Branch File Maintenance

10.Branch File Maintenance

Information on setting up and using branch profiles is provided on the following pages:

What is a branch profile?

Tracking orders without using branches

Using branches as cost centers

Using branches as booking and executing entities

Using the Branch Maintenance window

Field definitions

Adding a branch record

Opening an existing branch record

Making a branch inactive

Deleting a branch

Recording a branch's holidays

Setting up branches as cost centers

Required TrackBranch settings when using branches to identify cost centers

Specifying the name to be used for Branch fields

Assigning cost centers to users

Associating cost centers with companies and resources

Using cost centers as restrictions in Dispatch

Defaulting branch fields in scroll windows to Unknown


Understanding where branches replace bookingrevenuetypes

Viewing the Branch field in TMWSuite

What is a branch profile?

Typically, a profile defines a single type of entity, such as a driver or company. Users of TMWSuite cannot change the definition of what such profiles represent, or how they are used in the system. However, branch profiles are profoundly different from other profile because they are the only ones that are optional. If you choose to use them, your setup determines what they represent, as well as how they influence your use of the system. At an elementary level, TMW designed them to represent cost centers. Branch-related functionality has been coded to allow you to extend the meaning of what a branch is.

Branch functionality is enabled by means of the TrackBranch General Info Table key. Settings for this key allow you to define branches as either of the following:

  • Cost centers

When branches are defined as cost centers, they are considered to be booking terminals. When an order is created, it is stamped with the terminal (branch) that booked the load. You can use branches in this manner without purchasing any additional modules. This usage of branches is the focus of this chapter.

  • Booking and executing entities

A booking entity can represent a booking terminal. It also can represent a customer service representative who works for a booking terminal.

Note: If customer service representatives will enter orders for the companies they monitor, they will need TMWSuite user profiles.

The word executing refers to a site or person that is responsible for managing the activities of third party carriers, which may includedispatching carriers on trips. An executing entity can represent an executing terminal. It also can represent a carrier service representative who works for an executing terminal.

Note: If carrier service representatives will be assigning the carriers they monitor on trips, they will need TMWSuite user profiles.

To use branches as booking and executing entities, you must purchase one or both of the following:

  • The Enhanced Brokerage module, which includes the Status Based Loads Grid feature. That feature allows company and carrier service representatives to create, track, and dispatch loads.It is alsoused to track commissions for those representatives.
  • The CRM (Company/Carrier Relations Management) Right application, which allows company and carrier service representatives to track customer and carrier calls, appointments, and other activities.

Tracking orders without using branches

By default, the TrackBranch key is not active. If you want, you can use entries in the RevType1 label to identify terminals. The Bk:RevType1 field on the order header is designed to identify the terminal that booked the order. When tracking loads in this manner, typically youwould:

  • Associate users with a RevType1 (terminal) value in their profiles.
  • Set up the system to copy users' RevType1 value to the Bk:RevType1(ord_booked_revtype1) field for orders they create in Order Entry.

Once the order is saved, the Bk: RevType1 field becomes read-only. You cannot reassign an order to a different terminal.

Note: For details on setting up the system to automatically copy a users' RevType1 value to the Bk: RevType1 field when they create orders, see the chapter "Performing Order Entry setup procedures" in the Order Entry guide.

Using RevType1 values is a simple way to track orders booked by specific terminals. However, because a terminal is represented by a label entry, there is no way to track other details about it. When you enable the branch tracking feature, you can use branch profiles to capture much more detail and, if you have purchased Enhanced Brokerage and/or CRM Right, branch profiles become the springboard for additional features.

When theTrackBranchkey is enabled, it has two significant effects on the ord_booked_revtype1 field, wherever it is displayed in all applications:

  • The drop-down for the field no longer displays RevType1 values. Instead, it displays a list of branches.
  • Its name changes to reflect the name specified in String2of theTrackBranch key.

Note: There are some exceptions. In some windows, the field name is Branch, regardless of what is in String2. For more information, see Understanding where branches replace booking revenue types.

Using branches as cost centers

Typically, asset-based companies use the cost center setup. If you have not purchased Enhanced Brokerage or CRM Right, there is no need to differentiate between booking and executing terminals. Terminals are simply considered cost centers. Using branch profiles to represent them enables you to record details about terminals that would not be possible if you used RevType1 entries to represent them.

When you use branches as cost centers, you can identify each cost center's orders, based on user profiles.You assigncost centers(branches) to users in their profiles, just as you would a RevType1 value. When users create orders, those orders are flagged with their cost centers in the Branch field, instead of a RevType1 value in the Bk: RevType1 field.

Branch field on user profile / Branch field on order header

If needed, the cost center associated with an order can be changed.


  1. When the TrackBranch General Info Table setting has a String1 value of Y, the system will:
  • Require orders to have a specified branch before they can be saved.
  • Default the user's branch value as a restriction in windows used to look up orders throughout the system.
  1. If you want only certain users to have the ability to change an order's cost center, you can use field-level security to restrict which users can edit the Branch field.

Using branches as booking and executing entities

TMW's Status Based Loads Grid and CRM Right modulesrequire that you use branches to:

  • Represent your customer service structure as booking terminals and identify the customer service representatives who handle the customers associated with those terminals.
  • Represent your carrier service structure as executing terminals and link the carrier service representatives who handle the carriers associated with those terminals.

The Status Based Loads Grid feature is designed for freight brokers, and is available to clients as part of the Enhanced Brokerage module. It allows you to track trip segments that have been assigned to customer service and carrier representatives, and the commissions your representatives earn.

CRM (Customer/Carrier Relations Management) Right is a calendar-based add-on application that allowscustomerservice representatives and carrier service representatives to create and update customer and carrier profiles, respectively, as well asschedule and log calls and activities, create rate quotes, and book orders. It is purchased separately from Enhanced Brokerage. You can use CRM Right without Enhanced Brokerage, or in combination with it.

For both products, your company's bookingand executing terminal structure is graphically depicted in an organizational tree, as shown here:

Status Based Loads Grid's Branch Tree / CRM Right Org Tree

Note: The focus of this chapter is the use of branches as cost centers. For complete details on setting up branches for the add-on modules, see:

  • The "Setting up the system to use the StatusBasedLoadsgrid" chapter in theStatus Based Loads Grids guide.
  • The Terminal and CSR setup topic in the CRM Right help, or the CRM Right guide, which is the PDF version of the help.

Using the Branch Maintenance window

You record branch profile information in the Branch Maintenance window. To access it, go to Edit > Branch Maintenance, or click Branchin the sheet toolbar.

Field definitions

The top section of the Branch Maintenance window contains the following fields:

Location Id / Unique, user-defined code that identifies the branch record.
  • For a terminal, the ID assigned to the terminal.
  • For a customer or carrier service representative, the person's user ID.
Note: Customer service representatives who will be entering orders for companies must have a TMWSuite user profile. If you want, you can use the ID from the rep's user profile for his/herbranch profile. Likewise, if the branch profile is for a carrier service representative who has a TMWSuite user profile, you can use the same ID for his/her branch.
A maximum of eight alphanumeric characters is allowed.
Location Name /
  • For a terminal, the name assigned to it.
  • For a customer or carrier service representative, the person's name.

Address / Two address lines are provided, each accepts up to 40 characters.
City /
  • For a terminal, the city in which it is located.
  • For a customer or carrier service representative, the city where the person lives.

Zip / Five-digit or nine-digit ZIP Code or postal code.
State / State/province in which the terminal or representative is located. If a city has been entered, the State field automatically displays the associated state/province. If no city has been entered, you can select the state/province from the drop-down list.
Country / This field is display only. The system automatically displays the country for the city/state you entered.
Address 2 / Street address for a secondary branch location. Two address lines are provided, each consisting of up to 40 characters.
City 2 / City/state for the secondary branch location.
Zip 2 / Five- or nine-digit ZIP Code or postal code for the secondary branch location.
Country 2 / This field is display only. The system automatically displays the country for the city/state you entered for the secondary branch location.
Acctg Type / This field applies if you use the Status Based Loads Grid feature. When you select the Acct Payable option,the system displays the Default Tariff and Max fields. You use these additional fields when setting up the Status Based Loads Grid add-on module's commission tracking.
For details, see:
Guide: Status Based Loads Grid | Chapter: Setting up the system to use the Status Based Loads grid | Section: Creating branch profiles for brokerage representatives
Contact / Applies to terminals. Name of the person who is the primary contact at the terminal.
Phone / Area code and phone number.
Fax / Area code and fax number.
Tax ID /
  • For a terminal, the tax identification number.
  • For a customer or carrier service representative, the person's social security number.

Email /
  • For a terminal, the primary contact’s e-mail address.
  • For a customer or carrier service representative, the person's e-mail address.

Currency / Currency used by the terminal or representative. Select the appropriate option from the drop-down list. The options are defined in the Currencies label file, accessed in System Administration.
Note: Entries in this field are informational only.
Web Site / Applies toterminals. The URL address for the company website.
Parent / This field applies when you use branches to identify both:
  • Cost centers as booking and/or executing terminals.
  • Customer service and/or carrier service representatives who work at the cost centers.
Both the Status Based Loads Grid and CRM Right add-on modules use this organization of branches and sub branches.
In the branch profile for a booking or executing representative, your selection in this field identifies the branch that is that entity's supervisor.
Note: Status Based Loads Grid and CRM Right are licensed add-on modules that must be purchased separately from the base TMWSuite system. For more information, contact TMW Sales.
Booking Terminal / This check box is available only when you are set up to use booking and executing terminals. It is selected by default. Leave it selected it if the branch represents either of the following:
  • A booking terminal
  • A customer service representative
Note: To identify the booking terminal for which the customer service representative works, you must select that terminal in the Parent field.
  1. The name used for this check box is controlled by your entries in the TrackBranch setting's String2 field and in the BookingTerminal label's Name field.
  2. By default, a branch can be a Booking terminal or an Executing terminal. When you have the BranchTerminalTypeRestricted=N setting in the [Dispatch] section of your TTS50.ini file, a branch can be flagged as both.

Executing Terminal / This check box is available only when you are set up to use booking and executing terminals. Select it if the branch represents either:
  • An executing terminal
  • A carrier service representative
Note: To identify the booking terminal for which the customer service representative works, you must select that terminal in the Parent field.
  1. The name used for this check box is controlled by your entries in the TrackBranch setting's String3 field and in the ExecutingTerminal label's Name field.
  2. By default, a branch can be a Booking terminal or an Executing terminal. When you have the BranchTerminalTypeRestricted=N setting in the [Dispatch] section of your TTS50.ini file, a branch can be flagged as both.

Protect? / This check box applies only to branches identified as Executing Terminals. It allows you to specify that the branch recorded on an order as the Executing Terminal cannot be changed once the order is saved.

The window contains a number of custom fields. Do not make entries in them unless you are advised to do so by your TMWSuite Support representative.

  • Acctg Prefix
  • Hour/Week

  • Billing Note
  • Hrly Rate

  • Comparison Flag
  • Lead Basis

  • Date Basis
  • NIWO Id

  • DblTime
  • Pay Period Guaranteed Hrs

  • Dly Guaranteed Hrs
  • Pay To

  • Hour/Day
  • Sttlmnt Calc

Five tabs are shown at the bottom of the Branch Maintenance window. These tabs provide a quick way to link a branch with companies and resources. Doing so makes order entry and dispatch easier because you can use scroll windows to look up records associated with a specific branch.

If you are using branches as cost centers, see Associating cost centers with companies and resources.

If you are using branches as booking and executing entities for the Status Based Loads Grid or CRM Right add-on modules, you must associate:

  • Companies with their customer service reps
  • Carriers with their carrier service reps

For details on associating branches with carriers, see:

  • Guide:Status Based Loads Grid | Chapter:Setting up the system to use the Status Based Loads Grid


  • The Terminal and CSR setup topic in the CRM Right help, or the CRM Right guide, which is the PDF version of the help.

Adding a branch record

Branch profiles are created in File Maintenance.

  1. To open the Branch Maintenance window, do one of the following:
  • Click Branch.
  • Select Edit > Branch Maintenance.

A blank Branch Maintenance window opens.

  1. Enter data in all appropriate fields. Leave those fields that do not apply blank.
  2. Click Save. The system copies the unique ID you entered in the Location ID field to the Branch field.

Note: To access this profile in the future, you will need to know this ID.

Opening an existing branch record

To view the profile of a branch already entered into the system, do the following:

  1. Select Edit > Branch Maintenance, or click Branch. A blank Branch Maintenance window is displayed.
  2. In the Branch field, enter the branch ID.
  3. Do one of the following to display the branch profile:
  • Press ENTER.
  • Select File > Open.
  • Click Open.

Making a branch inactive

You cannot delete a branch that has been used on an order. If you have a branch profile that is no longer needed, you can make it inactive.

Warning: The Show Retired Items check box selected in the Set List Box Property window does not override inactive branches. The window is accessed from the Tools menu in all base applications.

Before retiring a branch, you must disassociate it from users and resources that are linked to it.

  • Changing branches linked to resources

Use the tabs in the bottom of the Branch Maintenance window to view lists of companies, tractors, trailers,and drivers that are linked to the branch you want to make inactive.For details on using the tabs, see Associating cost centers with companies and resources.