Head Coach & Sprints: Dena McCraith:
Sprints/Jumps: Eric Pilson
Distance: Jenn Dietz:
Distance: Jack Coffey
Hurdles/Sprints: Bob Woods
Hurdles/Sprints: Jana De Coster
Academic eligibility – Athletes must have passed 5 of 7 classes in the previous semester in order to be eligible. During the season athletes grades may be monitored. Every effort will be made to help students maintain their grades.
Required Forms
All the following forms can be found online at under ‘files and links’
v VHSL Physical- Each year athletes must turn in a completed VHSL physical that has been approved by the Athletic Trainer and on file with the school. Approved physicals should be turned into the student activities office. If you played a fall sport for West Potomac your physical will remain on file for winter/spring sports. Only the most current form (top right corner of Page One has box with March 2013) will be accepted.
v Medical Insurance – Every student athlete must have insurance. If the athlete does not have insurance they must purchase it from the school.
v Emergency Care Form – must be submitted at the beginning of every season.
v FCPS Communicable Disease Form
v Weight Room Authorization Form
v Signature Page of FCPS Extra Curricular Activities Policies & Procedures – the last page of this packet should be signed by parent/guardian as well as athlete
v Off Campus Running Form
There are no cuts or try-outs for the West Potomac Track and Field team. All ability levels are welcome to join provided they adhere to the school and team policies. Athletes are expected to attend all practices and complete the training regimen. Beginning athletes may struggle to complete varsity level workouts, but it is expected that 100% effort be given towards the warm-up and training routines. The coach has full discretion to release any athlete who is not taking training seriously.
Practices are Monday through Saturday. Meet days vary during the season. Attendance is mandatory. Let the coach know of any potential schedule conflicts.
Runners should make up missed workouts on their own time.
· First official day of practice is Monday – November 17th
· The last day to join West Potomac Winter Track is Friday – November 21st
· Practice schedules for each events group will be posted to the website (
· and Twitter @West_Po_Track
· Unexcused absences - from practice/ and or competition
o 1st absence (warning and sit out next competition)
o 2nd absence (sit out and lose another competition)
o 3rd absence (the athlete is excused from the team).
· Excused Absences –will be viewed on a case-to-case basis.
· Contact your coach if you’re not sure about the race times or place.
· Athletes are NOT permitted to participate in another organized sport during the track season, with few exceptions. It is in the best interest of the athlete and the team to select one sport per season.
All injuries and illnesses must be immediately reported to the coach and our Certified Athletic Trainer (ATC). Either the ATC or a doctor will prescribe limitations on practice and meet performance. ONLY the ATC can return runners to practice after an injury.
· Good sportsmanship is an essential part of this program.
· Maintain a positive attitude and consider the team’s goals over personal goals.
· Conduct yourself in a first-class manner around West Potomac and the community.
· Abide by all the rules and regulations of the Fairfax County Public Schools.
· School attendance is required for participation in practices and meets.
· Hazing or Initiation ceremonies are illegal and will not be tolerated
· Fighting, refusing to take part in practice, acting or speaking disrespectfully to any coach or meet official, leaving school early, disobeying school or bus rules will be grounds for dismissal.
Varsity Lettering:
· You must compete in a in a post-season championship meet (Districts, Regionals or States) in order to earn a Varsity Letter.
· Please wear quality, RUNNING SHOES to avoid injuries. They should not be worn out (soles, support, cushioning) and most training shoes only last one season. Each runner has different physical characteristics that may dictate a certain type of shoe, so do not purchase based off appearance. We suggest purchasing your shoes from a store specializing in running if you’re unsure what to buy. Recommendations for stores are available upon request (some stores have discounts available for WP athletes).
· Competition Shoes (spikes): Depends on specialty area (throws, sprints, jumps, distance). Some facilities do not permit shoes with spikes so make sure they can be removed!
o These are not required, only recommended.
· We ask that distance runners have a chronograph watch that is capable of timing your watch (stop and start). There are varying levels and prices for chronograph watches available, some have the ability to take ‘splits’, but you are not required to purchase any highly technical watches.
· Be aware that time and places for events occasionally change with very little notice. However, it is the athlete’s responsibility to pass on changes to parents as soon as they are so informed. Sign up for alerts via the website.
· There are several websites that cover Track & Field in Virginia;, and nationally .
I have read and agree to adhere to the Policies and Procedures for 2014 West Potomac Spring Track.
Athlete Name (Printed) ______
Athlete Signature______
Parent Signature______