

August 20, 2009

1:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Central DJJ Office


Lorr Elias, Co-Chair / Cheryl Dresser, Co-Chair
Cindy Tate / Dana McCrary
Dee Bell / Raelene Noles
Elaine DeCostanzo / Carmen Coates
Laura Lucas / Laura Ryan
Kelly Waterman / Yomi Makanjuola
Dawne Morgan / Linda Henderson


o  Review & Discussion – LIPT Debriefing of Trainers (handout)

o  Schedule of RIAT’s and debriefings in July (handout)

o  Review of each region’s RIAT (handouts – summary of responses; agency representation)

o  RIAT Finding – summary report (handout)

o  Review – LIPT and RIAT descriptions (handouts)

o  Technical Assistance/Training of LIPTs

o  Regional mandated agency participation in next RIAT

o  Children’s Cabinet

o  Data Collection

o  RIAT report outs and reports

o  Video/Brochure/Website


The Co-Chair, Lorr Elias welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked everyone for coming and introductions were done.


Ø  There is a need to revise the Regional Interagency Action Team (RIAT) and the Local Interagency Planning Team (LIPT) descriptions to incorporate recent changes, such as committee roles, updating to reflect new agency name, etc.

Ø  The team will develop a generic agenda for future RIAT meetings.

Ø  Lorr Elias and Raelene Noles will establish the RIAT schedule for the October meetings. This information will be forwarded to all team members and posted on the KidsNet website.

Ø  The team needs to ensure that support is given by state level leadership for the mandated agencies participation at the LIPTs.

Ø  LIPT trainings will be a subject of discussion at the October RIATs.

Ø  There is a need for training and guidance on crisis and safety plans. It is imperative that we obtain input from the family on these. It is extremely important that we have a “transition plan” in place for the family.

Ø  We need to define what data needs to be collected, as well as, develop a way that the data collection and analysis will be supported and sustained after the grant is gone. Kelly Waterman said that Douglas County has a data spreadsheet that he would send to Lorr Elias for review.

Ø  Synthesis will be used to collect data from Care Management Entity (CME), Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities (PRTF), and Community-based Alternatives for Youth-Child & Adolescent federally funded grant project (CBAY) and hopefully integrate the data needed for the RIATs and the LIPTs. Linda Henderson will set up a Web-Ex Demo on Synthesis on September 10, 2009 from 10:30 am – 12:30 pm. Jen, Sue, Rick, Lorr, Cindy, and Jason want to be included in this demo.

Ø  Discussion centered on the “whom” relative to data entry and analysis. DBHDD is considering hiring a “Data Person”.

Ø  There is a need to see what type of technical assistance and training is needed. We need to consider the following:

·  What reports do we want from the RIAT?

·  What are the service gaps and needs?

·  What are the successes?

Ø  Each region needs to identify their individual technical assistance needs. While doing this we need to make sure we get input from the family members.

Ø  A suggestion was made about having Peer to Peer calls throughout the state and starting these in November.


Ø  The results of the RIAT meetings were reviewed. Though Program Specialist will need to send out the summary reports, along with their minutes, to their RIAT attendees.

Ø  There is a need for future RIAT meetings, so the Program Specialists will need to obtain meeting places again for the month of October and get with their co-facilitators to plan the next meeting.

Ø  Lorr Elias and Raelene Noles will finalize the schedule and de-briefing calls will also be scheduled. The CASIG staff will need to obtain a conference line.

Ø  The RIAT standard meeting agenda items, based on the feedback, will be: Agency updates (from Regional partners) Success stories Service gaps/data Identification of peer supports (LIPT chairs who are willing to be listed a resource for other LIPT’s) Scheduling of the next RIAT meeting. Other than those agenda items, the time is open for the groups to discuss whatever they wish. Results-based facilitation is optional depending on you and your co-facilitator.

Ø  A plan to formally engage our state level agencies (DFCS, DJJ, Public Health, Education, Voc Rehab….) will be developed. An update will be provided to all as soon as possible.

Ø  There will be no meeting room or refreshment money for the RIAT meetings. The hope is that each RIAT will invest in the process and take ownership.

Ø  Support from state office and KidsNet is still available for the RIATs so we will send assistance as we did last time.


Ø  Please poll your LIPTs and get feedback on their desire for another round of LIPT training. A suggestion was made that Region One would be scheduled for September, Region Two for October, Region Three for November, Region Four for December and Region Five for January. This cycle would repeat again beginning in February 2010. We need to know how many participants would come and if they really want that training. There would be no assistance from the Carl Vinson Institute on this training as there is no funding so participants would have to copy their own materials off the KidsNet website. If there is a demand, the state office will send out letters as they did before.


All summaries and LIPT meeting schedules should be sent to Kat Mahoney at DBHDD, so they can be posted on KidsNet Georgia website. All team members are encouraged to review the KidsNet Website.


12:00 PM TO 3:00 PM