CE 532


Prestressed Concrete


(3 - 0:3)

Description: Basic principles, short- and long-term properties of constituent materials, partial prestressing. Flexural behavior, analysis and design of prestressed concrete beams, classes, cracking, pretensioning, post-tensioning, service load design, load balancing, strength design, strain limits, flexural efficiency. Bond, transfer and development lengths, anchorage zone design. Shear and diagonal tension. Evaluation of immediate and long-term losses. Composite construction and design, shear-friction theory. Deflection calculation using approximate single time step approach.

Pre-requisite: CE 432 Reinforced Concrete 1

Student Assessment and Grading: Assignments (10%), 2 Exams @ 25% each (50%), Final Exam (40%)

Learning outcomes, delivery and assessment methods- Cross Reference Table:

Student Learning Outcome
/ Method of Delivery / Assessment Methods / Program Objectives / ABET 2000 Criterion 3
1.  Undestand basic concepts; eqivalent loads, stressing methods, Prestressing force, losses, material properties. / Examples and problems. / Assignments and exams. / 1,2, 3 / a,b,e
2.  Determine flexural stresses in pretressed concrete beams at different stages of construction and loadings. / Examples and problems. / Assignments and exams. / 1,2, 3 / a,b,e
3.  Calculating cracking load and flexural strength using different approaches. / Examples and problems. / Assignments and exams. / 1,2, 3 / a,b,e
4.  Design various shaped-sections for flexural moment using stress basis, load balancing and strength methods. Design anckarage zone. / Examples and problems / Assignments and exams / 1,2, 3,4,5 / a, b,c,d,e,g
5.  Design of web reinforcement for shear. / Examples and problems / Assignments and exams / 1,2, 3,4,5 / a, b,c,d,e,g
6.  Compute/estimate short term and long term prestressing losses. / Examples and problems / Assignments and exams / 2, 3 / a,b,e
7.  Analysis and design of composite cast in place slabs with precast prestressed girders. / Examples and problems / Assignments and exams / 1,2, 3,4,5 / a, b,c,d,e,g
8.  Compute deflections and camber in prestressed concrete beams. / Examples and problems / Assignments and exams / 1,2, 3, 4, / a, b,c, e
9.  Analyze and design of prestressed continuous beams. / Examples and problems / Assignments and exams / 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 / a,b,c,d, e, f,g

CE 532


Prestressed Concrete

/ CE 532 Prestressed Concrete / (3 – 0 – 3) – 3 credits
Basic principles, short- and long-term properties of constituent materials, partial prestressing. Flexural behavior, analysis and design of prestressed concrete beams, classes, cracking, pretensioning, post-tensioning, service load design, load balancing, strength design, strain limits, flexural efficiency. Bond, transfer and development lengths, anchorage zone design. Shear and diagonal tension. Evaluation of immediate and long-term losses. Composite construction and design, shear-friction theory. Deflection calculation using approximate single time step approach.
/ Nilson, Arthur, H., Design of Prestressed Concrete, John Wiley and Sons.
/ 1-  Nawy, E. G., Prestressed Concrete A Fundamental Approach, Prentice Hall.
2-  PCI Design Handbook, Prestressed/Precast Concrete Institute
3-  Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318M-02) and Commentary (ACI RM-02).
/ Mohammad Smadi
/ 1. To develop firm basic understanding of the fundamental principles of prestressed concrete behavior, and prestressing capabilities.
2. To be fully aware of the differences in the material properties and
structural behavior of prestressed verses reinforced concrete elements.
3. To be able to handle with confidence complete design of prestressed concrete elements using various approaches.
4.  To apply fundamental concepts of analysis and design of prestressed concrete structures.
Learning Outcomes
/ After completing this course, the students will be able to:
1.  Undestand the basic concepts of prestressing procedures and materials, and the differences with reinforced concrete.
2.  Determine flexural stresses in pretressed concrete beams at different stages of construction and loadings as well as cracking load and flexural strength.
3. Analyze and design various shaped-sections of prestressed concrete beams for flexure and shesr, and design the end zone.
4. Compute/estimate short term and long term prestressing losses.
5. Analyze and design composite cast-in-place slabs (decks) with precast prestressed girders.
6. Compute deflections and camber in prestressed concrete beams.
7. Analyze and design prestressed continuous beams.
Pre-Requisites by Topic
/ 1.  Stress strain relations
/ 2.  Analysis of determinate and indeterminate structures
/ 3.  Properties of Concrete and Steel
/ 4. Design of reinforced concrete beams for flexure and shear
/ 1. Principles and methods of prestressing / 05 Lectures (50 min each)
/ 2. Prestressing materials: steel and concrete / 03 Lectures
/ 3. Stresses, cracking and strength computations / 10 Lectures
/ 4. Flexure: working stress analysis and design / 07 Lectures
/ 5. Flexure: ultimate strength analysis and design / 03 Lectures
/ 6. Design for shear / 04 Lectures
/ 7. Estimation of losses / 02 Lectures
/ 8.Analysis and design of composite beams / 03 Lectures
/ 9. Deflection computation and control / 03 Lectures
/ 10. Analysis and design of continuous beams / 06 Lectures
/ 11. Exams /
02 Lectures
Computer Usage
/ STTAD Pro, PROKON, Self programming.
Method of Assessment [Assignments, Quizzes, Exams, etc.]: / Assignments and Quizzes = 10%, Two Exams = 50%, Final Exam = 40%
Estimated Content
Engineering Science
/ 0.5 Credit
Engineering Design
/ 2.5 Credit

Prepared by


Mohammad Smadi


Date : Tuesday, February 27, 2007