Regular Board Meeting Page 8
July 27, 2009
July 27, 2009
CALL TO ORDER - 6:30 pm - LGI Room at Glen Ridge High School
Mr. Agnew Ms. O’Connor
Ms. Eisen Ms. Raskin
Ms. Henry Ms. Schoenfeld
Mr. Keppel Ms. Ginsburg
Mr. Kobernick
This is a scheduled meeting of the Glen Ridge Board of Education. Adequate notice of this meeting time change has been provided in that this Board notified the Glen Ridge Paper and the Star Ledger on July 23, 2009. Said notice was published in the Star Ledger on July 27, 2009 and the Glen Ridge Paper on July 30, 2009. The date, time, and location of this meeting were also emailed to all recipients of the annual schedule of the Board’s meetings.
John M. Mucciolo, Ph.D., Superintendent
Peter R. Caprio, Business Administrator/Board Secretary
6:30 pm Executive Session - Room 108
Moved: Seconded:
WHEREAS, a matter to be considered by the Board of Education deals with personnel, negotiations and/or possible litigation, and
WHEREAS, public disclosure of this matter may be prejudicial to the public good,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this matter be considered in a meeting closed to the public; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Minutes of this meeting be sealed until the matter is resolved.
Adjourn to closed session.
Agnew / Eisen / Henry / Keppel / Kobernick / O’Connor / Raskin / Schoenfeld / GinsburgPUBLIC SESSION
COMMITTEE REPORTS (First meeting of the month only)
Curriculum Committee
Personnel and Policy Committee
Negotiations Committee
Finance and Facilities Committee
Ad Hoc Committee for Communication
Ad Hoc Committee on Alternative Funding
LIAISON REPORTS (First meeting of the month only)
Home & School Associations
Glen Ridge Association for Special Education (GRASE)
Glen Ridge Educational Foundation (GREF)
Glen Ridge Athletic Association (GRAA)
Glen Ridge Arts Patrons Association (GRAPA)
Glen Ridge Municipal Alliance Committee (MAC)
Gas Lamp Players
M-1 Board of Education Minutes
Moved: Seconded:
Approve the minutes of the following Glen Ridge Board of Education meetings:
April 6, 2009 Executive Session and Regular Meeting
April 20, 2009 Executive Session and Regular Meeting
May 4, 2009 Re-Organization Meeting and Executive Session
May 11, 2009 Executive Session and Regular Meeting
Agnew / Eisen / Henry / Keppel / Kobernick / O’Connor / Raskin / Schoenfeld / GinsburgADMINISTRATION
A-1 Affirmation Action Officer for the 2009-2010 School Year
Moved: Seconded:
Appoint Dr. Mary Lynn DePierro as the Affirmative Action Officer for the Glen Ridge School District for the 2009-2010 school year.
Agnew / Eisen / Henry / Keppel / Kobernick / O’Connor / Raskin / Schoenfeld / GinsburgA-2 Section 504 Coordinator for the 2009-2010 School Year
Moved: Seconded:
Appoint Dr. Mary Lynn DePierro as Section 504 Coordinator for the Glen Ridge School District for the 2009-2010 school year.
Agnew / Eisen / Henry / Keppel / Kobernick / O’Connor / Raskin / Schoenfeld / GinsburgA-3 Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator for the 2009-2010 School Year
Moved: Seconded:
Appoint Dr. Mary Lynn DePierro as the Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator for the Glen Ridge School District for the 2009-2010 school year.
Agnew / Eisen / Henry / Keppel / Kobernick / O’Connor / Raskin / Schoenfeld / GinsburgPERSONNEL
P-1 Resignations
Moved: Seconded:
Accept the resignations of Helen Feghhi and Lara Kennedy, part-time aides at Forest Avenue School effective July 27, 2009 and Spencer D’Alessio, Technology Technician, effective August 28, 2009.
Agnew / Eisen / Henry / Keppel / Kobernick / O’Connor / Raskin / Schoenfeld / GinsburgP-2 Rescind Appointment
Moved: Seconded:
Rescind the appointment of Pamela Ciccarino, leave replacement Biology teacher at Glen Ridge High School.
Agnew / Eisen / Henry / Keppel / Kobernick / O’Connor / Raskin / Schoenfeld / GinsburgP-3 Summer HSPA Student Review Assessment Course Staff
Moved: Seconded:
a. Approve Steve Finkel and Sean Fitzpatrick to provide instruction in the summer HSPA Student Review Assessment (SRA) Course for an amount of $2,280 each.
b. Approve Alison Nazimek, Jody Hackmeyer and Cluny Tierney to provide HSPA Student Review Assessment (SRA) Course scoring at a rate of $100 each per day (for one day only).
Agnew / Eisen / Henry / Keppel / Kobernick / O’Connor / Raskin / Schoenfeld / GinsburgP-4 Student Workers
Moved: Seconded:
a. Approve Alison Boswell as a student summer worker in the technology department at a rate of $10.75 per hour.
b. Approve Madeline Short as a student worker in the Childcare Program at a rate of $7.25 per hour for the 2009-2010 school year.
Agnew / Eisen / Henry / Keppel / Kobernick / O’Connor / Raskin / Schoenfeld / GinsburgP-5 Appointments for the 2009-2010 School Year
Moved: Seconded:
Approve the appointment of the following staff for the 2009-2010 school year:
Staff Assignment/Location Effective Date/Salary
Cionna Almeida (replacing C. Geoghegan) / Special Education TeacherRidgewood Avenue School / 7/27/09 through 6/30/10
BA Step 3
Jennifer Chiang (replacing D. Elbonne) / French Teacher
Glen Ridge High School / 7/1/09 through 6/30/10
BA Step 4
Kathleen Grant (leave replacement for V. Petrosino) / Guidance Counselor
Glen Ridge High School / 10/1/09 through 6/30/10
MA Step 1
$54,123 (pro-rated)
Kimberly Hall (replacing M. DePierro who was reassigned) / Assistant Principal
Middle School Program/HS / 8/10/09 through 6/30/10
$102,000 (pro-rated)
Maira Hernandez-Kinloch (replacing R. Merino) / Music Teacher
Forest/Linden Avenue Schools / 9/15/09 (or sooner if released from her present position)
through 6/30/10
BA Step 14
Paula Horton (leave replacement for L. Walter) / Reading Specialist
Forest Avenue School / 7/1/09 through 6/30/10
MA Step 12
Mary Housel (leave replacement for T. Gist) / Athletic Trainer (part-time)
Glen Ridge High School / 8/15/09 through 11/30/09
Jill Landgraber (replacing S. Nadel) / Guidance Counselor
Glen Ridge High School / 7/1/09 through 6/30/10
MA Step 4
Danielle Plateroti (leave replacement for C. Pretre) / 4th Grade Teacher
Ridgewood Avenue School / 7/1/09 through 1/15/10
BA Step 1
$48,662 (pro-rated)
Danielle Purciello (leave replacement for M. Roethlin) / Biology Teacher
Glen Ridge High School / 7/15/09 through 6/30/10
BA Step 2
Pamela Stetson-Baker (replacing M. Gratz) / Art Teacher (part-time)
Ridgewood Avenue School / 7/1/09 through 6/30/10
BA Step 2 (.40)
Lena Tice (replacing M. Alston) / Lunch Aide
Forest Avenue School / 9/8/09 through 6/30/10
$11.75 per hour
Agnew / Eisen / Henry / Keppel / Kobernick / O’Connor / Raskin / Schoenfeld / Ginsburg
P-6 Extra Summer Days
Moved: Seconded:
Approve 7 extra summer days to Alisha Mantovi, Speech Language Specialist, in the amount of $1,917.30.
Agnew / Eisen / Henry / Keppel / Kobernick / O’Connor / Raskin / Schoenfeld / GinsburgP-7 Coaches/Athletics and Co-Curricular Advisors
Moved: Seconded:
a. Rescind the appointment of Beth Seaman as Art Honor Society advisor for the 2009-2010 school year.
b. Approve the appointment of the following coaches/athletics and co-curricular advisors:
Staff Assignment Stipend
Alyssa DeSimone / After School Building Monitor/RASSession 1 (Sept.-Jan.)
Session 2 (Feb.-June) / Guide 5 Step 1 Year 2
Guide 5 Step 1 Year 2
Ira Ford / Head Cross County Coach
2009 Fall Season
Head Winter Indoor Track Coach
2009-2010 Winter Season
Head Spring Track Coach
2010 Spring Season / Guide 3 Step 2 Year 4
Guide 3 Step 2 Year 4
Guide 2 Step 2 Year 4
Anne Malone / Art Honor Society Advisor / Guide 7 Step 1 Year 2
Rachael Miscia / Site Manager
2009 Fall Season / Guide 5 Step 1 Year 1
Scott Terpin / After School Building Monitor/HS
2009 Fall Season
2009-2010 Winter Season
2010 Spring Season / Guide 5 Step 3 Year 5
Guide 5 Step 3 Year 5
Guide 5 Step 3 Year 5
Eric Wormer / Site Manager
2009-2010 Winter Season / Guide 5 Step 1 Year 1
c. Approve Nadia Rattley as a volunteer coach for the girls’ soccer team for the fall 2009 season.
Agnew / Eisen / Henry / Keppel / Kobernick / O’Connor / Raskin / Schoenfeld / GinsburgCURRICULUM
C-1 Super Essex Conference
Moved: Seconded:
Approve membership in the Super Essex Conference for the 2009-2010 school year in the amount of $2,120.
Agnew / Eisen / Henry / Keppel / Kobernick / O’Connor / Raskin / Schoenfeld / GinsburgBUSINESS
B-1 Financial Reports
Moved: Seconded:
Approve the following financial reports as recommended by the Finance Committee:
a. Certification of Fund Balance
Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.13(e), we certify that as of May 31, 2009 and June 30, 2009 after review of the Secretary’s monthly financial reports and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, to the best of our knowledge no major account or fund has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.13(b) and that sufficient funds were available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the fiscal year.
b. Secretary’s Report through May 31, 2009 and June 30, 2009 as follows:
May 31, 2009 June 30, 2009
Beginning Balance $3,060,022.79 $3,168,961.84
Receipts $2,482,792.27 $2,195,053.32
Disbursements $2,373,853.22 $2,642,329.19
Cash Balance $3,168,961.84 $2,721,685.97
c. Bills list through June 30, 2009 in the amount of $2,642,329.19
d. Student activity account bills list as follows:
Forest Avenue School $973.00 (May & June)
Linden Avenue School $2,636.05 (May & June)
Ridgewood Avenue School $24,089.43 (May)
Glen Ridge High School $43,462.97 (May & June)
Glen Ridge High School Athletics $15,384.17 (May & June)
e. Treasurer of School Moneys Report for May and June 2009 as presented.
f. Approve the budget transfer for the month of May and June 2009 as presented. (Exhibit B-1.f)
Agnew / Eisen / Henry / Keppel / Kobernick / O’Connor / Raskin / Schoenfeld / GinsburgB-2 Donations
Moved: Seconded:
Accept, with thanks, the following generous donations:
a. Cash donation in the amount of $2,000 from Backyard Productions, Inc. to be used toward general supplies at Linden Avenue School. (Exhibit B-2.a)
b. An interactive whiteboard and a digital message board (valued at $5,230) from the Ridgewood Avenue Home & School Association for the Ridgewood Avenue School technology room. (Exhibit B-2.b)
c. Sound up-grade for the Ridgewood Avenue auditorium (approximately $14,000) from the Gas Lamp Players for the district’s theatre and music departments. (Exhibit B-2.c)
d. Adventure Series Fitness playground equipment (valued at $8,857) from the Linden Avenue Home & School Association for the Linden Avenue School. (Exhibit B-2.d)
Agnew / Eisen / Henry / Keppel / Kobernick / O’Connor / Raskin / Schoenfeld / GinsburgB-3 Conferences/Workshops
Moved: Seconded:
Approve the workshops/conferences and travel expenses for the following staff:
a. Paulette Cinotti to attend the New Jersey Science Convention being held at Garden State Exhibit Center in Somerset, NJ on October 13 & 14, 2009 for a total registration cost of $95.
b. Maria DiCondina to attend the Garden State Coaches Clinic being held at St. Benedict’s Prep in Newark, NJ on September 25, 2009 for a total cost of $128.72 ($125 registration plus $3.72 travel).
c. Joan Boland to attend a workshop entitled “Finding Refuge: The Holocaust and Latin America” being held at St. Elizabeth’s College in Morristown, NJ on October 1, 2009 for a total travel cost of $7.44.
d. Heather Pare, Traci Dombrowski, Andrea Mikhail and Danielle Plateroti to attend Everyday Math training being held at the County College of Morris in Randolph, NJ on August 11, 2009 for a total registration cost of $100 per person.
e. Traci Dombrowski to attend Open Court Reading training being held at the County College of Morris in Randolph, NJ on August 13, 2009 for a total registration cost of $100.
Agnew / Eisen / Henry / Keppel / Kobernick / O’Connor / Raskin / Schoenfeld / GinsburgB-4 Out-of-District Placements
Moved: Seconded:
Approve the out-of-district placements of the following students for the 2009-2010 school year with transportation to be provided by the district:
Student Placement Tuition
#13160 / The Craig Upper School / $36,723$1,350 (summer)
#22001 / Lake Drive School / $56,456
$3,500 (summer)
#12128 / Lakeview Learning Center / $43,654
Agnew / Eisen / Henry / Keppel / Kobernick / O’Connor / Raskin / Schoenfeld / Ginsburg
B-5 Occupational Therapy Services for 2009-2010 School Year
Moved: Seconded:
Approve occupational therapy services to be provided by Building Blocks, Inc. at a rate of $80 per hour for the 2009-2010 school year. Services will include OT evaluations.
Agnew / Eisen / Henry / Keppel / Kobernick / O’Connor / Raskin / Schoenfeld / GinsburgB-6 Physical Therapy Services for 2009-2010 School Year
Moved: Seconded:
Approve physical therapy services to be provided by Stepping Stone Services at a rate of $80 per hour for the 2009-2010 school year. Services will include evaluations, treatments and consultations.
Agnew / Eisen / Henry / Keppel / Kobernick / O’Connor / Raskin / Schoenfeld / GinsburgB-7 Stipulation of Settlement
Moved: Seconded:
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Glen Ridge Board of Education, upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Stipulation of Settlement between the Glen Ridge Board of Education and parents of student #08500.
Agnew / Eisen / Henry / Keppel / Kobernick / O’Connor / Raskin / Schoenfeld / Ginsburgom
Completion of Routine Business - 2009 Board Retreat will follow at the Senior Center/Train Station.
Moved: Seconded:
Action to adjourn.
Agnew / Eisen / Henry / Keppel / Kobernick / O’Connor / Raskin / Schoenfeld / Ginsburg