Michibago Music Teachers Association
Awards Committee meeting Sept. 11, 2015
10 a.m.
Louise Mann piano Studio
From the Treasurer: The awards account, not including CDs is currently $6,341.20
1. Getting requests to the treasurer to pay on awards. Simplifying the process
We decided that awards decisions will be made prior to any general meeting. Awards application will be due on the 10th of the month prior to any general membership meeting. All applications materials to be considered for any award must be turned in to the awards chair by that time. Awards Chair to send reminder to general membership of the deadline date.
2. Following Awards guidelines in our requests
We decided to follow the awards guidelines as stated in the awards application.
3. Solidify Guidelines for Studio award
Studio Award would be for a large presenter, or presentation or event, large studio purchase to benefit an entire studio. Aspects of the award could be available to the entire MMTA membership and must be available to the entire studio. Presentation has a WOW factor--large name speaker or event. Maximum award of $300. MMTA studio award can not exceed 40% of the total budget for the event or purchase
4. Budget for 2015-2016
Tabled until the next meeting, prior to November general meeting
5. Awards for 2015 WMTA conference for members, interns and or college students
The current student cost for WMTA conference is $55. This increases to $65 if the student registers onsite. MMTA teachers (or interns) can apply under our Teacher Enrichment Award.The committee decided to offer a Collegiate Conference Award available to current college music students (MMTA member or non-member) to attend the WMTA conference. $30 maximum award. Committee will give a Maximum of 10 awards—first come first served. The committee would like for any student group who receives this award to give a 10 minute group presentation at one of our general membership meeting. We will approach Christopher Warner (Lakeland) Christy Talbot (UW-Sheboygan) and Diana Shapiro (Silver Lake) about this award.
6. PianoArts request
The committee was asked to consider an award to PianoArts for the 2016 North American Competition. We felt that PianoArts was a valuable organization in inspiring our teachers and student and has been a good community citizen, sending PianoArtist to the 2015 Young Musical Stars concert (Sejoon Park) and offering a master class at Dreams Unlimited with David Ho. The committee felt that the Awards account had the funds to consider this request, but as this is outside of our awards guidelines, this proposal should be presented to the general membership. Members will be informed of the request at the September meeting and asked to vote at the November general meeting.
New member
Emeritus member—MaryAnn Robinson