Instructional Strategies to Increase Student Engagement and Opportunities to Respond
Hyperlinks include strategy briefs and short videos
“How do I get them engaged and doing what I want them to do?”
Response Cards
Response cards are utilized during the practice stage of skill acquisition. Response cards are used to provide students opportunities to activity respond. A question is posed then the students hold up a card with the answer written on it.
Guided Notes
Guided notes is an organizational strategy for recording information while listening to a lecture, reading from the text, or watching a demonstration. This strategy helps students take accurate, efficient, and meaningful notes that can also assist them as a study tool.
Choral Response
Choral response means when a question or prompt is given, students respond all at the same time. Responses should be very short when using choral responding.
Partner Response
Partner response means when a question is posed, a student responds to a peer/partner or team. This is appropriate when the response is long or longer. The partners/teams should include high and low performing students.
Think-Write-Pair-Share: Teacher gives prompt or question. Students write a response. Pairs share answers. They may add to their written responses. Teacher calls on pairs to share with whole group.
Quick Writes and Draws: Teacher gives prompt. Students jot response and share. (ex. List 2 synonyms for ___.)
Roundtable: Teacher gives prompt. Students write. Pencils down. On signal, paper is passed to person on right who then adds to it. Keep passing papers within group. (ex. write a conversation between 2 characters in our story.)
Buddy Buzz: Teacher gives prompt or question. Partner A tells B their response. On signal, Partner B tells A their response.
Think-Pair-Share: Teacher gives prompt or question. Give wait time (“Think”). On signal, pairs share answers.
Pairs Compare: Groups of 4 are divided into 2 sets. While one student completes task, the pair is coaching or checking the work. Then partners switch roles. When work is done, pairs in team compare their work. (ex. graphic organizer)
Inside-Outside circle: Students stand in 2 concentric circles facing each other. Teacher prepares index cards with relevant questions. Inner circle partner asks question to outside partner. Teacher gives signal to rotate and students in either the outer or inner move.
Numbered Heads: In teams, students number off 1-4. Teacher gives prompt or question. The team puts their heads together to discuss answer(s). Teacher calls out a number 1-4. All students with that number stand up. On signal, they show answer or share verbally the team’s response(s).
Mix-and-Match: Teacher prepares cards and gives one to each student. On signal, students get up and mix (or cards are passed among team). Teacher calls Freeze. No more trading. Students move to find match.
Book Bits: Teacher prepares sentence strips or fact sheets. Students go to front of room and read aloud from sheet. Reread strips to reinforce key concepts or to build fluency.
Individual Response
Individual responses means when a question or prompt is given, a student responds by a written or verbal response.
Talking Chips: Teacher gives each student two to three chips. Teacher gives prompt or question. Students give move a chip to center of table every time they speak. Take turns.
Four Corners: Teacher labels corners with relevant words or phrases. Teacher gives prompt or question. Each student writes a response and turns it over. On signal, students move to corner that corresponds with their responses
Show Me: Teacher gives prompt or questions. Teacher asks students to show understanding by signaling (thumbs up, down; hold up number of fingers, etc.)