Fun & Fit

Funding Application Guidance


2017 – 2018

Structure of Guidance

This guidance document has been produced to support applications to the Fun & Fit grant scheme, starting in September 2017. The document is split into 3 sections:

  1. General information – this will provide general information about the grants, the eligibility criteria and who can apply.
  2. Support and guidance to help you complete the application form.
  3. Specific information – grants will be launched throughout the year. We will be looking for different programmes to be delivered, in different areas. It is important that you read section 3 thoroughly to understand the specific requirements of each fund as it is launched as these will regularly change.

Section 1: General Information

What is Fun & Fit?

Initially funded in 2013 by Sport England, with contributions from Norfolk County Council’s Public Health team, Fun & Fit aims to target inactive adults in Norfolk, to increase their physical activity levels. It offers free, 8-week,instructor-led,beginners’ sports courses to encourage inactive adults (age 18+) to become more physically active.

The initial project was evaluated by the University of East Anglia, and found that the approach taken was successful in encouraging more people to be more active, more often. We have raised awareness of the programme across the county, particularly within the health sector, meaning we get lots of interest and frequently fill the courses available.

Since April 2016 the Fun & Fit programme has been locally sustained through Public Health’s physical activity budget, with the continued aim of reducing inactivity within Norfolk’s population, whilst also looking to reduce health inequalities by targeting those most likely to be inactive.

Active Norfolk are seeking to issue grants to a range of providers across the county to continue to deliver Fun & Fit courses.

Why do we need Fun & Fit

Physical inactivity is a problem nationally, and Norfolk is no exception with 21% of adults categorised as inactive (<30 minutes/week), equivalent to 187,620 people, resulting in an estimated health cost of over £15 million per year in Norfolk alone. By continuing to deliver Fun & Fit across Norfolk, Active Norfolk aims to provide inclusive opportunities for inactive adults to get moving, improving the health and wellbeing of Norfolk residents by increasing their physical activity levels.

Who can apply for Fun & Fit funding?

  • Local Authorities/Parish Councils
  • Leisure Operators
  • Formally constituted sport and physical activity clubs/groups with a bank account
  • Community Groups
  • Community Interest Companies
  • Charitable organisations

Essential Funding Criteria

Applicants applying for funding should ensure that their projects meet the following criteria and detail this within their applications.

  • Activity must target18+ year olds who are considered inactive, with inactive being defined as the participantcurrently taking part in 30 minutes or less of moderate intensity physical activity per week.
  • Activity must run fora minimum of 8 consecutive weeks
  • Each session should be a minimum ofone hourin duration each week.
  • An instructor/coach/facilitator should be present during all sessions to provide support and facilitate session. Participants within sessions should be led or coached with a focus on the session being informal and fun.
  • Sessions can take place at any time during the day, but must start at the same time each week.
  • Activitymust lead to a local exit route or sustainable session(i.e. local sports club/leisure centre/participant funded continuity).
  • Activity must be free to all eligible participants for the duration of the 8 week course

We may sometimes issue calls for projects that target identifiedpriority groups linked to the six Fun & Fit sub categories:

  1. Fun & Fit Women – provision targeting inactive women and girls.
  2. Fun & Fit Silver – provision targeting inactive adults aged 60+.
  3. Fun & Fit Family – provision targeting and engaging inactive parents through their family, including children.
  4. Fun & Fit for Health - provision to those inactive adults (18+) managing specific long term health conditions, being physical, mental or both.
  5. Fun & Fit Baby – providing pre & post-natal provision for new and expecting mothers, and new fathers.
  6. Fun & Fit for All – provision targeting inactive adults with disabilities.

What costs are eligible within the Fun & Fit grant?

Eligible costs include:

  • Staffing to deliver projects
  • Hire of facilities used to deliver projects
  • Some marketing and administration costs (although Active Norfolk will provide additional support for these)

Ineligible costs include:

  • Overheads (storage of equipment, insurance and asset register maintenance)
  • Equipment (unless through prior agreement)
  • Buildings or refurbishment costs
  • Contingency costs – replacing damaged equipment etc
  • Projects that have no clear community/sustainable exit route
  • Projects that are insufficiently targeted
  • Items for projects that take place outside the UK
  • Projects for gifted and talented participants

What are the responsibilities of the grant recipient and the funder?

Grant recipient responsibilities:

  • Book venue/facility
  • Organise instructor/deliver session using appropriately qualified staff
  • Provide necessary equipment, which meets safety standards
  • Ensure data is collected as per instructions provided, including weekly registers
  • Risk assess all activities
  • Hold appropriate public liability insurance
  • Support Active Norfolk with marketing and promotion of activity

Successful applicants will need to provide evidence of their public liability insurance and provide copies of instructor qualifications of those delivering the activities.

Projects that receive funding will also be required to ensure that sufficient safeguarding measures are in place and assist with safeguarding and high quality assurance procedures/reviews. Guidance will be available from Active Norfolk.

Active Norfolk responsibilities:

  • Administrate bookings on a central register
  • Evaluate course outcomes, including follow-up with participants
  • Share course satisfaction information collected
  • Marketing and promotion of activity

Section 2: Completing the application form

When completing the application please ensure all sections of the form are completed fully.Please refer to section 1 and 2 of this document to help you complete the application. Theapplication form is split in to four sections. 1. General Information. 2. Delivery. 3. Sustainability. 4. Funding.

Section 1 – asks for general information regarding the organisation applying for the grant.

Section 2 – Asks the applicant to give details of what they intend to deliver, including which activities and where. It also asks to outline which of the priority groups will be targeted and how they plan to do this. This section also asks the applicant to provide evidence of public liability insurance and valid qualifications for the instructors delivering on the project.

Section 3 –Applicants mustinclude in this section, how they plan to keep participants engaged in activities once the course/s have finished and to outline any exit routes that participants could access afterwards. Section 3 also asks applicants to outline what partners, if any, they plan on working with to provide an exit route and if any partner organisations will be assisting with recruitment for the activity.

Section 4 – This section asks the applicant to state how much funding they wish to apply for. This section must include what the funding will be spent on, including how many 8 week courses this amount will cover.

The bottom left section of the application asks the applicant to provide a predicted number of participants the project will engage with.


If you require any further assistance in completing the Fun & Fit application form, please do not hesitate to contact Sam Watts or Andy Oakley

Email – r

Tel - 01603 732333

Section 3: Specific Information

This section details the specific information for this funding call.

What we are looking for?

Active Norfolk are looking for an organisation to deliver a programme of 8 week courses in the Brecklandarea. The organisation must be able to provide appropriately qualified instructors to deliver activities and take on the responsibility of sourcing and hiring venues to host the activities. Participants and priority groups targeted should be residents of Breckland. Activities delivered must be suitable for the inactive population and sustainable by providing exit routes after the courses have finished. The organisation must also supply any equipment needed for the activities.

Please be aware that the priority groups within the Brecklandarea are -

General Fun & Fit – £2000 available - provision targeting inactive adults over 18 years old.

Fun & Fit for Health - £2000 available - provision to those inactive adults (18+) managing specific long term health conditions, being physical, mental or both.

Fun & Fit Silver – £2000 available - provision that targets the inactive over 60’s population, who may have additional health conditions or restricted mobility.

Please complete one application form for each grant award (one per group).


- The deadline for applications is 27th November 2017.

- Delivery of activities must start the w/c 22nd January 2018.

Following the submission deadlines, a review panel will assess the applications and applicants will be made aware if their projects have been successful or unsuccessful by Friday 1st December.Successful applicants will then be awarded grant payment by 8th January 2018.

If successful, Active Norfolk will produce a Service Level Agreement and schedule a funding confirmation form, which, once signed will release the requested funding. Further documentation including participant registration forms will also be issued to organisations for use during the sessions. Active Norfolk will then be able to begin marketing the activity in preparation for delivery during your designated delivery period and will consult with successful applicants over a marketing plan.