Village of Hamilton

Board of Trustees

Special Meeting September 25, 2012


Village Library


Present: Mayor Margaret Miller; Trustees: Russell Lura, Sam Cooper, Dominick Pangallo, and Debbie Kliman; Administrator Sean Graham; Attorney Jim Stokes; DPW Foreman Randy Weaver

Public Present: Sally Lura

The meeting was called to order at 8:03a.m.

Approval of Agenda: None

Public Comment: None.

Discussion of Meeting with Birnie Bus: Mayor Miller stated the main purpose of this meeting was to discuss the meeting that she, Administrator Graham, and Trustee Cooper attended last Thursday. They went to the Birnie Bus facility in Rome and had a tour. They then sat down to discuss Birnie Bus’ future plans with Tim Birnie, Paul D’Aiuto, and Peter Sistito.

Birnie Bus is interested in putting a new depot at the Hamilton Airpark. They would like to purchase 12-15 acres. The discussion was broad and included maintaining the Village trucks, supplying parts for Village vehicles, possibly servicing Colgate’s fleet and providing services for the private sector. The Mayor and Trustee Pangallo stated their concern with using all the Airpark property for this venture. The Mayor stated she suggested property on Spring Street to the Birnie Bus reps. DPW Foreman Randy Weaver stated that he does not feel there will not be a savings as far as work force because our employees are so diverse in the abilities. Weaver also does not feel there will be a savings on parts because we will not be purchasing parts in volume. Administrator Graham stated that we may have to pay prevailing wage and the Village procurement policy may be an issue. Trustee Cooper distributed a document labeled, OPTIONS for Consideration, Sale of Airpark for Development by Birnie Transportation, which was discussed. Trustee Lura stated that he sees no value in discussing this any further until we get a better idea of what Birnie Bus is planning. No action was taken.

Environmental Assessment at Airport: Administrator Graham reported that an environmental assessment is due for the Airport. The assessments are usually done every 5-7 years. This assessment is in the budget. The assessment and master plan would be done simultaneously. Administrator Graham is recommending the Trustees authorize Mayor Miller to execute. Resolution (Pangallo/Cooper)

Public Restrooms: Tabled.

Trustee Cooper reported that the analytics from the website show that approximately 2500 people are visiting the website per month.


There being no further business to come before the Board, Trustee Cooper made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Trustee Kliman and carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50am.

Respectfully submitted,

Kim Taranto