
Mr. Cerelli-World Cultures

Notes Review

Judaism, Christianity, Byzantine Empire


  1. The Hebrew people originated in

Fertile Crescent (near Ur)

  1. During the famine, the Hebrew people migrated to


  1. Why is Moses such an important figure in Judaism?

He led the Jews out of slavery in Egypt and brought them to Mt. Sinai for 40 years.

  1. What is the Torah?

The Holy book of the Jewish faith

  1. Describe the story of Adam and Eve

The first people, disobeyed God and ate from the tree of knowledge. They stayed in the Garden of Eden until they ate from the tree and were kicked out.

  1. What happened to the Hebrews when they were in Egypt? How did God react to this?

They were enslaved. God sent the 10 plagues onto the Egyptians

  1. What did God give to Moses on Mount Sinai?

The 10 Commandments

  1. Judaism is a monotheistic religion. What does that mean?

The Hebrews worship ONE GOD

  1. What was the Diaspora?

The of the Jews from their homeland.


  1. Who do Christians believe to be the Messiah?


  1. What are parables and why are they important to Christianity?

Short stories with simple moral lessons. Jesus used parables to teach his followers.

  1. What is the importance of Easter to the Christian faith?

Easter celebrates the RESURRECTION of Jesus.

  1. How did the Apostles affect Christianity?

They helped to spread the word of Jesus, which helped the Religion to grow.

  1. What is a Martyr?

People who suffer and die for their beliefs (ie: Jesus)

  1. In your own words, describe the Seven Sacraments

7 milestones that Christians achieve (ie: Baptism, Communion, Confirmation) “Rites of Passage”

  1. Why is 330 A.D. an important year in our studies of religion?

In 330 A.D. the Roman Empire SPLITS! West = Western Roman Empire….East= Byzantine Empire

Byzantine Empire:

  1. In 330 A.D. the city of Byzantium was re-named_Constantinople_, by __Emperor Constantine.
  1. Why was Constantinople called the “Vital Center of the Empire”?

It was near the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea which made it a very popular city for trading. Many countries traded there (ie: Spices from Asia, furs from the Vikings etc…)

  1. What does Hagia Sophia mean?


Hagia Sophia IS an arching dome church

  1. What is the “Hellenistic World”

The blending of Egyptian, Greek, Persian, and Indian culture is referred to as the “Hellenistic World”

  1. In your own words, explain The Great Schism

Byzantine Empire BROKE AWAY from the Roman Catholic Church, and formed the Eastern Orthodox Church.

Eastern Orthodox Church declares that POPE NO LONGER HAS AUTHORITY over them.

  1. Who is Martin Luther?

Wrote the 95 Theses and nailed them to a Church door.

Martin Luther did not believe in the authority of the Pope, he felt that people should read the Bible and interpret it on their own. Use their own conscience

This started the Protestant movement (ie: Presbyterian, Lutheran, Baptist)