Fundamentals of Nursing Crosswalk with NCLEX-PN 2011 Test Plan

NCLEX-PN 2011 Test Plan / Fundamentals of Nursing (160 hours)
All content categories and subcategories reflect client needs across the life span in a variety of settings. Related content includes, but is not limited the categories as listed.
NOTE: The NCLEX-PN 2011 Test Plan contains very specific descriptions for each category below. The specific descriptions were compared to module objectives. / 1 – Skills for Wound Care;
2 – Respiratory Care Skills;
3 – Digestive Care Skills (Upper);
4 – Digestive Care Skills (Lower/Bowel Elimination);
5 – Basic Nutrition;
6 – Urinary Care Skills;
7 – Skills for Applying Heat and Cold;
8 – Mobility;
9 – Plan of Care;
10 – Skills for Admitting, Transferring and Discharging Patients;
11 – Documentation Skills;
12 – Assessment Skills;
13 – Therapeutic Procedures and Surgery;
14 – Skills for Care of the Dying Patient;
15 – Skills for Patients Experiencing Grief and Loss;
16 – Skills for Managing Pain;
17 – Skills for Geriatric Care;
18 – Phlebotomy Skills
NOTE: This crosswalk will provide letter of first name of the course, module number and objective number from that module, ex: F1.3 would denote Fundamentals, Module 1, Objective 3
**Objectives F12.8; F5.1; F4.10 are included in this document, however these will be reworded when curriculum is updated
Safe and Effective Care Environment
The LPN/VN provides nursing care that contributes to the enhancement of the health care delivery setting and protects clients and health care personnel.
Coordinated Care
The LPN/VN collaborates with health care team members to facilitate effective client care.
Advance Directives / Advance Directives
·  Provide information about advance directives* / F14.6 Assist in resolution of end-of-life issues.
·  Review client understanding of advance directives (e.g., living will, health care proxy, Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care [DPAHC]) / F14.11 Discuss legal/ethic issues related to death, euthanasia, DNR
orders, organ donation, dying person’s bill or rights, living will,
and durable power of attorney.
·  Verify the client advance directives status / F14.2 Identify end-of-life needs.
Advocacy / Advocacy
·  Advocate for client rights or needs* / F9.6 Include patient in decisions on priorities of care.
·  Discuss identified treatment options with client and respect the decisions made
·  Promote client self-advocacy* / F9.11 Collaborate with patient regarding self-care needs.
·  Use interpreters to assist in achieving client understanding / F12.11.c. Identify individual consideration related to assessment of
the following: Language barriers
Client Care Assignment / Client Care Assignment
·  Assign client care and/or related tasks (e.g., assistive personnel or LPN/VN)*
·  Compare needs of client to knowledge, skills and abilities of assistive personnel prior to making client care assignments
·  Organize information for client assignments
·  Provide information to supervisor when client care assignments need to be changed (e.g., change in client status) / F9.13 Discuss the implementation of the plan of care.
F9.17 Discuss the process of notification of staff regarding
changes in patient condition.
Client Rights / Client Rights
·  Inform client of individual rights (e.g., confidentiality, informed consent) / F13.1 Explain routine preoperative preparation required by patients.
F13.2 Assess patient’s preparation status for a diagnostic test,
procedure or surgery.
F13.19 Demonstrate the ability to prepare a patient for procedure or
F13.20 Demonstrate the ability to complete a pre-operative checklist
·  Involve client in care decision making* / F9.1 List steps related to decision-making process.
F9.6 Include patient in decisions on priorities of care.
·  Intervene if client rights are violated
·  Recognize client right to refuse treatment/procedure / F9.15f Revise and contribute to a plan of care that includes:
f. Refusal to follow plan of care
Collaboration with Interdisciplinary Team / Collaboration with Interdisciplinary Team
·  Identify roles/responsibilities of health care team members / F9.16 Discus the role of the LPN/LVN at an interdisciplinary care
·  Identify need for nursing or interdisciplinary client care conference
·  Contribute to the development and/or update of the client plan of care* / F9.9 Distinguish between medical and nursing diagnoses.
F9.12 Identify resources to be utilized when contributing to an
established nursing care plan.
F9.15 a-g Revise and contribute to a plan of care that includes
a. Religious and spiritual needs, b. Emotional needs,
c. Physical needs, d. Cognitive needs, e. Barriers to plan of
care, f. Refusal to follow plan of care, g. Promotion of safety
and prevention of accident/error
F9.19 Review established plans of care and recommend revisions
as needed.
F9.20 List the process of reviewing the effectiveness of care.
F9.16 Discuss the role of the LPN/LVN at an interdisciplinary care
F9.20 List the process of reviewing the effectiveness of care.
F10.3 Collect data for admission and health history.
F10.4 Collect baseline data during admission physical condition.
F10.5 Report abnormal data to appropriate health care provider
and document findings according to agency or facility
policies or procedures
·  Contribute to planning interdisciplinary client care conferences / F9.16 Discuss the role of the LPN/LVN at an interdisciplinary care
·  Participate as a member of an interdisciplinary team* / F9.20 List the process of reviewing the effectiveness of care.
Concepts of Management and Supervision / Concepts of Management and Supervision
·  Recognize and report staff conflict*
·  Verify abilities of staff members to perform assigned tasks (e.g., job description, scope of practice, training, experience)
·  Provide input for performance evaluation of other staff
·  Participate in staff education*
·  Use data from various sources in making clinical decisions* / F9.12 Identify resources to be utilized when contributing to an
established nursing care plan.
·  Serve as resource person to other staff
·  Supervise/evaluate activities of assistive personnel*
Confidentiality/Information Security / Confidentiality/Information Security
·  Identify staff actions that impact client confidentiality and intervene as needed (e.g., access to medical records, discussions at nurses' station, change-of-shift reports) / F9.18 List the steps of giving shift report on patient’s care.
·  Recognize staff member and client understanding of confidentiality requirements
·  Apply knowledge of facility regulations when accessing client records
·  Maintain client confidentiality*
·  Provide for privacy needs*
Continuity of Care / Continuity of Care
·  Follow-up with client after discharge*
·  Participate in client discharge or transfer* / F10.6 Discuss appropriate procedures for transferring a patient.
F10.7 Discuss appropriate procedures for discharging a patient.
F10.8 List methods of reinforcing a discharge plan.
F10.9 Perform teaching of a patient preparing for discharge.
·  Provide follow-up for unresolved client care issues
·  Provide and receive report* / F10.11c List the steps of: c:Transferring a patient to a different
nursing unit or facility
·  Record client information (e.g., medical record, referral/transfer form) / F10.11b,c List the steps of: b: Identifying and managing patient’s
valuables according to facility or agency policy
c:Transferring a patient to a different nursing unit or facility
F10.1 Identify common reaction of patients admitted to hospitals
and other health care facilities.
·  Use agency guidelines to guide client care (e.g., clinical
pathways, care maps, care plans) / F10.2 Discuss common steps in the admission procedure.
F10.6 Discuss appropriate procedures for transferring a patient.
F10.7 Discuss appropriate procedures for discharging a patient.
F10.11d List the steps of: d: Discharging a patient to home.
F9.2 Explain the purpose and uses of nursing care plans.
F9.3 Identify the major components of the nursing care plan.
F9.4 Explain each step of the nursing process.
Establishing Priorities / Establishing Priorities
·  Organize and prioritize care for assigned group of clients* / F9.7 Prioritize care according to patient’s condition.
F9.8 Prioritize patient problems according to Maslow’s
Hierarchy of Needs.
F9.5 Discuss components of each level of Maslow’s’
Hierarchy of Needs
·  Participate in planning client care based upon client needs (e.g., diagnosis, abilities, prescribed treatment) / 9.10 Participate in the development of nursing diagnosis for
·  Use effective time management skills
Ethical Practice / Ethical Practice
·  Identify ethical issues affecting staff or client
·  Inform client of ethical issues affecting client care
·  Intervene to promote ethical practice
·  Review client and staff member knowledge of ethical issues affecting client care
Informed Consent / Informed Consent
·  Identify appropriate person to provide informed consent for client (e.g., client, parent, legal guardian) / F13.1 Explain routine preoperative preparation required by
·  Participate in client consent process*
·  Describe informed consent requirements (e.g., purpose for procedure, risks of procedure)
·  Recognize that informed consent was obtained (e.g., completed consent form, client understanding of procedure)
Information Technology / Information Technology
·  Use information technology in client care* / F11.8 Discuss guidelines related to computer based charting.
F10.10 Discuss the importance of documentation as it relates to
admission, transfer and discharge of patients.
F11.1 Discuss the importance of documentation.
F11.2 Discuss various formats used for charting.
·  Access data for client or staff through online databases and journals
·  Enter computer documentation accurately, completely and in a timely manner / F11.7 Correctly document information in a patient’s chart.
F11.8 Discuss guidelines related to computer based charting.
Legal Responsibilities / Legal Responsibilities
·  Identify legal issues affecting staff and client (e.g., refusing treatment)
·  Receive and process health care provider orders*
·  Recognize task/assignment you are not prepared to perform and seek assistance*
·  Respond to the unsafe practice of a health care provider (e.g., intervene or report)*
·  Follow regulation/policy for reporting specific issues (e.g., abuse, neglect, gunshot wound, or communicable disease)*
·  Document client care / F10.10 Discuss the importance of documentation as it relates to
admission, transfer and discharge of patients.
F11.1 Discuss the importance of documentation.
F11.2 Discuss various formats used for charting.
F11.3 Identify rules utilized when documenting information.
F11.4 Identify types of information that should be documented.
F11.5 Translate patient data and activities into charting
F11.6 Identify common forms found in a patient’s chart.
Performance Improvement (QI) / Performance Improvement (QI)
·  Identify impact of performance improvement/quality improvement activities on client care outcomes
·  Participate in quality improvement (QI) activity (e.g., collecting data or serving on QI committee)*
·  Document performance improvement/quality improvement activities
·  Report identified performance improvement/quality improvement concerns to appropriate personnel (e.g., nurse manager, risk manager)
·  Apply evidence-based practice when providing care*
Referral Process / Referral Process
·  Identify community resources for client (e.g., respite care, social services, shelters)
·  Recognize need for client referral for actual or potential problem (e.g., physical therapy, speech therapy)
·  Use appropriate documents to contribute information needed for client referral (medical record, referral form)
·  Participate in client data collection and referral* / F10.6 Discuss appropriate procedures for transferring a patient.
Resource Management / Resource Management
·  Recognize client need for materials and equipment (e.g., oxygen, suction machine, wound care supplies) / F1.6 Describe various types of wound care equipment.
F2.10 Demonstrate the ability to perform oronasophayngeal
F2.11 Demonstrate the ability to instruct a patient to utilize
incentive spirometry.
F2.12 Demonstrate the ability to initiate oxygen therapy via
piped-in wall unit.
F2.13 Demonstrate the ability to initiate oxygen therapy via
F2.14 Demonstrate the ability to use an oxygen concentrator.
F2.15 Demonstrate the ability to initiate oxygen therapy via oxygen
delivery systems: Nasal cannula and mask; Flowby;
Tracheostomy collars; Face shields and oxygen hoods; Face
F2.16 Demonstrate the ability to perform endotracheal suctioning.
F2.17 Demonstrate the ability to perform tracheostomy care.
F2.18 Demonstrate the ability to provide care for a patient with a
chest tube.
F4.9 Differentiate between types and uses of enemas.
F4.10 Identify type of ostomy
F18.4 Identify common equipment used when collecting blood.
F18.5 Match types of collection tubes to their use/purposes in
specimen collection.
F4.14 Demonstrate the ability to administer a cleansing enema
F4.15 Demonstrate the ability to administer a retention enema.
F4.16 Demonstrate the ability to administer a colonic irrigation
F4.17 Demonstrate the ability to perform ostomy irrigation.
·  Review effective use of client care materials by assistive personnel (e.g., supplies)
·  Participate in providing cost effective care*
Safety and Infection Control – The LPN/VN contributes to the protection of clients and health care personnel from health and environmental hazards. / Safety and Infection Control – The LPN/VN contributes to the protection of clients and health care personnel from health and environmental hazards.
Accident/Error/Injury Prevention / Accident/Error/Injury Prevention
·  Identify client allergies and intervene as appropriate*
·  Identify and facilitate correct use of infant and child car seats by client
·  Identify client factors that influence accident/error/injury prevention (e.g., age, developmental stage, lifestyle) / F17.3 Explain safety concerns related to the care of geriatric patients.
·  Recognize what factors related to mental status may contribute to the client potential for accident or injury (e.g., confusion, altered thought processes, diagnosis)
·  Determine client/staff member knowledge of safety procedures
·  Verify the identity of client*
·  Utilize facility client identification procedures (e.g., client name band, allergy bands)
·  Monitor client care environment for safety hazard and report problems to appropriate personnel
·  Assist in or reinforce education to client about safety precautions*
·  Remove fire hazards from client care areas
·  Protect client from accident/error/injury (e.g., protect from another individual, falls, environmental hazards, burns) / F1.7 Implement safety standards related to wound care.
F2.2 Implement safety standards related to respiratory care skills.
F3.11 Implement safety standards related to digestive care skills
F4.5 Implement safety standards related to digestive care skills
F6.5 Integrate safety standards related to urinary care skills.
F7.3 Identify safety factors for consideration when utilizing heat
F7.7 Identify safety factors that should be considered when utilizing
cold therapy.
F12.2 Implement safety standards related to assessment.