the following Marking Period GPA meets all requirements, the student may be reinstated upon review by the principal.


A student's grade will be calculated by adding together the following components:
This covers everything from behavior in daily rehearsals, to attendance at required events, to uniform care, to being responsible for your music, materials, instrument, locker, etc. (See “ATTENDANCE POLICIES”, and “CLASSROOM AND REHEARSAL BEHAVIOR AND DISCIPLINE” sections above). The importance of these aspects cannot be overstated, hence the heavy emphasis.
Playing quizzes/tests
Chair tests will be conducted at the beginning of every marking period, and occasionally, there will also be additional playing quizzes throughout the marking period.
Written assignments / other
This includes theory worksheets, writing on demands, and any other written assignment that is given.
Semester Grade Calculation:
Marking Period 1: 30% Marking Period 4: 30%
Marking Period 2: 30% Marking Period 5: 30%
Marking Period 3: 30% Marking Period 6: 30%
Exam: 10% Exam: 10%
Event Make-up Assignments:
If a student should happen to miss a concert, dress rehearsal, football game, or other event for an approved excused absence, they are allowed to make it up.
**Students must make up events missed through alternative assignments when ineligible.



Physical Appearance

Guys- Your hair should be nicely trimmed at the top and faded at the sides. If a guy member has long hair, it must be worn up in the same fashion as a female member, and appear to be short when the shako is worn; no hair should touch the top of your ears or the collar of your jacket or be popping out loose. Also it might be a good idea for those who shave to shave the morning of game day. Nothing is worse than people who look sloppy in uniform.

Girls- Hair must be pinned up, braided (pinned to your head), or put in a bun of some sort so that there is no hair showing outside your shako. A good idea is to put your hair into a tight bun on the top of your head and using gel and hair spray to pick up loose ends and fly-aways.

These requirements are by no means a comment on any member’s personal appearance, but rather to create a look of uniformity throughout the band.