Thank you to all who continue to save pennies for our Penny Project. If you would like to save pennies, there are containers at the back of the Church. For further information call Marg @ 834-4517
Are you interested in helping young people become more self-confident, with eyes towards God and their fellow man? Then the CLB needs you. We are recruiting officer candidates to assist in our CLB program at Topsail. If you are interested in working with our CLB Company, please contact Father John at 834-2336 or Capt. Cliff Fowler at 834-4313.
St. Thomas Villanova Variety Show
Monday, March 8th at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $10 each and are available in advance by calling 834-4489 or you can get them at the door.
Bereavement Seminar…
…. for people who have lost a loved one. This two-hour seminar describes the grieving process and presents some information on things individuals and families can do to help themselves and others during the time of grief. It also describes the resources available for those who are grieving. This session will be presented by Dr. Rick Singleton, Director of Pastoral Care and Ethics with Eastern Health. The session is from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. on Monday, March 22, 2010 at the Health Science Centre in room 2J-618-19. Stay on the main corridor through the main entrance. No registration is necessary. For more information you can call 777-6959.
Welcome to the Parish of
St. John the Evangelist
Conception Bay South, Newfoundland
March 7, 2010
The Bulletin is given to the Glory of God
and in Loving Memory of
Husband, Father & Grandfather, Louis Walters on the Anniversary of his death
Remembered by
Maud & Family
Dear Friends in Christ,
The purpose of Lent, I understand, is precisely this: to see my Redeemer’s conflict – not my own, because by myself I don’t stand a chance against the old evil foe.
But with Jesus by my side, on my side, surrounding me, strengthening me, directing me, lifting me when I fall …and forgiving me, I do have more than just a chance – I have my Redeemer’s own promise of victory, that He will deliver me from every evil and welcome me into mansions prepared for all who trust him.
Father John +
Anglican Cycle of Prayer
PRAY for Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Hong Kong Island - (Hong Kong) The Most Rev’d Paul Kwong
Tri-Diocesan Intercessions
Parish of Harbour Grace
Rector- The Rev. Shirley Noseworthy
Parish of Botwood
Rector-The Rev. Larry Chatman
The sick
Cyril DaweHelen SheppardMark Mulcahy
Debbie SaundersBev AresCatherine Whalen
Bev ChaytorMuriel FowlerEnid Rossiter
Freeman Taylor
We are pleased to pray for your sick family members and friends. We only ask that you give us an update on their progress. Please let us know when they are well enough to be removed from our prayer list.
The BereavedFaithful Departed
John & Pat Brown & FamilyFred Brown (John’s Brother)
Audrey Mercer & FamilyMarjorie Jefford (Audrey’s Aunt)
A donation has been given to the Cemetery Fund, to the Glory of God and in Loving Memory of Father, Frank Carter by The Family
Lenten Café
Our Lenten Café will start this Wednesday, March 10th at 5:30 p.m. serving Baked Cod & Vegetables. Tickets $10.00 each. Maximum of 72 tickets to be sold. A sign up sheet is available in the back of the church or call the office at 834-2336.
Mid Week Lenten Services….
…Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. – Holy Communion
… Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. after the Lenten Meal – Service Compline
Lenten Bible Studies
Monday’s in Lent
The study begins at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall on “The Passion of the Christ”
Wednesday’s in Lent
The study begins at 10:00 a.m. in the Parish Hall on “By His Stripes We Are Healed”.
Admirals Coast Retirement Centre
Father John and the Choir will be conducting an Evening Prayer service tonight at Admirals Coast at 7:00 p.m.
Vestry Meeting
Wednesday, March 10th after the Service of Compline.
Altar Guild
There will be a meeting of Altar Guild members on Tuesday, March 23rd at 7:00 p.m.
The Parish office is now accepting Easter Memorials. Due to the busyness of Holy Week, the deadline for Memorials will be Friday, March 26th