Lesson 8 -- Vocabulary in Context
With you stand our Army families – the wives, husbands, sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, and other loved ones – who display an equally tremendous commitment. Their unconditional love and their steadfast loyalty to our soldiers are invaluable in every aspect of what our Army does - their devotion and support represent all that we fight for and all that we cherish.
I N V A L U A B L E :
Kipp is a former ski racer, an avid fan and a strong supporter of the Sun Valley Ski Education Foundation and the Hailey Ski Team. Wendy came later to the sport, but her passion and knowledge about amateur and professional athletics has been with her throughout her life. Both bring a strong business background to the Board which will be invaluable for our fundraising efforts."
Yesterday morning the nativity scene, which cost $500 to construct, was returned to its pride of place next to the shop's second most sacred object: the chip machine. Regular customer Noreen Dillon, 65, said it was good to see sanity prevail. "I think sometimes people are afraid of upsetting minority groups, who in reality don't care about the nativity scenes anyway," the Wahroonga resident said. "I have Muslim neighbours and they wish me a happy Christmas so what's the big deal?"
P R E V A I L:
To accomplish this, a trial would be necessary. While my lawyers agree that I would prevail in court, another year or two of my life would be lost. This cost is too high. The outpouring of world-wide support on my behalf and the many uplifting and heartwarming letters are my satisfaction.
The interactive fantasy game lets players pick a virtual identity - such as a warrior, wizard or cleric - to send on a series of constantly evolving adventures. The game encourages players to team with one another as they vanquish monsters, collect treasures and amass enough points to get to the next level.
V A N Q U I S H:
Clad in robes that resemble a cross between traditional Japanese Shinto regalia and what a nurse might wear, she carries a holy staff that she uses to cast powerful healing and damage spells. Her "Turn Undead" spell is the only way to truly vanquish evil spirits in the world of Shining Tears, so she makes an invaluable companion before you figure in her formidable healing spells.
Great mysteries do still exist in science and unproven theories addressing them abound but evolution is not among them. In a practical and provable way, evolution is part of our lives—from the plants and animals we eat to the beautifully adapted life covering our planet.
A B O U N D:
The weekend will include a variety of live entertainment on six stages Friday night and Saturday. Food, parades, arts and crafts and talent shows will abound. An expanded Kids Zone will offer an array of free children's activities Saturday, including a petting zoo, balloons, a hula hoop contest and mural painting.
They form their MoonPie-shaped sumo bodies by swilling prodigious portions, along with rice, beer, and an occasional side dish of omelets, shrimp dumplings, and fried chicken. Then they take a long nap.
P R O D I G I O U S:
As you've probably heard, the folks at "Sesame Street" have decided that Cookie Monster, that lovable blue glutton who never met a chocolate chip he didn't like, will now advocate healthier eating habits. Instead of scarfing down cookies at such a prodigious rate that you sometimes had to avert your eyes, Cookie Monster will now try to come to terms with the fact that a cookie is a "sometimes" food, not something you swallow a plateful at a time.
The amounts being found are infinitesimal - in parts per billion or trillion. A part per billion can be thought of as one grain of salt in a swimming pool, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said.
I N F I N I T E S I M A L:
Each of these items is infinitesimal in the scope of the federal budget, but all told the items in the "Pig Book" total $27.3 billion. Even that is only a tiny fraction of the budget, but in a time of runaway budget deficits, surely at least enough fiscal discipline can be mustered to trim the pork.
“The fair will be an annual fund-raiser to augment the state and federal money we get so we don't have to keep begging and challenging the community," Breed said. She added that she has been told the fair could generate as much as $100,000 in income a year once it's established.
A U G M E N T:
David Gorder, associate producer of the upcoming "Fantastic Four" film has confirmed to Hollywood North Report that they have now wrapped additional photography in Vancouver with the entire cast. "We shot some excellent new scenes which will augment the story and add some great and classic character moments the fans will really enjoy.
"It’s very convenient because it tells you everything in ten minutes," says Bart who has wide experience as an actor-director. The play’s brevity is both an attraction and a challenge. The shortness of the material brings many advantages, says Bart. One is the short rehearsal period.
B R E V I T Y:
There's very little dialogue (less than 1,000 words in all), and not a single Hollywood heavyhitter in the voice cast. At 69 minutes, the film is exactly the right length; there's something to be said for well-structured brevity--Pinocchio runs less than 90 minutes, Dumbo just 64.
Recent large rises in public spending and taxation have not delivered commensurate improvements in public services.”
C O M M E N S U R A T E:
Assistant or Associate Professor of Dance -- Texas Woman’s University
Description: Tenure-track position in the Department of Dance, full-time, 9-months. Salary commensurate with experience. Starting Date: August, 2005
The new lanes are being added as safety precautions to help diminish the number of broadside crashes at Old Mission and Deerfield roads, Miller said. “We wanted to look real hard at all the safety factors before we started on the bridge,” he said. “I think it’s going to be a good fix.”
D I M I N I S H:
Danny Steffl, the father of two children who would have attended Callaway if it remained open, said closing the school is unnecessary. "We just feel as though they're not taking our view into consideration," he said.
District officials say a budget deficit is forcing them to cut $1 million in expenditures next year. Wimmer told Callaway parents that closing the school won'tdiminish the quality of education children receive. “Let’s face it: it wasn’t that good to begin with. Time for those kids to go get a job, anyway.”