GENERAL MEETING 1st February, 2011
Bomaderry Bowling Club.
Opened: 4.10pm.
1.Attendance: Peter Collins (NNPS), Dave Adams, Libby Walsh, Bob Mortyn (NPS), Annette Bellamy (NHPS), Ian Cunningham (BomPS), Peter Burney (BerryPS), Deb Faulks (IRPS), Tracey Wellington (CamPS), Peter Carter, Sarah Collins (CalPS), Neil Hansen (Life Member), Adrienne Fox (NEPS).
2. Apologies: Ian Waters (CambePS), Graham Tink (IRPS).
2a. Welcome: was extended to the gathering by President Dave.
3. Minutes: of December meeting not available, due to an oversight by Minute Sec Bob not sending them out with AGM minutes. Both those sets of minutes to be included with these minutes.
4. Business Arising: nil
5. Correspondence:
OUT: Reminder of this meeting.
IN: Audit report from auditor, Clive Robertson.
CalPS 2010 athletics fees
BerryPS 2010 athletics fees
GPPS 2010 Swimming and X Country fees
Commonwealth Bank – Statement
6. Reports
a) Treasurer
The Treasurer received the books at this meeting. They were all in order according to Auditor Clive, who has offered 5 suggestions (including one again from2009) as to how to improve our service.
Affiliation fee notices handed out at this meeting to all schools.
R Mortyn presented a bill for $17.20 for faxing.
Motion: A bottle of wine be presented to Auditor Clive as appreciation of the audit.
Mortyn/ Collins carried.
SIZ Report – Bob Mortyn
Bob didn’t attend the meeting, and apologised to the meeting.
General Business:
SDPSSA Convenors: Applications were received from the following teachers, and were adopted into the various roles.
Basketball Boys Ian Mobberley Berry PS
Basketball Girls Joanne Rogers Cambewarra PS (TBC)
Cricket Boys David Hogg North Nowra PS
Cricket Girls LeAnn Hanson IRPS (TBC)
Rugby League Opens Belinda Ryder NNPS (TBC) Neil Hansen to assist, +
“ “ “
Rugby League 11s Ron Hawthorne NPS
Football Boys Ian Cunningham Bomaderry PS (TBC)
“ “
Football Girls Mick Barby Callala PS (TBC)
Netball Libby Walsh Nowra PS
Sherri Mulhall NEPS (TBC)
AFL Rick O’Shea Illaroo Rd PS (TBC)
Rugby Union John Stovin-Bradford NEPS (TBC)
Hockey Boys Ian Waters Cambewarra PS (TBC)
Hockey Girls
Touch Boys Dean Haddon BerryPS
Touch Girls Bruce Farquhar IRPS (TBC)
Tennis Mixed Wendy Westaway NPS
Please note (TBC) have yet to be confirmed with an application form signed by the applicant’s principal. Principals need to be fully informed of what their staff members are committing themselves to! President Dave has requested that all applicants who have successfully been given positions take thanks back to their principals.
It is most exciting that so many positions were filled at this meeting, and it is hoped that the other positions will soon be filled.
Schools that have yet to fulfill their quotas assuming they will confirm the following positions include: Bomaderry (1), Callala (1), Culburra (2), SHPS (1), Small Schools (2).
A Draft SDPSSA Calendar was presented at the end of 2010, with the word draft on it. As the Sth Coast Calendar has changed, a new draft (in blue) is now current. The latest SCSSA calendar was downloaded from the SCSSA website today – which has caused the revision of our calendar. All of our trials will remain constant, other than the venue of the SDPSSA District Swimming Carnival, which will be held at Bomaderry Pool instead of Nowra.
Motion: Request any changes in SCSSA Calendar be notified to District Presidents and Dist Secretaries via email, along with a statement of the items which have been changed with new calendar, PLUS new calendar sent out to all schools similar to the fashion it is currently done.
Mortyn/ Bellamy carried.
SDPSSA 2011 Swimming Carnival: Peter Collins (2010 convenor whilst at IRPS, now NNPS in 2011) has most of the organization for the carnival in hand for this year. Details will be on the SDPSSA website by Monday.
Raylene Collins has offered to operate her watches for the carnival. They commence with the gun, and have to be manually stopped. Suggestion that 3 back-up watches be used to ensure there is no problems in running the carnival.
John Macintosh is unavailable for our carnival, but John Morris is.
Computers: As this carnival has to be run alongside with stop watches using ‘Meet Manager’, schools will be requested to make entries in the following manner: Schools using the SDPSSA’s program ‘Carnival Manager’, will be requested to do so, and present the information to Peter Collins in that format – who will then have people to transfer it into Meet Manager format into the district Carnival. Schools not using the ‘Carnival Manager’ program will have to present the information to Peter Collins in an excel spreadsheet format, which they will obtain from Peter, prior to submitting their entries.
Bob has been requested to send Greg Lloyd an electronic copy of the 2009 swimming inservice notes, with the view that schools will adhere to the standards of competitors sent to the SDPSSA District carnival capable of competing properly without disqualification.
NB. As with last year, Dave Adams will obtain trophies for the year for all of our carnivals. Could he do this again this year please?
SCSSA Convenors: Since the appointment for convenors at last year’s SCSSA’s AGM, two new positions have been required. Both have been filled by SDPSSA members: LeAnn Hanson has taken on Girls Cricket at both Zone and Regional Level – due to the appointee gaining a transfer during the holidays; and Dave Adams has been awarded the SCSSA Golf trials.
Motion: Suzanne Cato has retired from teaching, and as a Life Member of SDPSSA, we send her a suitable floral tribute, thanking her for her involvement in SDPSSA. Hansen/ Collins carried.
Libby to action.
There was some discussion as to an ‘Obesity Kit’ which is available. Schools are recommended NOT to suggest the use of this kits, (telling parents that their children are overweight!!!!), but may wish to inform parents of the kits availability via their newsletters as a general statement.
Application forms for teachers to officiate at SCSSA carnivals can be found on the SCSSA website.
President Dave informed the meeting of the AFL days which have been planned by AFL development officer John Dyball, suggesting that all days are very worthwhile.
Libby to write to all nominated patrons, requesting their patronage for 2011.
Meeting closed: 5.15pm
Next Meeting: 1/3/11.
SDPSSA Constitution:
- This document is still to be reviewed!