Science Grading Policy
Mrs. Ward, Sixth Grade
Tests: 25%A: 90-100
Quizzes: 15%B: 80-89 Activities/Projects: 25% C: 70-79
Classwork: 15%D: 60-69
Interactive notebooks: 20%F: below 60
Tests: 25%
A study guide will be given and reviewed before every test. Notes taken in class are essential study tools. All notes will be taken in the Interactive Notebook (IAN). All test questions come from material discussed in class, not just the text book. The book can be taken home by the student uponrequest. Scores lower than 70% can be retaken by filling out a retest request with a parent signature.
Quizzes: 15%
Most chapters will include aquiz. This will give students an opportunity to test their knowledge midway through the chapter. Studying the vocabulary throughout the chapter is crucial. Scores lower than 70% can be retaken by filling out a retest request with a parent signature.
Interactive Notebooks: 20%
All notes will be taken in a spiral notebook dedicated to Science. This IAN will be collected periodically to be graded. All returned assignments will also be glued into this notebook. Each page must have an Essential Question, date, and a summary at the bottom.
We will need more than one notebook during the course of the year. It is important to keep the old one so it can be used to review for the NC Final Exam given at the end of the year. This NC Final Exam will be 20% of the yearly science grade.
Activities/Projects: 25%
These include in class activities as well as Science Expo projects and other assigned projects.
Classwork: 15%
The majority of class assignments will be graded under this category.
Homework will not be given nightly; however, their will be some homework if something isn’t finished in class. This is especially true for projects.
Generally, students are given ample time in class to complete assignments and they will be collected at that time. Occasionally, students may finish the assignment and turn it in the following day.
Check the agenda nightly for any assignments or upcoming projects. You may also see my webpage on the DMS school website.
It is essential that all work be made up quickly. Students will have 3 days after their return to make up missing assignments (per the student handbook). Assignments not made up according to this policy will be considered a zero until made up. Late assignments will lose 30 points. Special arrangements will be made for extended absences. It is the student responsibility to see me for missing work. Students will generally be unable to make up any lab activities missed; however, they may need to get the data collected from their group to complete the question or graph portion of the lab.
Please sign and return this copy to Mrs. Ward. I understand the grading policy for Science.
Parent/Guardian SignatureStudent Signature