SHEAR 97 Quickbooks Interface Variation 1 Guidelines

SHEAR 97 Setup preference on line 418 must be set to: 1

This variation, Variation 1, creates an Invoice.


The parent-child naming feature is mandatory and fixed in Interface Variation 1

Do not use different names than these:

REBAR this is the top parent.

#10 REBAR (there is a single space after the zero) this is a subitem of REBAR

10B this is an item, namely #10 uncoated bar, subitem of #10 REBAR

10E this is an item, namely #10 epoxy bar, subitem of #10 REBAR

#4 REBAR (there is a single space after the zero) this is a subitem of REBAR

4B this is an item, namely #4 uncoated bar, subitem of #4 REBAR

4E this is an item, namely #4 epoxy bar, subitem of #4 REBAR


All barlist line items will be sorted and accumulated into like items.

All rebar, whether stock, bent, or straight will be accumulated.

Rebar Items

You must name your rebar items in Quickbooks as follows:

As stated above, these items are subitems of, for instance, #4 REBAR

#4 REBAR is a subitem of REBAR

Examples are for size 4 and 11

4B 11B (this is for black uncoated rebar)

4E is for #4 EPOXY


Any mesh or accessories item must use the “Long name” as found in

the Materials file.

For example, use SW2.1 6X6 instead of SW2.1

when you add this item to Quickbooks.

SHEAR 97 Quickbooks Interface Variation 1 Guidelines (continued)

Only with this Variation 1 will you see these 3 input boxes on the

SHEAR 97 Invoice screen:


For a particular invoice, you have a choice:

You can leave all 3 boxes empty, they are optional.

However, if you fill in the Price Per Lb, then

the Lumpsum will be calculated by adding the Freight

to the extension of the price per lb times the lbs of this invoice.

You can also leave the price per lb empty, and fill in either

both the Freight and the Lumpsum, or just the Lumpsum.

If the lumpsum has a non-zero value, then the invoice will bill

the lumpsum value, and will show all of the rebar,

but each rebar line item will print with no price.

If the lumpsum is zero, then the invoice will

will show all of the rebar with a price on each line item.

These need to be in your SHEAR 97 Setup Preferences

on lines 421 422 423 424.

RFBCD QBI Item name for Rebar tot lbs ex RFBCD

FREIGHT QBI Item for Freight Charge, ex FREIGHT

DRFBCD QBI Item name for Rebar tot $ ex DRFBCD

DFREIGHT QBI Item for Freight tot $, ex DFREIGHT

For Variation 1, you must add these items to Quickbooks:





END OF SHEAR 97 Quickbooks Interface Variation 1 Guidelines


SHEAR 97 Quickbooks Interface Variation 2 Guidelines

SHEAR 97 Setup preference on line 418 must be set to: 2

This variation, Variation 2, creates an Invoice.


The parent-child naming feature can not be used in Interface Variation 2


All barlist line items will be sorted and accumulated into like items.

All rebar, whether stock, bent, or straight will be accumulated.

Rebar Items

You must name your rebar items in Quickbooks as follows:

Examples are for size 4 and 11

4B 11B (this is for black uncoated rebar)

4E is for #4 EPOXY


Any mesh or accessories item must use the “Long name” as found in

the Materials file.

For example, use SW2.1 6X6 instead of SW2.1

when you add this item to Quickbooks.

END OF SHEAR 97 Quickbooks Interface Variation 2 Guidelines


SHEAR 97 Quickbooks Interface Variation 3 Guidelines

SHEAR 97 Setup preference on line 418 must be set to: 3

This variation, Variation 3, creates a Sales Order whereas

Variation 4 creates a Estimate.

Otherwise, Variation 3 is identical to Variation 4. Therefore,

for the features of Variation 3, please refer to the following pages on Variation 4.


SHEAR 97 Quickbooks Interface Variation 4 Guidelines

SHEAR 97 Setup preference on line 418 must be set to: 4

This variation, Variation 4, creates an Estimate.

This applies to Interface Variations 3, 4 and 5

The SHEAR 97 Job screen MTR field is where you enter

either D for Domestic or F for Foreign (Imported)

This applies to Interface Variations 4 and 5

The SHEAR 97 Job screen project name will automatically go

into the “Ship-To-Address” of the newly created Estimate.


The following parent-child feature applies to Interface Variations 1,3,4,5

If the SHEAR 97 Setup preference on line 425 is set to Y,

then Quickbooks “Parent-Child” item names are expected for rebar and mesh.

A “child” is also called a “sub item” in Quickbooks.

The SHEAR 97 Setup preference on line 426 is where you enter the

“parent” name for rebar. If empty, and the SHEAR 97 Setup preference

on line 425 is set to Y, then “REBAR” is assumed.

The SHEAR 97 Setup preference on line 427 is where you enter the

“parent” name for mesh. If empty, and the SHEAR 97 Setup preference

on line 425 is set to Y, then “MESH” is assumed.

If you use parents for Rebar and Mesh,

then they are assumed to have a parent name, so

add them as a “subitem” of the appropriate parent.

Accessories are assumed to not have a parent name, so do not

add them as a “subitem” of a parent.


SHEAR 97 Quickbooks Interface Variation 4 Guidelines (continued)

Rebar Items

You must name your rebar items in Quickbooks as follows:

Examples are for size 4 and 11


Stock bar is defined as:

Domestic: 40 foot bar

Foreign: 40 foot and 20 foot bar

The pattern is this:

Bar size (no # sign)

B for black (uncoated bar), E for epoxy, GA for galvanized, etc.

D for domestic bar, I for imported bar

SHEAR 97 Quickbooks Interface Variation 4 Guidelines (continued)


Stock Item examples:

4BD40 11BD60


Any bar that is not stock will need an item, examples

This is for all fabricated bar, whether bent or straight



The Ep field of the dark-blue barlist screen, if non-empty,

will be added to form the string which will expect to

find its match in the list of Quickbooks Items.

Therefore, for example, 4BDBENT for #4 uncoated domestic cut straight bar

becomes 4EDBEND for #4 epoxy domestic cut straight bar

END OF SHEAR 97 Quickbooks Interface Variation 4 Guidelines


SHEAR 97 Quickbooks Interface Variation 5 Guidelines (continued)

This applies to Interface Variations 3, 4 and 5

Accessories names can be overridden by the “Q’Books Item” field

in the SHEAR 97 Materials file. Otherwise, the “short name” is used.

For rebar items and for any accessory item with a “weight factor” of L

as specified in the Materials file, the quantity reported to Quickbooks is Lbs,

and will be multiplied by “rate” to get the dollar “Amount” on the Estimate.

For any accessory item with a “weight factor” of F

as specified in the Materials file, the quantity reported to Quickbooks is Linear Feet,

and will be multiplied by “rate” to get the dollar “Amount” on the Estimate.

If none of the above special cases apply, then for mesh and accessories the quantity is used instead of Lbs. and will be multiplied by “rate” to get the dollar “Amount”

on the Quickbooks Estimate.

SHEAR 97 Quickbooks Interface Variation 5 Guidelines

SHEAR 97 Setup preference on line 418 must be set to: 5

This variation creates an Estimate.

This applies to Interface Variations 3, 4 and 5

The SHEAR 97 Job screen MTR field is where you enter

either D for Domestic or F for Foreign (Imported)

This applies to Interface Variations 4 and 5

The SHEAR 97 Job screen project name will automatically go

into the “Ship-To-Address” of the newly created Estimate.


The following parent-child feature applies to Interface Variations 1,3,4,5

If the SHEAR 97 Setup preference on line 425 is set to Y,

then Quickbooks “Parent-Child” item names are expected for rebar and mesh.

A “child” is also called a “sub item” in Quickbooks.

The SHEAR 97 Setup preference on line 426 is where you enter the

“parent” name for rebar. If empty, and the SHEAR 97 Setup preference

on line 425 is set to Y, then “REBAR” is assumed.

The SHEAR 97 Setup preference on line 427 is where you enter the

“parent” name for mesh. If empty, and the SHEAR 97 Setup preference

on line 425 is set to Y, then “MESH” is assumed.

If you use parents for Rebar and Mesh,

then they are assumed to have a parent name, so

add them as a “subitem” of the appropriate parent.

Accessories are assumed to not have a parent name, so do not

add them as a “subitem” of a parent.


SHEAR 97 Quickbooks Interface Variation 5 Guidelines (continued)

Rebar Items

You must name your rebar items in Quickbooks as follows:

Examples are for size 4 and 11


Stock bar is defined in the Default Bundling file

> Click on Setup

> Click on Bundling files

> For bar size 4, for example, if you want 20 and 40 foot to

Be considered stock, then put a quantity (you can use the

Same quantity that is in Str Quantity in the leftmost column)

You can define up to 5 stock lengths in this manner.

For instance

Stk Qty 1 Stk Len 1 Stk Qty 2 Stk Len 2

200 20-0 200 40-0

For each stock item, you must create that item in Quickbooks, following

these patterns

The pattern is this:

Bar size (no # sign)

B for black (uncoated bar), E for epoxy, GA for galvanized, etc.

D for domestic bar, I for imported bar

SHEAR 97 Quickbooks Interface Variation 5 Guidelines (continued)


Stock Item examples:

4BD40 11BD60


Any straight bar that is not stock length will need an item, examples

This is a similar pattern to stock bar, but instead of 20 or 40 or 60, use STRT



Define Heavy bent items, examples

This is a similar pattern to straight bar, but use BNDH



Define Light bent items, examples

This is a similar pattern to straight bar, but use BNDL


The Ep field of the dark-blue barlist screen, if non-empty,

will be added to form the string which will expect to

find its match in the list of Quickbooks Items.

Therefore, for example, 4BDSTRT for #4 uncoated domestic cut straight bar

becomes 4EDSTRT for #4 epoxy domestic cut straight bar

SHEAR 97 Quickbooks Interface Variation 5 Guidelines (continued)

This applies to Interface Variations 3, 4 and 5

Accessories names can be overridden by the “Q’Books Item” field

in the SHEAR 97 Materials file. Otherwise, the “short name” is used.

For rebar items and for any accessory item with a “weight factor” of L

as specified in the Materials file, the quantity reported to Quickbooks is Lbs,

and will be multiplied by “rate” to get the dollar “Amount” on the Estimate.

For any accessory item with a “weight factor” of F

as specified in the Materials file, the quantity reported to Quickbooks is Linear Feet,

and will be multiplied by “rate” to get the dollar “Amount” on the Estimate.

If none of the above special cases apply, then for mesh and accessories the quantity is used instead of Lbs. and will be multiplied by “rate” to get the dollar “Amount”

on the Quickbooks Estimate.

END OF SHEAR 97 Quickbooks Interface Variation 5 Guidelines
