PEMCommunity Education Survey
The PEMCommunity Education office is evaluating its current program and planning for the future. Your input will help identify and meet the needs of the community. Drop off the survey at any school office or mail it to: PEM Community Ed., 500 W. Broadway Ave., Plainview, MN55964. Thank you!
1. What time of year is most convenient for members of your household to attend community education classes? (Check all that apply.)
2. What time of day is most convenient for members of your household to attend community education classes? (Check all that apply.)
____weekdays____weekday evenings____weekend days____weekend evenings
3. What is most appealing to you? ___class=1 night/session_____Class 2=nights/sessions _____More
4. How many community education classes have adults in your household taken in the last two years?
5. How many community education classes have your children taken in the last two years? ______classes
6. What circumstances prevent members of your household from taking community education classes? (Check all that apply.)
____I have no interest in these activities____timing is not convenient
____topics I am interested in are not offered____cost of the class
____I am unaware of the class offerings____lack of child care
____other (specify ______)
7. What is the best way to inform you about community education classes? (Check all that apply.)
____Paw Print Newspaper____catalogs/brochures____Website
____Plainview News____Email______Other (specify)
8. How would you rate the PEMCommunity Education Program?
____very good____good ____average ____needs improvement
9. What are the strengths of the community education program? ______
10.. How could the community education program improve?
11. What issues should the community education program focus on? Please rank all items 1-6.
(1 = most important and 6 = least important)
____arts and humanities____cultural diversity____recreation
____health and safety ____job skill/training____other (specify) ______
12. Do you know someone who would be willing to teach a community education class?
____yes ____no
If yes, please complete. Name ______Phone ______
Skill/Talent ______
13. What is your age? _____ years
14. What is your gender? ____male _____female
15. How many years of formal education have you completed? (for example, high school graduate =12) ______years
16. Which classes would you or others in your household likely attend? Mark the classes females are interested in with an F and the classes males are interested in with an M.
BUSINESS / COMPUTERS / ARTSAccounting / Introduction to computers / Theater
Investing / Keyboarding / Music
Personal Finances / Word Processing / Book Club
Debt Reduction / Spreadsheet Applications / Storytelling
Tax Info/Preparation / Making web pages / Photography
Starting your own business / Other (specify) / Other (specify)
Other (specify)
Chinese Cooking / Cake Decorating / Aerobics
Italian Cooking / Drawing / Dance (specify)
Mexican Cooking / Painting / Golf
Other Ethnic (specify) / Pottery / Referee Training
Fondue / Knitting / Cross Country Skiing
Organic Cooking / Sewing / Downhill Skiing
Holiday Baking / Quilting / Open Gym
Healthy Cooking / Basket Making / Tennis
Gourmet Cooking / Scrapbooking / Swimming
Soup Making / Stamping / Other (specify)
Other (specify) / Other (specify)
Stress Management / Cultural Awareness(specify culture) / Bingo
Weight Management / Spanish Language / Antique Shopping
Self Esteem / Snowmobile Safety / ScienceMuseum
Caring for Aging Adults / Commercial License Training / Art Museums
Parenting Skills – Pre-school / Driving Refreshers / Horse Races
Parenting Skills – Elementary / CPR/First Aid / Mystery Trip
Parenting Skills – Adolescent / Firearm Safety / Mall of America Trip
Alternative Health Care / Organic Gardening / Dinner Theater
Menopause Management / Landscaping / Other (specify)
Other (specify) / Card Games (specify Bridge, Euchre or other)
Other (specify)
Thank you for completing this survey! Fold survey in half to make the Community Education Office address visible, and tape or staple closed.
Community Education 1st Class
500 W. Broadway Ave. Postage
Plainview, MN 55964 Here
PEM Community School
Community Education
500 West Broadway
Plainview, MN 55964