Name of Branch Campus
Street Address
City, State, ZipTelephone Number
Name of Main Campus
Street Address
City, State, Zip
Telephone Number
Name of ACICS Staff Representative
Date of Visit
- Who is the on-site chief administrative officer of the branch? Describe the individual’s academic credentials and professional experience.
- Describe how appropriate provisions have been made for supervision and monitoring of the branch by the administration of the parent institution.
- List all other branch campuses of the institution. (List ACICS ID Codes and the location.)
- Cite evidence that the branch is authorized to operate by the state.
- Cite evidence that the branch employs appropriately experienced administrative staff members to support the initial class start. (List the number and type of individuals currently employed as well as plans for future positions.)
- What is the total enrollment figure for the branchfor the date of the visit? List total enrollment, total day enrollment, full- and part-time day enrollment, total evening enrollment, and full- and part-time evening enrollment.
- Cite evidence that appropriate personnel records, including official transcripts where necessary, are on file for all administrative staff and faculty.
- Describe the advertising and recruitment practices used to attract students to the branch.
- List all programs that the branch is approved to offer and indicate those that have enrollment. For any program that does not have enrollment indicate the academic term in which the institution expects to commence classes.
- Cite evidence that the branch employs a sufficient number of faculty members for the number of courses offered and the size of the student population. (List the number of faculty currently employed and the number of courses currently offered as well as any plans the institution may have to acquire faculty in the future.)
- Describe the instructional resources (i.e. library materials) available to students and faculty at the branch.
- List the instructional equipment available for faculty and student usage at the branch. If there is a discrepancy between the equipment available on-site and the equipment listed on the Inventory of Equipment form submitted with Part I of the Branch Campus Application, explain.
- Describe the physical facility. (Include plans for future expansion if applicable.) Does the facility appear to be adequate and appropriate to support the educational programs offered and the current student enrollment at the branch?
- Cite evidence that shows that the physical facility is in compliance with local fire, safety, and health codes. (certificate of occupancy, fire inspection, etc.)
- Describe the catalog which is used at the branch and how it reflects the operations and services of the branch.
- Describe any additional observations about this branch that would be informative.
The institution is not in compliance with the Accreditation Criteria in the following areas:
Citation # (in bold)Summary Statement (followed by report page number)
Revised September 2009