Summary of Minutes WNY Physically Challenged Youth Sports
Board of Directors Meeting
Thursday May 4th, 2017
Location: Amherst Northtown Center
1.0 Members Present - Dave Henry, Mike Eberhard, Josh Heim, Dave Miller, Mary Willis, Eric Sauers, Matt Murray, John Cutler, Terri Kothe, Kevin Ball, Sue Bryant, Chris Henry, Mason Newbold, Judy Newbold.
2.0 Approval of Minutes - Motion to Approve March 2017 Minutes. 1st John Cutler. 2nd Matt Murray. March 2017 Minutes Approved.
3.0 Treasurer's Report - Dave Miller provided Handouts and discussed the financial state of WNY Physically challenged youth sports. Stated all account balances are healthy at this point. Motion to approve Treasurer's Report. 1st - Mike Eberhard 2nd - Chris Henry.
4.0 Committee Updates - Tim Hortons back yard Classic - It was reported that 70 teams ended up playing in the tournament and all went smoothly. If one thing could be improved for next year is the number of volunteers. More help could be used.
4.1 Golf Tournament - The committee met last month and stated all will remain the same as years past. It was discussed of new things to give golfers possibly polo shirts if a good price could be found.
5.0 New Business -Board members discussed ways to better raise more money at the Golf Outing. A motion was raised that families of each respective team donate 200 dollars, as a team, to be put toward baskets for the Chinese auction. 1st Dave Miller 2nd John Cutler . The Board unanimously approved the motion. Motion Approved.
5.1 Vice President - Dave Henry discussed the need to fill the soon to be vacated Vice President position. John Cutler was the only person to show interest at this point. Topic to be tabled until next meeting so more people would have time to consider putting in for the position.
5.2 OSHA Spring meeting - Dave Henry reports there will be no elite level in OSHA for the 2017-18 Season. Players not committed to a national program will be in the INT A Division. NEW rules were proposed for the JR division not allowing anyone over the age of 15 and creating a non checking INT C division for older players that the rule would displace.
6.0 2017-18 Season - There will still be 4 teams for the 17-18 season. Possible tournaments for teams are the NHL Sled Classic in Minnesota and the Disabled Fest in Chicago. Coaches were asked to look at old and worn down equipment. Especially sleds that need replacing or fixing.
7.0 2017-18 Budget Committee - Volunteers were asked to be on the committee. Dave Miller, Dave Henry, Kevin Ball, Josh Heim and Jeff Cutler agreed to be on the committee.
8.0 Open discussion - Terri Kothe presented the board with a check from the Buffalo Sabres for the 2017-18 Season.
9.0 Old Business - A discussion was raised on getting new Jerseys and Helmets for the players within the organization. Most Helmets are old and about to expire from the last Grant and Most if not all Jerseys are several years old and falling apart. It was agreed upon that players would be responsible for there own helmets but it would be attempted to put new jerseys in the budget. Dave Henry reports it would cost approximately 8-10 thousand dollars to replace all jerseys.
9.1 Coaching help for JR team - Eric Sauers reports Josh Heim and Sam Ott had made commitments to help coach the 2017-18 Season. With Brian Cavagnaro already helping the JR team should now be good on coaching help.
10.0 Open Discussion - Mike Eberhard discussed at length Options for displaced players from the elite division. Handouts were provided to all board members on several scenarios.
11.0 Motion to Adjoun - 1st - Eric Sauers 2nd Mary Wills. Meeting Adjourned
Next Meeting July 6th 730pm at the Amherst Northtown Center.