IGCSE History M. Nichols SCIE 2010-11
Study the extract below, and then answer the questions which follow
Organization of the United Nations
(a) Describe two failures the UNO has had in the area of its peacekeeping role [5]
(b) Why has the UNO been a much more effective international organization than the League was? [7]
(c) ´The achievements of the UNO have largely been by the Economic and Social Council´ How far do you agree with this statement? [8]
Study the extract below, and then answer the questions which follow
Organization of the United Nations
(a) Describe two failures the UNO has had in the area of its peacekeeping role [5]
(b)Why has the UNO been a much more effective international organization than the League was? [7]
(c) ´The achievements of the UNO have largely been by the Economic and Social Council´ How far do you agree with this statement? [8]
Study the extract below, and then answer the questions which follow
Organization of the United Nations
(a) Describe two successes the UNO has had in the area of its peacekeeping role [5]
l In Korea the UN pushed the DPRK back over the 38th Parallel, etc
l The Gulf War, in 1991, saw the UN drive Saddam out of Kuwait
(b) Why has the UNO been a much more effective international organization than the League was? [7]
l UN has a more powerful Security Council and members have included the superpowers, unlike the League which the USA never joined
l It has had more resources
l It is prepared to use military action, which the League never was
l It is more efficiently administered through its Secretary Generals
l It has greater range of functions and influence than the smaller League
l It has not had to deal with as big a crisis as the Great Depression or WWII
l Few nations have left the UNO unlike the League, and its membership has been far more genuinely global
(c) ´The achievements of the UNO have largely been by the Economic and Social Council´ How far do you agree with this statement? [8]
l ESOC has indeed had many successes and achievements; it has helped out refugees, overseen the transference to independence of nations like Namibia; its WB and IMF have bailed nations out of financial crises; other organizations, like FAO and the WHO, have aided the Third World;
l However, its peace-keeping role has also been one of its main successes e.g. preventing the splitting up of Zaire (Congo) and ousting the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1991; while its Court has dealt with war crimes;
l ESOC has been arguably seen its greatest achievements, but not entirely