Participating organizations
Members of the Global Partnership on Children with Disabilities
- Able Child Africa
- Accessibility Organization for Afghan Disabled AOAD
- ADD International
- Afghan Amputee Bicyclists for Rehabilitation And Recreation (AABRAR)
- Afghan Disables & Vulnerable Society (ADVS)
- AIDS Finland
- All Sanghar Handicaps’ Association (ASHA)
- Al-Rehman Medical Welfare Society
- American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD)
- American Red Cross
- Arab Organization of Disabled People (AODP)
- Association for Aid & Relief, Japan
- Association for Autism
- AssociazioneItaliana Amici di Raoul Follereau (AIFO)
- Audiology Centre, Pakistan
- AusAid
- Australian Disability and Development Consortium
- Autism Society
- Axios
- Ban Landmines Campaign Nepal (NCBL)
- Beit Issie Shapiro
- Best Buddies International
- Better Care Network
- Bezev
- Bhutan Foundation, U.S. Special Education Advisory Committee
- BPS Statistics Indonesia
- Brigham and Women's Hospital
- Challenge Your Disability Initiative,Bauchi Nigeria
- CAF (Care of Afghan Families
- Catholic Health Association of India
- CBM-Nossal Institute Partnership for Disability Inclusive Development
- Centar "Zivetiuspravno" (Living upright) Serbia
- Center on Disability Studies at the University of Hawaii
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities)
- Children with Disabilities Australia
- Child-to-Child Trust
- CIAI-India
- College of Art & Sciences, DC And Rajshahi University, Bangladesh
- Commonwealth Secretariat
- Community Rehabilitation for Children with Disabilities
- Cooke Center for Learning and Development
- COPE (Cooperative Orthotic Prosthetic Enterprise)
- Council for Exceptional Children
- Curriculum Development
- Deaf Aid
- Department of State, Haiti
- Developmental Disabilities Institute Wayne State University Detroit, MI USA
- Disabilities Wales-Africa
- Disability ACT, Australia
- Disability Action Council
- Disability and Development Partners (DDP)
- Disability Rights Fund (DRF)
- Disability Rights Int.
- Disability Support Pensioners Australia Inc., Australia
- Disabled People Organization, Denmark
- Disabled People’s People International Asia Pacific (DPIAP)
- Disabled People's International (DPI)
- Dominic Foundation
- Dutch Coalition on Disability and Development (DCDD)
- East Link
- Eastern Disability Network (EDIN)
- Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
- ED101
- Education for All - Fast Track Initiative Secretariat
- Elcena Jeffers Foundation
- Enabling Childhoods (Disability Rights, Education and Early Childhood)
- Equip KIDS International
- Escola de Gente, Brazil
- Essilor International
- EU Fundamental Rights Agency
- European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
- EveryChild Coalition for Children without Parental Care
- First Step Georgia
- Florida Atlantic University
- Francis-Young International/Consultants in School Improvement (FYI-CSI)
- Gallaudet University
- Gandhigram Rural Institute - Deemed University's Centre for Disability and Development
- German Permanent Mission to the UN
- Global Autism Public Health Initiative - Bangladesh
- Global Deaf Connection, University of Minnesota
- Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children
- Global Partnership for Education (GPE)
- Global Partnerships in the Epidemiology of Developmental Disabilities
- GlobalPartnersUnited
- Government of Afghanistan
- Government of South Africa
- Handicap International
- Hands of Africa Foundation
- Harvard Law School Project on Disability
- Human First
- Human Rights Watch
- ICEVI International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment/ WBU
- International Disability Alliance (IDA)
- International Disability and Development Consortium (IDDC)
- Inclusion International
- Integrated Youth Volunteer Foundation (IYVF), Cameroon
- Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies
- InterAid Uganda
- International Association of Special Education (IASE)
- International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment
- International Federation for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus
- International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Associations
- International Relations at the Spanish National Organization of the Blind (ONCE)
- International Research and Development Actions (IRDAC)
- Iraqi Down Syndrome Association
- Joint National Association of PWD, Nigeria
- Jos University Teaching Hospital, Community Medicine Department
- Kenya Association for the Welfare of People with Epilepsy
- Keystone Institute / Keystone Human Services
- Kynnys: The Threshold Association
- Lagos Cheshire Home
- Leonard Cheshire Disability
- Leonard Cheshire Disability and Inclusive Development Centre (LCDIDC)
- Lillehammer University College, Faculty of Education and Social Work, Norway
- LEPRA India
- Light for the World
- Light for the World Confederation
- LilianeFonds
- Lumos
- Lurie Institute for Disability Policy
- Malawi National Association of Deaf
- Ministry for Foreign Affairs Finland
- Ministry for Social Affairs and Health Finland
- Ministry of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion, Norway
- Ministry of Disability and Elderly Affairs, Malawi
- Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Azerbaijan
- Ministry of Women, Children and People with Disabilities, South Africa
- Miracle Feet, USA
- Mobility International USA
- National Advisory Committee on Autism
- National Anti- Poverty Commission (NAPC)Indigenous People Sectorial Council
- National Association for Parents of Children with Visual Impairments
- New York City Department of Education
- Norfolk Coalition of Disabled People (NCODP)
- Norwegian Association for Persons with Developmental Disabilities
- Norwegian Association of Disabled(NAD)
- Norwich Medical School, University of East Anglia, UK
- Nyanji Basic School
- Obra Social da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro
- Office of the Vice President, The Republic of Indonesia
- One Billion Strong
- Open Society Foundation
- Orthopedic Training Center
- OVCI la Nostra Famiglia
- Pan-American Health Organization/World Health Organization
- Parents Int.
- Partners for Youth with Disabilities, Inc. (PYD)
- Partnership for Early Childhood Development & Disability Rights (PECDDR)
- Partnership for Every Child
- People to People (P2P)
- Perkins International
- Permanent Mission of Finland
- PHOS (Platform for Disability and Development Cooperation)
- Pineda Foundation for Youth
- Plan International
- PNG Department of Education
- PNPM Support Facility (PSF) – World Bank
- Power International (Laos)
- Queen's University International Centre for the Advancement of Community Based Rehabilitation
- Rain Barrel Communications
- Reach Out & Care Wheels Inc. (ROC Wheels)
- Regional Society of Disabled People PERSPEKTIVA
- Rehab Group
- Rehabilitation Center "Ivan"
- Rehabilitation Center for Children with Disabilities
- Rehabilitation Centre For Orphans & Disabled
- Rehabilitation International
- Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Family & Social Policies
- Results UK
- Rianne Institute on Physiotherapy and Disability Study n Cameroon
- RIOInclui- Rio de Janeiro’s Social Work (OSCRJ)
- Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIBP)
- Russian Disability NGO Perpectiva
- Saint Boniface Haiti Foundation
- Save the Children
- School of Sciences and Physical Education College of Education University of Canterbury Christchurch
- Secretariat of the African Decade of Persons with Disabilities
- Surviving Gun Violence (SGV)
- Sightsavers
- Solidarity Human Rights Inclusion Accessibility , Sweden (Shia)
- Special Olympics International
- Special Talent Exchange Program (STEP)
- St Mary’s School, India
- StichtingLilianeFonds
- Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)
- Sydney University, Australia
- Syracuse University, USA
- The Accessibility Organization for Afghan Disabled, AOAD
- The Atlas Alliance
- The Consultative Group on Early Childhood Care and Development
- The Global Alliance on Accessible Technologies and Environments (GAATES)
- The Leprosy Mission International
- The Lurie Institute for Disability Policy and the Starr Center for Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities. School at Brandeis University
- The RISDE Institute
- The Samakal, National Daily Newspaper
- The Signo Foundation
- U.S. Fund for UNICEF
- Uhambo
- UK Disabled Peoples Council Int. Committee
- UN DPKO/ UN Mine Action service
- Union of Disabled People Organizations
- United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean. (ECLAC)
- Universidad del Norte, Columbia
- University College London
- University of Abéché ,Chad
- University of Birmingham
- University of British Columbia, Human Early Learning Partnership (HELP)
- University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
- University of North Carolina at Greensboro in the Department of Specialized Education Services
- University of Sydney, Centre for Disability Research & Policy
- US Department of State
- Victor Pineda Foundation
- Walkabout Foundation Team
- Wheelchairs of Hope
- Women's Refugee Commission
- World Bank
- World Bank Global Partnership on Disability and Development (GPDD)
- World Federation of the Deaf
- World Federation of the Deaf Youth Section
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- World of Inclusion
- World Vision International
- World Wide Hearing Foundation International
- YAI Network
- York University, School of Health