Illinois 4-H Crops and Soils Record
Circle the unit in which you are enrolled. Use a separate record for each unit.
Number of years in Crops and Soils Project______
Division in which are you enrolled (circle one):IIIIIIIV
Complete your project plan below after discussing ideas with your parents and your 4-H Crops and
Soils Project leader. See your 4-H member’s booklet for ideas, and add your own ideas as well.
Exercise number / Dateyou expect
to start / People who will
help you
(parents, 4-H project
leader, etc.) / The most
interesting part
of the exercise
Exhibit (describe what you exhibited and where):______
Talk or demonstration (describe what you demonstrated and where): ______
Parent: What do you feel your child learned from this project?______
Project leader: What do you feel this member learned from this project?______
Crop Production
(To be completed by members who are involved in raising one or more acres of crops. You may also want
to add a sheet on which you record what you did or observed each day while producing your crop.)
Financial Agreement
Describe the financial agreement you have in regard to land, machinery, labor, and materials. How does it
Involve you, your parent, owner, or money lender?
Soil type ______Percent slope (range) ______
Conservation practices applied ______
Previous two years’ crop and yield ______
Your soil test Date
AvailableAvailable Percent
Sample phosphoruspotassium organic
Number pH (P1 test) (K test) matter Recommendation Application
Variety or hybrid planted______Was certified seed used?______% other crop seed______
% weed seed ______% germination ______% inert matter ______Number of acres planted _____
Planting date ______Seeding rate ______Row width ______Population count ______Date counted ______
Describe seed treatment ______
Pest Management (diseases, insects, weeds)
DateControl Method
Pest noticed(kind and amount)Effectiveness
Describe the effects of any weather condition that may have influenced production of your crop______
Total monthly precipitation:
Harvesting and Storing
Method of harvest______Method of storage______
Yield per acre______Crop quality (good, fair, poor) ______Harvested at ______% moisture
Method of drying______Stored at ______% moisture
Record in the following blanks the local market price each month for the crop you have chosen. Ask grain
Dealers or refer to your newspaper. Indicate the unit you are using (bushels, tons) ______
Unit price received for your crop (dollars per bushel, ton)______Date______OR
Date you intend to sell your crop______Futures contract price______
Cost of Production Summary
AmountTotalCost per unit Cost
Kind appliedamount(pound,Member’s
Material used per acreusedgallon, ton)Totalshare
Land rental
(A) Total
- Machinery
This should include costs for operations such as plowing, discing, planting, cultivation, spraying, harvesting,
Drying, transporting, and storing. Use “Guide for Adjusting Custom Rates and Machine Rental Rates,”
Available from 120 Mumford Hall, University of Illinois, 1301 W. Gregory Drive, Urbana, Illinois 61801
TypeNumber of Rate perMember’s
of workacres or hoursacre or hourTotalshare
- Labor
Number ofRate per
By whomhourshourTotal cost
Family or
hired help______
(C) Total ______
D.Crop Yield Record*
Total yield Market
Number of (tons, Yield value Value of crop
Crop Date acres bushels, per perMember’s
harvested harvested harvested bales) acres unit Totalshare
(D) Total
* If the crop has not been harvested, estimate the yield. If this is a small grain crop, include the value of straw
harvested in the yield record (e.g., crop harvested: oat grain, oat straw). If a small grain was seeded to a
legume, this fact should be recorded. The value of a good stand is equal to one-half the production cost of the
small grain (or one-half of A + B + C).
Total Member’s share
- Total income from project (D)
- Total production cost (A + B + C)
- Profit (+) or loss (-)
- Cost per unit produced
(divide expenses [2] by total yield
[4th column of D])