St. James

Early Childhood Center

Parent Handbook


105 S. Lafayette St.

Millstadt, IL 62260

(618) 476-9490

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Program Descriptions

Preschool/ Pre-K: Our schedule is as follows:

Four years old: 4 mornings/afternoons per week (M-T-W-TH)

Three years old: Full-time M-TH; Part-Time M,W or Part-Time T, TH

Education goals and expectations are age and developmentally appropriate for each class. The E.C.C. follows a planned weekly theme (Houghton Mifflin curriculum) and has a structured daily routine that is center oriented. The learning centers include: religion, reading, math, manipulatives, dramatic play, art, computer, science and music. The children in our program will participate in most of these centers every day.

Our daily preschool routine consists of circle time, center activities, academic table work, outdoor or free play, and group activities. Children eligible for kindergarten the following school year will be given additional one-on-one learning activities, focusing on letters, numbers, colors and shapes to prepare them for the transition to the “big school”. Our Pre-K teacher, Mrs. Maureen Wiser, provides this service.

In addition, the Pre-K class will also participate in a P.E. class with the St. James P.E. teacher. A permission slip will be obtained at the start of the school year. Please dress children in tennis shoes and play clothes. Children who are not dressed appropriately will not be able to participate in center activities for safety reasons.

Due to our large enrollment, once your schedule is set when you register your child, there are no switching days. Our staff schedules are made at the beginning of the year based on the number of children each day, not allowing us to change the schedule once it is set.


All registration forms (including those from the Infant and Toddler Center) for the Early Childhood Center must be turned in by Friday, May 9, 2014 with your $25.00 non-refundable registration fee. Any forms not received by this date will create available positions that will be filled during our open enrollment. All rosters will be set by August 1, 2014.

ITC students who turn 3 before September 1,2014 will transition into the preschool program at the ECC at the start of the fall school year.

Students not enrolled at the ITC cannot start or return to school until the grade school is back in session. There are no exceptions to this rule as we have a large number enrolled in our summer program.

Guidelines for Transitioning to the Early Childhood Center

1. Prior to registration to the Early Childhood Center, the following guidelines must be met:

  1. All late fees and tuition payments must be paid in full to the Infant and Toddler Center prior to the start of the school year at the ECC, or your spot will be filled.
  2. A two-week notice needs to be given to both directors for the start and end of both centers.
  3. All children regardless of age must be completely self sufficient in the restroom before admittance to the Early Childhood Center. (IE: No pull-ups)
  4. All families and students are encouraged to attend our fall open house. This is when they see the classrooms decorated and bring their supplies. Staff members are available to meet and help with any questions.

Extended Care

(Extended care hours are 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.)

Many families cannot adjust their work schedules, therefore we can provide care for your child during the times you cannot be available. The Extended Care Program is an augmentation of our Preschool endeavors and lasts throughout the year.

The Extended Care activities are similar to the Preschool in that the activities are center related; however, there is an emphasis on teaching a multi- age classroom and a lunch and rest time are provided. There is a greater emphasis on large motor skill development because there is more time to devote to outdoor and gymnasium activities.

After School Program

The After School Program is open to children attending our local elementary schools whose parents, due to work schedules, need daycare before and after school. Emphasis is placed on completing homework and outside activities.

Summer Program

The Summer Program is open to children aged 3 to 12. The program will be arranged into weekly themes. Small field trips (swimming, park, etc.) will occur weekly and larger field trips will be scheduled with information regarding dates and transportation. All children must be present at 9am to start our activities. We do not offer a drop off service.

Physical Immunization

Parents are required to provide an immunization record form verifying that the child’s immunizations are current and a copy of their most recent physical. In addition, parents are required to complete the medical information and consent form.


If this is your child’s first experience in preschool/extended care, please be aware that your child may initially experience more childhood illnesses. Precautions are taken on a daily basis to help prevent the spread of germs. Emphasis is placed on good personal hygiene, in particular, hand washing. Upon entry into the Early Childhood Center, each child is required to wash their hands (reinforced by the parent’s assistance.)

If your child becomes ill while at the center, you will be notified immediately and asked to make arrangements to pick up your child as soon as possible. Should you be unavailable, the emergency contact listed on your registration form will be notified. The sick child will be isolated from the other children and allowed to rest on a mat until someone arrives.

Children should be symptom/fever free for 24 hours prior to returning to the classroom.

Please keep your child at home and call to inform us of your child’s absence if any of the following are present:

Rash or Pink Eye (a doctor’s note required to return to class), Coughing, Sneezing, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Sore throat, FEVER OF 99


Preschool classes will begin at 9:00 am

Please have your child here at 8:30 a.m, no earlier. This time frame will allow the child to get settled into the building, allowing the child to free play prior to the start of class.

Upon arrival, sign in, assist your child with hand washing, and escort your child into the classroom. Please make sure the teacher acknowledges your child’s presence before you leave. Under no circumstances should your child be dropped off and allowed to enter their classroom alone. When dropping off and picking up your child from extended care, be sure to sign in/out on the provided chart.


Preschool classes will be dismissed at 11:30 a.m. and 3:00 pm. A late pick up fee of $10.00 per child will be charged for every 10 minutes after the end of the session.

Extended, After School, and Summer Care Programs end at 6:00 PM. A late pick up fee of $10.00 per child will begin at 6:05 PM. Parents will be given three attempted phone calls. If they are not reached by 6:10 PM, then the emergency contacts on the contingency list will be called until an authorized person is notified. In the event that no one has been reached to pick up the child by 6:20 PM, a staff member shall remain with the child, and the local police department shall be notified, and will determine the actions taken at that point. In addition, after three late pick ups, your child will not be able to attend the St. James Early Childhood Center’s Extended, After School and Summer Care Programs. Please notify the center if you are running late and will not be able to pick up your child at the scheduled time. It is important that the staff is aware of any situation causing a delay so that they can help ease your child’s anxiety.

Initial Child Protection

The Diocese of Belleville requires that any volunteer for any school function participate in the Initial Child Protection Lecture offered throughout the

Catholic schools in our area. The dates the lecture is offered vary throughout the school year, and the St. James Early Childhood Center will provide that information as it becomes available. You may also access the schedule at the Diocese of Belleville’s website, You MUST complete one of these classes to attend ANY school-sponsored event.

Field Trips

Field trips will be taken during the year. Adequate notice will be given prior to the scheduled trip. Field trip permission forms must be completely filled out and signed by the parent, and field trip fee must be paid in full prior to the scheduled trip. Destination and method of transportation will be indicated on the permission form. Due to our large number of students and staff we ask that no siblings attend field trips.

Parent Volunteers

Parents are welcome to volunteer and assist in their child’s classroom. If you wish to volunteer, please schedule the time with the director and teacher. Please allow your child time to adjust to the preschool setting and routine before scheduling time in the classroom.Parent volunteers are encouraged to dress comfortably, please arrive on time, and actively participate and interact with the children. On the day they are scheduled in the classroom, parent volunteers need to make child care arrangements for siblings. You must have completed the Child Protection lecture to volunteer!

Discipline Policy

Discipline and guidance for the child enrolled in our program is an ongoing process. Classroom rules will be age appropriate and easy for the child to understand. These rules will be discussed at the beginning of the school year and reviewed with the children on a regular basis. In addition, a discipline policy has been instated to support positive behavior, and prevent and/or address any negative conduct. The discipline policy spells out when it may become necessary to write up a child, which may result in that child’s suspension from the program temporarily or permanently.

Prevention: The arrangement of the classroom is designed to encourage constructive play and social interaction. The teacher is alert to a child’s personality and needs and will make necessary adjustments to offset and prevent misunderstandings.

Intervention/Redirection: When necessary, the teacher will intervene and redirect children to different activities. Consequences for certain behaviors will be discussed with the child. If inappropriate behavior continues, previously discussed consequences will be carried out. The teacher will help moderate disagreements and offer positive and appropriate solutions to help resolve the conflict.

Time Out: As a last resort, the child will be removed from the situation to a timeout chair where they will have time to think about their actions. Length of the time-out is based on one minute per year age of the child. The teacher will discuss the incident with the child prior to placing the child in time-out and again prior to allowing the child to return to any activity. Positive and appropriate solutions will again be discussed with the child.

If problems persist and all avenues to resolution have been exhausted, the Director reserves the right to terminate the services provided and will ask the parents to withdraw their child from our program(s).


Communication, cooperation and continued parental support are essential elements in the success of St. James Early Childhood Center. Any concerns about a child’s behavior or adjustment will be addressed immediately. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments please let us know. You are always welcome along with questions, concerns, and positive feedback.

Conferences: If necessary, the teacher will arrange for a conference with parents to discuss any adjustments, problems or reasons for concern about their child. Please call the Director to set up a conference.

Another point of communication that has come up is birthday parties outside of St. James Early Childhood Center. In the event a child is having a party and inviting those in his/her class,it is our policy that if invitationsare given out at school that all children are given an invitation to attend the party. If this is a gender specific (e.g. all boys or all girls) then please make sure either all boys or all girls are invited. Please do not leave out any member of the class. If you are not including all classmates or every boy or girl, please send outside of school as we don't want any feelings hurt.

Inclement Weather

In the event of inclement weather, official school closings will be announced on TV stations, KMOV (4) and KSDK (5). Please remember that if Millstadt Consolidated School is closed due to inclement weather, St. James Elementary as well as the Preschool will be closed.

The extended care will be available for those enrolled in our extended care program ONLY unless the weather is too dangerous for staff to travel in. This decision will be made between the Director and Principal of the St. James Grade School. The center may operate on a snow schedule, which will be communicated on KSDK (5) or KMOV (4), by 6:00 a.m.

If you will be dropping off your child for Extended Care after 9:00 AM on a day that the grade school and preschool have closed, please call the center to inform us. If no children have arrived and no parents have called by 9:00 AM the center will close. There are no deductions for snow days.


A Non-refundable registration fee of $25.00 per child for Extended Care, Preschool Programs, and After School Programs, will be needed along with registration packets for the intended program. Preschool, Extended Care, and Summer Program tuition payments are due monthly on the 1st, or the Tuesday of the week that your child attends. A late fee of $5.00 will be charged for the first week not paid followed by $10 the next week. If your bill is more than two weeks behind, we will not provide care for your child.

If your balance is not current at the end of the school year or summer, you are unable to attend the following program at the ECC. Example: If your bill is not paid up at the end of summer, you will not have a spot for school. ALL BALANCES MUST BE CURRENT.

Make checks payable to St. James Early Childhood Center or St. James E.C.C.

After School Program

There is a minimum of $21.00/6hrs per week/per child. Payment is due by Tuesday following the week in which service was provided. Example: child attended the After School Program from 8/17/14 - 8/20/14. Payment is due on Tuesday 8/24/14. If payment is not made by the next Tuesday, a late charge of $5.00 will be added to your invoice and $10 the following week.

If your bill is more than two weeks behind, we will not provide care for your child.

We do not offer a drop off service and there are no deductions for illnesses, scheduled holidays, snow days, or any other days your child does not attend except for vacation time noted below.

Make checks payable to St. James Early Childhood Center or St. James E.C.C.


Preschool holidays will be communicated on the preschool calendar for that school year. The Preschool will be following the St. James Elementary School calendar. On several occasions the Preschool is closed but the Extended Care Program is open.

The entire St. James Early Childhood Center will be closed on the following












There are many school holidays (for example; the week between Christmas and the New Year) when the number of attendees drops to 1 or 2 children. We will have sign up sheets prior to these holidays and will not open if there are less than five children signed up. During Christmas break you are only charged for the days your child attends, not your regular weekly balance if you don't attend every day.


Children enrolled in the Preschool Program may take one week during the school year where no fees will be assessed. Children who are enrolled in the Extended Care Program may take one week during the school year and one week during the summer where no fees will be assessed. Children enrolled in the Summer Care Program may take one week during the summer where no fees will be assessed. Children enrolled in the After School Program may take one week during the school year where no fees will be assessed. Vacation time must be taken in 5 consecutive days M-F. During the vacation period the child may not attend any of the programs.