Wednesday, January 17 Walking Wednesday – 8:45 a.m.
Newsletter is published
Thursday, January 18 Queen’s House – Grade 7/8 & EcoJustice
Monday, January 22 Discovery Museum – Prekindergarten – 9:00 a.m.
Tuesday, January 23 Explore Agriculture – WDM – Grade 2/3 & 3/4 classrooms – 8:45 a.m.
Wednesday, January 24 PJ Day
Walking Wednesday – 8:45 a.m.
Family Literacy Night - 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. (postponed till February 28th)
Thursday, January 25 Father Iheanyi Visits
Community School Relay Meet – Field House – p.m.
Friday, January 26 Hot Lunch (for those who ordered)
2018/2019 Kindergarten Open House – 1:00 p.m.
Wednesday, January 31 Walking Wednesday – 8:45 a.m.
EcoJustice leave for Regina
Thursday, February 1 Assembly – 10:35 a.m.
Friday, February 2 Groundhog Day
EcoJustice return from Regina
Wednesday, February 7 Jump Rope for Heart Fundraising begins
Monday, February 12 Ski forms and information will be going out this week – Grades 5 – 8
Tuesday, February 13 Pre-Valentine’s Day
Red/Pink Day
Wednesday, February 14 Ash Wednesday
Newsletter is published
Next Newsletter Wednesday February 14, 2018
Greetings from Your Admin Team
Ø Happy 2018 to all of our St. Edward families! Thank you for the many Christmas blessings, gifts and treats that were shared with the staff before Christmas. It is greatly appreciated. It has been wonderful having everyone back at school, refreshed and recharged for a January of academics, activities and sports.
Ø This month, we are honouring the Gospel Virtue of Reconciliation. Forgiveness is giving someone another chance after he/she have made a mistake. It is making amends and reconciling instead of seeking revenge. Forgiving is moving ahead, ready to act differently, with compassion for yourself and faith that you and others can make different choices. St. Edward students are working at demonstrating the virtue of forgiveness and we are proud of them! A special thank you goes out to our EcoJustice class for leading our morning prayer this month.
Ø Staff and students are beginning a very busy schedule with extra-curricular activities. The track season is now upon us and both boys and girls’ teams are practicing twice a week. Thank you to Mrs. Cenaiko and Mr. McKay for coaching our athletes. As well, the basketball season is upon us and the boys and girls’ teams are preparing for their upcoming season. Thank you to Mrs. Deacon and Mr. Le Blanc for coaching our basketball teams.
Ø St. Edward School is now accepting Kindergarten registrations. All parents/guardians and children who are eligible for Kindergarten in September of 2018 are encouraged to attend our Open House on Monday, January, 29th at 1:00 pm in the Kindergarten classroom. Please notify friends and neighbors who may be interested and exploring the opportunity of sending their child(ren) to St. Edward School.
Ø Please welcome Mrs. Diachuk and Mrs. Flamand to our staff after completing their maternity leaves. Mrs. Diachuk is our Learning Assistance Teacher and Mrs. Flamand is teaching Kindergarten. Welcome to our St. Edward family!
God bless,
J. Doepker, Principal
L. Janssens, Vice Principal
Advent Project
During the Advent season, St. Edward raised funds/clothing items to support Interval House. In total $443.00 was donated along with numerous bags of clothing. A big thank you to our school community for your generosity and giving at Christmas time.
Just before the holidays we got new phones throughout the building now when you call in you will automatically get options to choose whom you wish to talk to. For attendance please choose the office and leave a message if I am not available to answer the phone. For the office push: 0, for Mrs. Doepker push 1, and for Mrs. Janssens push 2. If you have any problems or questions please send me an email or give us a call.
Winter Weather
Our Saskatchewan winters can vary a great deal! Certainly, we have experienced some cold winter weather! Please ensure that your child(ren) is/are suitably dressed for the weather. It is important that students come with winter jackets, boots, gloves and toques (winter pants if available). Students are expected to go outside at recesses and noon hour. When dressed for the weather, fresh air and playtime/socializing with friends is enjoyable. Students must come dressed for outdoors even on the coldest days as temperatures do fluctuate during the day which would allow students to go outside for some fresh air. We live in a climate where extreme weather conditions do at times limit outside activities. During our coldest times students are always able to warm up in the boot room areas. Indoor recesses are required and will be held only when temperatures exceed -25 C (with the wind chill).
Kindergarten Open House (2018-2019 School Year)
If your child will be 5 years of age by January 31st, 2019, he or she is ready to begin Kindergarten at St. Edward School. We are a safe, caring Catholic school that helps each of our students reach their full potential. At St. Edward School we nurture faith, encourage excellence in learning and inspire students to serve others, so they can make the world around them a better place. Call the school at 306-659-7300 to set up a visit or come to our Open House, which will be held on Monday, January 29th, beginning at 1:00 pm. A copy of the child’s Birth Certificate/Baptismal Certificate and Sask. Health card are required to complete the registration process. Thank you. We hope to see you there!
ALLERGY ALERT: We have students with peanut/nut allergies at St. Edward School. The degree of sensitivity to peanuts/nuts varies greatly. For some children, an allergy to peanuts/nuts can be life threatening. For the safety of our children, we ask students and parents to support our peanut/nut free policy.
We are very excited about our upcoming Family Literacy Night, which is sponsored by Read Saskatoon. Families are invited to attend our fun evening beginning at 6:30p.m. on Wednesday, February 28th. We will have numerous prizes to give out to families including: Saskatoon Blades tickets, Leisure Center Passes and bannock for a snack as you make your way home for the evening. In addition, ALL students attending the event will receive a “FREE PASS COUPON” that they can redeem in their classrooms for a teacher approved privilege which may include choice of classroom activity, extended recess, homework free pass, etc. We are very excited about this event and we look forward to seeing you there!.
Presented by Conexus Credit Union
Explore our beautiful province with Family Literacy activities. Design a tourism ad for your own backyard! Skip your way across Saskatchewan! Branch out and create your own family tree! Flex your memory muscles with a Weird and Wonderful match game and so much more!
“We parents work all day and I don’t get to see my son in school working and playing. I enjoyed seeing him interacting with his peers in the school environment. We loved the active games, and interacting with everyone in a group setting.” - Parent
The Gift of Catholic Education – The Theodore Campaign
Help ensure Catholic education is available to all who choose it, no matter the reason, for future generations. Donate to support the legal appeal of the Theodore court-case ruling and keep resources in our classrooms. A permanent reversal through the appeals process (which will likely go to the Supreme Court of Canada) is needed to maintain funding for all who choose Catholic faith-based education. Find out how to donate (including online options) at https:// foundation.gscs.ca.
Indoor Track
Welcome to another indoor track season!
The team will be practicing on Mondays after school from 3:20-3:50 and on Wednesday mornings from 8:00-8:30. Track members are expected to attend all practices. Our first meet will be the Community Schools Relay Meet on Thursday January 25th. This meet is during school hours and track members will be bussed to and from the Field house. Our second meet will be the GSCS Relay and will not take place until the end of the season in March, more info will be provided on this meet at a later date. This relay meet will be held after school hours and students will be required to make their own travel plans to and from the Field House.
We are excited for another great season of track!
Mr. McKay & Mrs. Cenaiko
Thank you to Mrs. Deacon and Mr. LeBlanc for coaching our grade 7 /8 teams this year. The game schedule will be coming out shortly and will be sent home with the students. The practice schedule is:
Girls – Monday and Friday at 12:05 p.m.
Boys – Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 12:05 p.m. and Tuesday after school – 3:15 to 4:15 p.m.
Hudson Bay Park Mayfair Kelsey Woodlawn Rink
Sat, Jan 20
Hockey Day at Henry Kelsey Rink 10 – 4
Concession available
All ages welcome!
Fri, Mar 2
Steak Night at Mulberry’s Restaurant
Doors open at 6:00
Adult tickets $25
50/50, Silent Auction, Prize draws Contact for information and steak night tickets
All proceeds go towards rebuilding the rink! We are almost 1/3 of the way to our $20,000 goal.
The Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools Foundation is pleased to invite you to the 18th annual ‘Swing into Spring’ Fashion Show & Dinner on Thursday, May 3, 2018 at Prairieland Park – Hall B. Once again, plans are well under way for a fabulous evening of fun, food, fashions, camaraderie and great prizes. Support school division employees as they step out of their traditional roles to walk the runway in the latest spring fashions. Please check the posters displayed at your school or your parish bulletin boards or the Foundation website at https://foundation.gscs.ca.
Early Bird tickets purchased before March 15, 2018 are $68.00ea or $75.00ea after March 15, 2018. Tickets are available through the Foundation office.
Phone: 659-7003 Fax: 659-2013 Email: Your presence helps us put faith in education.
Aboriginal Storytelling -