Compassion of Individuals, Power of Community


January 8, 2014; 2:00-4:00 p.m. @ L & I - Rm. S216

Dial in # (360) 407-3780; Pass code 188110 #

Documents Provided:

Invitees: / Julie Alonso
Ryan Betz
Kelli Dixon
Evelyn Hinken
Peggy Miller / Sandy Mitchell
Cindy Murray
Julia Ojard
Staci Phillips
Karen Robbins / Randy Ryan
Cheryl Sattelberg
Pam Scott
Sherry Thomas
Lori Tranmer / Melissa Van Gorkom
Kelly Wilson
Robert Coit
Guest / SOS Staff:
Stephanie Horn
Phillip Kerrigan
Heather Lucas
Dawn Sanquist


Time / Agenda Item / Presenter / Notes/Action Items
2:00 – 2:05 / Announcements / Melissa/Kelly / CFD ended with another successful year like 2012. There was a decrease in giving but still a success.
MLK day should be made a day of caring, remember to donate time and record it.
Introductions of new member Rick Elsea from DSHS/DVR.
2:05 – 2:25 / Charity Speaker – Robert Coit, Director
Thurston County Food Bank / Did not attend
2:25 – 2:55 / Nominations
·  Timeline
·  How is it done / Melissa/Kelly / Is there anyone interested in leading the Charity Fairs and Local Coordinators Training this year?
Training planning starts in April/May, Campaign Leaders training is in May/June, with the Local Coordinators training in July/September. Usually the LC Training is held on 2 separate days, 2 sessions each day. Evelyn and Rick will tag team the training. As far as the charity fairs go, Sandy was nominated to co-lead with Lori T. The last big event was in May last year with the PSRW which we do not know will happen this year.
Timelines: The co-chairs are opening up on meeting a month to have the leads join their meeting with the SOS office. Julie will be joining the meeting as a shadow to the co-chairs for the year. One hour with leads and co-chairs to discuss your needs from 3-4pm, Melissa will send out meeting notices for the next one on January 22nd at 3pm.
2:55 – 3:05 / Solicitation Lead / Melissa/Kelly / Request made.
Cindy will work with Peggy Miller to get some letters out this next month.
3:05 - 3:10 / Break
3:10 – 3:15 / Rock Party
(1)  Jan & (1) Feb / Melissa/Kelly / There will be rock painting parties to get them all decorated. Mellissa will send out information.
3:15 – 3:35 / Recognition Event
·  Food
·  Charity Center pieces
·  Entertainment / Julia / Quorum vote on caterer with majority yes for Marv’s BBQ. Julia will let them know they were selected. Melissa will send Phillip notification as to the selection.
Veggie entree will be Portabella Mushrooms. It was asked to have the invite to require they select a Veggie dinner to get a head count.
Still need to find a way to cover Coffee, Drinks and Dessert.
Cindy M can provide a large coffee pot with coffee. Kelly will submit a letter to Costco to supply desserts and any drinks options as a donation.
Sponsors could have a table at the event.
Last year the TCSC and the SOS supplied the wine and beer. Members stated they were willing to donate to the cause again this year.
We will also need to purchase a liquor permit, ($5) which the SOS may not be able to provide due to more stringent rules around alcohol.
Charity centrepieces, specs will be drawn up to give to the charities that include size. We will have 20 tables. We are planning the event for 200 people. We will need to get a head count the week of for the caterer. A letter will be sent out by Mellissa to all charities to allow them to participate. Julie will do the letter with mock up and set up a sign up genius to allow them to sign up. This should be complete by February 1st.
Entertainment – Sherry has the Olympia Choir coming to preform prior to the event start time or during the first hour. There is not cost for choir.
We will need to look at the laptop for background music through the PA system.
We need to look at old program to build this year’s program and revise times.
Phillip will need to confirm if we have the two other rooms to serve food and drinks in or just the main room.
We will want to invite the major donors to the event from last year. Anyone that donated over $200 should get an invite to attend.
We should have a key note speaker like Secretary of State Kim Wyman or Randy Dorn.
3:35 – 3:50 / Motorcycle Ride Update / Cindy / One appointment with Harley to discuss their involvement this year. Attempts will be made to contact more pit stops and send out donor letter for participation this year. Evelyn will be the pit stop coordinator at Lucky Eagle and will go with Cindy to the meeting with them. Cheryl will be the PC at Harley and will attend that meeting. We will need other pit stop coordinators for CTW and the Capital if we start there this year. COSTCO has also voiced interest in being and pit stop.
3:50 – 4:00 / Roundtable / ALL Members

Next Meeting: February 12; 2:00-4:00 p.m. @ L & I - Rm. S216 Second Floor

3 / TCSC – Monthly Meeting Agenda/Minutes