Westonbirt School

9.25amMeeting: Coaches’ and Selectors’ Meeting - ALL to meet in the large white gazebo on the field

9.55amWarning and Stick checks: 2 long blasts of the hooter gives a 5 minute warning before the tournament starts. Thorough stick checks:

  • All checks to take place in the first round to both teams @ 9:55am on the hooter.
  • I and J to check each others sticks in the second round @ 10:36am.
  • A to check C and F to check G in the second round @ 10:36am.

10.00amStart: All matches will begin and end on the hooter but play will commence and stop on the umpire’s whistle. There will be no warning between games; if one team is late, the other team may start.


10:00 / A v B / D v E / F v H
10:39 / A v C / I v J /

F v G

11:18 /

E v B

/ D v C / H v I
11:57 /

Lunch (20 mins)

/ Lunch (20 mins) / Lunch (20 mins)
12:17 /

B v D

/ E v A / J v G
12:56 / E v C / F v I / G v H
1:35 / A v D / ------ / H v J
2:14 / B v C /

G v I

/ J v F


A / Berkshire ‘A’ / F / Berkshire ‘B’
B / Gloucestershire & Worcestershire ‘A’ / G / Gloucestershire & Worcestershire ‘B’
C / Hampshire ‘A’ / H / Hampshire ‘B’
D / Wiltshire & Dorset ‘A’ / I / Wiltshire & Dorset ‘B’
E / Monmouthshire ‘A’ / J / Monmouthshire ‘B’
  • Stick checks: Letters in Red = thorough stick checks to take place on these teams before the game.
  • Timings: Matches are 12 minutes each way with 5 minutes at half-time and 10 minutes between games.
  • Subbing: Subs may be made at any time, (during play the players must pass through the gates).
  • Scoring Matches score 5 points for a win, 3 points for a draw, 1 point for 50% of the opponent’s score. If the Tournament is a draw on points, the goal formula will be applied. Goals For – Goals Against

Goals For + Goals Against

  • Umpiring: All umpires from each county to umpire own teams. Please wear umpiring attire.

After the Tournament: (approx)

3.00pm Coaches and Selectors meeting

3.30pmPresentation of the Trophy.

3.35pmAnnouncement of Trialists.



Westonbirt School

9.25amCoaches’ and Selectors’ Meeting - ALL to meet in the large white

gazebo on the field

9.55am2 long blasts of the hooter gives a 5 minute warning before the tournament

starts. Thorough stick checks

  • All checks to take place in the first round to both teams @ 9.55am on the hooter.
  • F and G to check each others sticks & A to check C in second round @ 10.36am.
  • H and I check each others sticks in the third round @ 11:15am.

10.00amTournament starts. All matches will begin and end on the hooter but

play will commence and stop on the umpire’s whistle. There will be no warning between games; if one team is late, the other team may start.


10:00 / A v B / D v E
10:39 / A v C / F v G / 11:18 /

E v B

/ D v C / H v I
11:57 /

Lunch (20 mins)

/ Lunch (20 mins) / Lunch (20 mins)
12:17 /

B v D

/ E v A / F v H
12:56 / E v C / I v G
1:35 / A v D
2:14 / B v C /

G v H

/ I v F


A / Berkshire ‘A’ / F / Berkshire ‘B’
B / Gloucestershire & Worcestershire ‘A’ / G / Gloucestershire & Worcestershire ‘B’
C / Hampshire ‘A’ / H / Hampshire ‘B’
D / Wiltshire & Dorset ‘A’ / I / Wiltshire & Dorset ‘B’
E / Monmouthshire ‘A’
  • Stick checks: Letters in Red = thorough stick checks to take place on these teams before the game.
  • Timings: Matches are 12 minutes each way with 5 minutes at half-time and 10 minutes between games.
  • Subbing: Subs may be made at any time, (during play the players must pass through the gates).
  • Scoring Matches score 5 points for a win, 3 points for a draw, 1 point for 50% of the opponent’s score. If the Tournament is a draw on points, the goal formula will be applied. Goals For – Goals Against

Goals For + Goals Against

  • Umpiring: All umpires from each county to umpire own teams. Please wear umpiring attire.

After the Tournament: (approx)

3.00pm Coaches and Selectors meeting

3.30pmPresentation of the Trophy.

3.35pmAnnouncement of Trialists.