Stakeholder Meeting Preparation Worksheet

Establishing clear goals and strategic planning before meeting with stakeholders can ensure that the opportunity to meet is used effectively. This guide can be used to help you prepare for an upcoming meeting. A template for an agenda is also included.

Getting Started: Clearly identify your goal(s) for the meeting

  Marketing and promotion; Create interest and buy-in

o  Identify community problem the model can address; demonstrate how the program benefits stakeholders and meets their goals

o  Provide model information

o  Share outcomes - youth and family outcomes, case studies, economic impact

  Address low buy-in

o  Gather information about stakeholders’ concerns and desired outcomes

o  Develop interventions to address the concerns

  Collaborate or problem-solve around a specific issue

The issue: ______

  Discuss funding-related issues

  Other: ______

Determine who should participate, both internally & externally.

  Agency administrators ______

  Program manager______

  Clinical supervisor ______

  Financial officer ______

  Model expert/consultant ______

  JPO Stakeholders______

  CYS Stakeholders______

  School stakeholders______

  Youth/Family Ambassador ______


Now that you have a clear goal in mind, and who should participate, identify what materials/resources are needed.

Use the checklist on the next page to indicate which materials should be prepared and who is responsible.

·  Handouts should be short, to the point, and tailored to the audience.

·  Use data wherever possible; don’t limit your evidence to anecdotal information.

·  Use stories where appropriate to generate an emotional response and create memorable examples.

/ Resource / Notes/Details / Responsible Person
Model information
Target population & information about how to refer cases
o  System specific or general
o  Descriptive data (youth served, referral sources, demographics)
o  Outcomes – immediate and/or long-term
o  Program fidelity
Cost-benefit to the community
Testimonies from clients or referral sources
Local needs data. What need(s) will you highlight? / The need:
Data source(s):
Financial information
Data illustrating an identified challenge (e.g., slow processing by the CAO, high rate of administrative disharges) / The challenge:
Data source:
An agenda (send to participants in advance)

After the meeting

  Send a thank you email to participants. If appropriate, outline next steps and a plan for follow-up.


Date of meeting or presentation:



I.  Introductions

II.  Review the purpose of meeting

Provider’s goal(s)

Identify any additional objectives that participants have - Is the objective appropriate for this meeting or does it warrant separate follow-up?

III.  Get stakeholder input – Collaboration means listening as much as talking, and striving to understand your stakeholders’ needs and experiences

o  What is each stakeholder’s perspective on the program? For example: What is working well? Is there anything they are unhappy with? Does this program meet their goals? What is happening in “their world” right now?

o  Listen also to what is not being said.

IV.  Presentation of Information (or Discussion of Possible Solutions)

Presenter / Information/Topic / Materials Needed

V.  Wrap-Up – identify action steps and who is responsible for each

Action Step / Rationale/Goal / Responsible Person / Target Date for Completion