Name: ______Class: ______
Letter to the President
Assessment Rubric
Outstanding / Advanced / Acceptable / In Progress / MissingFormatting & Structure / Formal letter format is followed. Letter includes date, address, salutation (with colon) & closing. Letter is free from grammar & punctuation errors. / Formal letter format is followed, but missing or incorrect placement of one of the following: date, address, salutation (with colon) or closing. Letter is free from grammar & punctuation errors. / Formal letter format is followed, but missing or incorrect placement of two of the following: date, address, salutation (with colon) or closing. Letter has a few grammar &/or punctuation errors. / Formal letter format not followed and/or missing or incorrect placement of several of the following: date, address, salutation (with colon) or closing. Letter has several grammar & punctuation errors. / Student did not hand in final draft of letter.
Introduction / Student includes detailed information about themselves as well as a clear thesis statement. / Student includes at least three sentences about themselves as well as a clear thesis statement. / Student includes some information about themselves. Thesis statement is included, but may not clearly identify point of letter. / Student is either missing information about themselves and/or a thesis statement . Thesis statement does not clearly identify point of letter. / Letter is missing an introduction OR student did not hand in final draft of letter.
Content (Body) / Student clearly identifies at least four issues, offers a solution and gives a detailed explanation of each issue discussed. Student gives detailed explanation in response to support/concern of presidential agenda. Topic sentences are concise and guide reader through body paragraphs. / Student identifies three issues, offers a solution and gives an explanation of each issue discussed. Student gives explanation in response to support/concern of presidential agenda. Topic sentences are clear and guide reader through body paragraphs. / Student identifies at least two issues, attempts to offer a solution and/or gives an explanation of each issue discussed. Student gives states their support/concern of presidential agenda, but lacks explanation. Topic sentences are begin each paragraph but may not identify topic of paragraph(s). / Student identifies at least one issue, attempts to offer a solution and/or gives an explanation of each issue discussed. Student does not discuss support/concern of presidential agenda, and/or lacks explanation. Topic sentences are difficult to identify and/or may not identify topic of paragraph(s). / Student does not clearly discuss issues or discuss support/concern for presidential agenda OR student did not hand in final draft of letter.
Conclusion / Letter ends with a clear conclusion. Student summarizes topics discussed in letter without repeating themselves. Closing sentence neatly ends the letter. / Letter ends with a conclusion. Student summarizes key ideas of letter. Closing sentence neatly ends the letter. / Letter ends with a conclusion. Student attempts to summarize key ideas discussed, but does so by repeating what is in letter. May be missing a closing statement. / Letter may end with a conclusion, but key ideas are not summarized or are repeated from letter. No closing statement included. / Student did not include a closing paragraph OR student did not hand in final draft of letter.
Comments: ______/100