December 5, 2013Page 1
DESTIN CITY HALL ANNEX, 4100 Indian Bayou Trail; Destin, FL
December 5, 2013
Members Attending:
Councilman Jim Wood, Jr. ChairmanCity of Destin
Councilman Dick Rynearson, Vice Chairman City of Ft. Walton Beach
Councilman Trey GoodwinCity of Ft. Walton Beach
Councilwoman Robyn HeltCity of Crestview
Councilman Larry WilligesCity of Destin
Councilman Mac CarpenterCity of DeFuniak Springs
Mayor Pro-Tem Ronald StearnsCity of Mary Esther
Councilwoman Judy BoudreauxCity of Niceville
Commissioner Joe MorganCity of Valparaiso
Commissioner Sara ComanderWalton County
Commissioner Kelly WindesOkaloosa County
Commissioner David ParisotOkaloosa County
Commissioner Don AmundsOkaloosa County
Commissioner Nathan BoylesOkaloosa County
Others Attending:
Larry KelleyAtkins
Regina BattlesFDOT
Virgle BowenFDOT
Jim DeVriesFDOT
George HollandFDOT
Ray KirklandFDOT
Blair MartinFDOT
Jim NewsomFDOT
Jason PetersFDOT
Olen PettisFDOT
Ian SatterFDOT
Lyle SeiglerFDOT
Chad StewartFDOT
Tori WilsonFDOT
Carl MikyskaFHWA
Mary Anne WindesCity of Destin
Janice McLeanFreeport City Council
Latilda HughesCity of Freeport
Cory WilkinsonHDR
Ben WalkerHNTB
Sarah WalkerHNTB
Jim ShepherdHatch Mott MacDonald
Myra WilliamsHoward Group
Leigh MooreHoward Group
Glenn LattanzeHurlburt Field
Stacey BradyGrand Boulevard at Sandestin
Jim VestMid-Bay Bridge Authority
RolinSaylerMid-Bay Bridge Authority
Jeremy MurrinSilver Sands Premium Outlets
Michael FlyntSouth Walton Utility Co., Inc.
Pete DeBogorySouth Walton Utility Co., Inc.
Terry JosephWFRPC
Mary RobinsonTPO Staff
Gary KramerTPO Staff
Mary Beth WashnockTPO Staff
Brian YoupatoffTPO Staff
Jordan RockwellTPO Staff
Brittany EllersTPO Staff
A.CALL TO ORDER– Chairman Woodcalled the meeting to order. Chairman Wood advised that Councilwoman Janice McLean from the Freeport City Council was to become a new TPO member after approval of the apportionment by the Governor.
B.PUBLIC FORUM -Agenda Change - Chairman Wood said he pulled Item 5, approval of Resolution O-W 13-18 to support the widening of US 98 portions in the design phase, from the agenda. Even though the item was pulled from the agenda Ms. Leigh Moore from the Howard Group, and Mr.Michael Flyntwere invited to speak on the topic. Chairman Wood stated he was attempting to have a forum in January 2014 with a presentation on the entire project. Expected to be in attendance at the forum would be Okaloosa County, Walton County, City of Destin, South Walton Utilities, and other interested parties. The project will be reviewed and a plan will be developed to resolve issues.
Ms. Moore stated the Howard Group is interested in advancing the funding for the plan to widen the two sections of US 98 from Airport Road in Destin to the county line, and from the second section from the county line to Tang-O-Mar Drive. She said traffic congestion is worsening in those areas. The project improves commerce between Okaloosa and Walton counties, as well as creates a safer environment for traffic, pedestrians, and cyclists. Job creation will also result from the implementation of the project.
Ms. Moore said as the Florida Legislature goes into the 2014 session the goal is to pursue funding for construction in the fall of 2015 for both segments of the project. Members of the community expressed concerns regarding potential impacts of the project to access of businesses along US 98. There were also concerns with vehicle speeds and utilities. She said the government and the local chambers of commerce asked the Howard Group what they can do to help businesses in the area and grow the economy. She stated that the project would bring the South Walton and Destin areas together and strengthen business. The project was to be shovel ready by the end of 2014. Ms. Moore said the Howard Group would attend the TPO's February meeting, and that they would be asking for a resolution to support the project.
Mr. Flynt, representing the South Walton Utility Co., addressed the members regarding widening US 98. He said the utility company is in support of widening US 98. He said it would expand business and provide more customers. His concern was that the route goes through a coastal barrier resource area, and is covered by the Coastal Barrier Resources Act (COBRA). He said the width of the right-of-way of US 98 is set, and that they cannot extend federal dollars to go outside the track that follows US 98. He said the impact would be that the stormwater management practices that will be required by the two additional lanes were being designed to be put underground in concrete vaults. Mr. Flynt further stated that the impact on the utility would be that all lines including water, sewer, and treated water, would need to be moved, unless there was some relief by obtaining additional right-of-way outside of the COBRA area.
Mr. Flynt said the utility company was pursuing the subject with their congressmen and senators in an attempt to get some relief from COBRA. He said he supported the COBRA Act; however, the Act's purpose is to preserve coastal barrier natural areas. Mr. Flynt thought that the corridor presently isn't a coastal barrier natural area. He further stated that it would seem logical that they could gain extra land outside and that there needed to be a redefinition of the COBRA areas. In speaking with other utilities Mr. Flynt learned that there is a willingness to spend utility money to purchase land for surface stormwater practices. He said they were willing to spend money to get the surface stormwater practices done in a manner that would leave all the underground piping undisturbed, and that it would be less expensive than moving everything. He said they are moving forward to obtain relief from the COBRA Act and will attend the proposed January meeting.
Commissioner Comander asked what could be done to assist. Mr. Flynt said the counties needed to be aware that the issue exists, because if he is successful it will appear that they are delaying the project. He said South Walton Utility is a user-owned utility and the there would be a cost to move all three of their lines and communication lines underground. He said any additional costs of the highway widening would be borne by the utility members, and he expressed that it did not seem fair that only the utility customers would be impacted. Councilwoman Boudreaux stated that she thought FDOT would have a responsibility since they are doing the widening. Mr. Flynt said the FDOT engineer supporting the project had been helpful in trying to find an alternative way to setup the utilities in the right-of-way; however, to date the utility company's requests have not been acted upon by the design engineers hired by FDOT.
Chairman Wood advised bringing the resolution back to the meeting in February 2014 in order to get an action plan in place. He thought the spokesman from Walton County scheduled a meeting with Secretary Barfield in January. Chairman Wood said there was to be a public forum in the Destin area in January 2014.
Approval of Consent Agenda–Councilman Wood called for a motion to approve the consent agenda.
- Approval of September 19, 2013 Meeting Minutes - Ms. Washnock advised there were corrections to the minutes. On Page 5, the last sentence was changed to be underlined and bolded. The corrected sentence read: "The motion was approved." On Page 6 where it read "Councilwoman made" it was changed to read "Councilwoman Helt made". CommissionerComander moved to approve the minutes, Mr. Carpenter seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
- Consideration of Resolution O-W 13-16 to Accept the FDOT FY 2015-2019 Tentative Work Program–Ms. Regina Battles reviewed the Summary of Changes to the Five-Year Program for Okaloosa County. Handouts of the Summary of Changes were provided. She said fiscal year 2015 will start July 1, 2014. Ms. Battles then reviewed the Walton County Summary of Changes.
Commissioner Morgan made reference to Rocky Bayou Drive from Forest Road to Huntington Circle, stating that at one time they thought they had tried to move the project out, because there is a new subdivision going in there. Ms. Battles said there was discussion a year prior and asked if there was a need to move it further out in the program. Commissioner Morgan said it would be wise to do so. Ms. Battles asked if Commissioner Morgan was recommending a deferral of one year, or further. Commissioner Morgan thought they should move it out one year, from FY 2015 to FY 2016 for the construction of the project. Ms. Battles noted the change.
Commissioner Morgan asked about the Toms Bayou bridge. He wanted to be sure it was for the southbound lane. Ms. Battles said it was. Commissioner Morgan said a further study was done and it appeared they were repaired and it turned out that the number of piers that were repaired was almost equal to those lanes. He asked if there was another look at the south lane being redone also. Ms. Battles said she would make a note of that and speak with their bridge engineer. Commissioner Morgan said they had the discussion of whether or not both bridges and both lanes need to be done. He said there were two bridges there. Ms. Battles said they were inspecting both sides, so they should have information on the status of the other side. She said she would check on the status and report back.
Chairman Wood said they were considering Resolution O-W 13-16 to accept the FDOT FY 2015-2019 Tentative Work Program. He said they needed to include the deferral. Ms. Battles said it would include the request to defer from 2015 to 2016 the Rocky Bayou Drivesidewalk project from Forest Road to Huntington Circle.
Commissioner Morganmoved to authorize the TPO Chairman to sign Resolution O-W 13-16accepting the O-W FY 2015-2019 Tentative Work Program; Mayor Pro-Tem Stearnsseconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
- Consideration of Resolution O-W 13-17 to Adopt the Revised Smooth FHWA Boundary -Mr. Carl Mikyska from Federal Highway spoke explaining that every ten years the census conducts an account of the American citizenry. Judging upon the density of population, areas are deemed to be urban or rural. He said the census defined area is irregular, and for transportation purposes they smoothed the boundary. They were attempting to find a feature in the field that is just beyond the census defined area so they can determine where urban begins and ends. The designations are used for the classification of roadways. The TPO and FDOT District did the process a year ago; however, the new guidance required adoption by the TPO.
Mr. Carpenter asked why areas in Walton County were excluded. Mr. Mikyska said the guidance asked them to only go out a few blocks and not into an extensive area. He explained that previously under the 2000 guidance they were asked to incorporate areas that were anticipated to be developed. The new guidance asked that it be excluded. The only features they added beyond the census were those considered urban features that were not captured by the census.
Mr. Carpenter was concerned because there is a seasonal population. He said there was a busy resort area with serious transportation needs. Mr. Mikyska said they were still eligible to spend federal funds in those areas.
Commissioner Morgan said there was a small beach area to the right that was listed as an urban area and was excluded on the second page, and included on the first page. He was referring to an area named Santa Rosa Beach. Commissioner Morgan continued to state that the area had previously been included as part of the TPO boundaries because of its urban nature and business. Mr. Mikyska said it was a product of the Census Bureau in defining the urban areas in 2008-2009, posted in the Federal Register. He said it was a change in the way that they would determine the growth from a population core as they grew out, and then draw the line between urban and rural. He said it was called a jump, and it was reduced from 2-1/2 miles to 1-1/2 miles. He said a second jump cannot be done. He said areas had changed significantly from the 2000 census to 2010 insofar as whether the Census Bureau defined them as urban or rural. He said Santa Rosa Beach has a population core in density, but is not attached to the Ft. Walton-Navarre urbanized area. He said there is a small gap between the two areas, hence it is identified separately as a urban cluster.
Commissioner Morgan said they would put a smooth boundary around it, and still have it in the TPO. Mr. Mikyska said it is actually considered its own separate area. It would still be part of the planning area, and was for the purposes of smoothing. He said it would not be in the smooth boundaries, but in the planning boundaries. He said there were census areas, smooth areas, and planning boundaries. It would still be part of the TPO.
Ms. Robinson said when they did the exercise the first time they emphasized that the smooth Federal Highway Administration boundary in Florida primarily affects functional classification. She said the larger boundary is the planning boundary and did not need to be reviewed that day. She said the planning boundary would be the boundary they would be looking at when they do the Long Range Transportation Plan. She said the funding issue did not relate to the boundary in question.
Mr. Mikyska said it is used for data accumulation because when they do the functional classification they will classify vehicle miles traveled on roadways that are urban and rural.
Commissioner Comandermoved to authorize the TPO Chairman to sign Resolution O-W 13-17 adopting the Revised Smooth FHWA Boundary; Councilwoman Boudreaux seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
- Consideration of Resolution O-W 13-20 to Endorse the Okaloosa County Transit Development Plan (TDP) 2013 Annual Update - Ms. Washnock said the plan presented was an annual update. The plan was reported to the FDOT, and FDOT had approved the update.
Commissioner Parisotmoved to authorize the TPO Chairman to sign Resolution OW 13-20 to endorse the Okaloosa County TDP 2013 annual update;Councilman Rynearson seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
- Citizens' Advisory Committee (CAC) Request that the TPO Chairman Sign a Letter Requesting the Hurlburt Overpass be Named the "Colonel Bud Day Overpass" - Ms. Washnock said Commissioner Amunds assisted in the letter writing and in getting approval from the Day family. Documentation was received from Hurlburt stating that they were in agreement with the letter. Also, a verbal agreement was obtained from the Day family. Commissioner Parisot said he spoke to Ms. Doris Day and that she was supportive of the letter.
Ms. Washnock advised that in addition to the letter, a resolution was completed and approved.
Commissioner Parisot said they needed to send copies of the letter to the Okaloosa County delegation, Representative Gaetz and Senator Evers. He said the representatives would have to take the letter before the Legislature.
Commissioner Parisot moved to authorize the TPO Chairman to sign a letter requesting the Hurlburt Overpass be named the "Colonel Bud Day Overpass;"Commissioner Amunds seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
- Appointment of a TPO Member and Alternate to Serve on the Metropolitan Planning Organization Advisory Council (MPOAC) for Calendar Year 2014 - Ms. Washnock stated the the MPOAC meets quarterly. Councilman Wood had been a member for several years, and Councilman Rynearson was the alternate. Ms. Robinson serves as the Chairperson for the Staff Director's Board. Ms. Washnock asked for names to serve during the next year.
Commissioner Parisotmoved to appointment of TPO Chairman Councilman Jim Wood to serve as member, and Councilman Dick Rynearsonto serve on the MPOAC for calendar year 2014; Commissioner Comander seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Parisot said there was a roster of voting members included in the agenda. He said the statutes showed five commissioners listed in Okaloosa County, and three in Walton County. He said all county commissioners, by statute, are members of the TPO. He said they still only get four votes. Ms. Washnock said they changed membership, and the membership is not presently in place. She said it will not be changed until the Governor signs off on the new apportionment. Commissioner Parisot said even with the change all county commissioners are members of the TPO by statute. He said for Okaloosa, when it gets changed, will be four for Okaloosa County, and three for Walton County. He said the Boards do not have to appoint three or four; and that all commissioners are members. Ms. Washnock said she would check on the item and get back to the TPO on the subject.