2016 –2017
To provide alternative education in a setting that prepares all learners to meet their goalsfor college and careersuccess.
WELCOME to the Regional Star Programs!
On behalf of the staff and administration of the Regional STAR Programswe want each ofyou to know that you are important to us. We really do care that you have decided that aneducation is essential to yourfuture.
We are here to help you earn your diploma or complete your middle school coursework but we can’t do it without your willingness todo your part. Our rules are simple and easy to understand. If you have a question that isnot answered in this handbook, please ask your local Principal.
We wish every one of you success in the coming year and we look forward to seeing you at eachof thecampuses.
~ STARDirector and Staff
Failure to read this handbook does not excuse students from the rules and proceduresdescribed herein. Personal factors or contradictory advice from any source are not acceptable groundsfor seeking exemptions from these rules andprocedures.
We reserve the right to change any policy at any given time as the need occurs. Parentsand students will be notified in writing if such changes aremade.
These policies are general guidelines. Please refer to the Principal for specificsite documentation.
The Regional STAR Programsdoes not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed,religion, national origin, handicap, age, sex, economic or social conditions, language barrier, or maritalor parental status in admission to the participation in its educational programs, school activitiesand services, or in its employment policies. Inquiries regarding compliance with state orfederal nondiscrimination requirements may be directed to the Regional Director of Alternative Programs,5949 Safford Road, Rockford, Illinois 61101.815-227-8495.
Table of Contents
AttendanceLegal Requirements for SchoolAttendance / 6
Program Requirements forAttendance / 6
ExcusedAbsences / 6
UnexcusedAbsences / 7
Recommendations for Medical Appointments & PlannedAbsences / 7
Procedures for calling students in and out ofschool / 7
Student Illness while atSchool / 8
TardyPolicy / 8
Truancy / 8
Emergency InformationRequirements / 9
MedicationPolicy / 9
Communicable and Chronic and InfectiousDisease / 10
Procedure for Emergency HealthSituations / 10
Fire, Severe Weather, and LockDown / 11
School Closings andDelay / 11
Electronic DevicesPolicies
Cell Phones and Any Other ElectronicDevices / 12
Audio/Video Recording/PhotographicDevices / 12
Internet/Network Acceptable UsePolicies / 12
DCFS & MandatedReporting
SchoolSafety / 13
Safe SchoolsPolicy / 13
Closed CampusPolicy / 13
Bullying Policy &Prevention / 13
GangActivity / 16
Hazing / 17
Additional ProhibitedBehaviors / 17
Battery onStaff / 17
Battery onStudent / 17
Intimidation or Personal Threat toStaff / 17
MaliciousHarassment / 18
PhysicalAggression / 18
UnsafeBehavior / 18
Search &Seizure / 18
SexualHarassment / 19
Vandalism & Destruction of SchoolProperty / 19
Weapons / 20
Alcohol and Other SubstanceUse
Drugs, Narcotics, and AlcoholPolicy / 20
Tobacco Policy / 21
Electronic Cigarette, Vapor Pens, and similar itempolicy / 21
K2, Potpourri, bath salts, and other synthetic drugpolicy / 22
Medical MarijuanaPolicy / 22
DisciplinePhilosophy / 22
Nexus to the School / 23
Detentions / 23
Suspensions / 23
Removal from theProgram / 24
Appealing aRemoval / 24
Responsibilities of the STARStudent / 25
Responsibilities of the Parent/LegalGuardians / 25
Guidelines for StudentConduct
DressCode / 26
Cheating / 26
Consumption of Food andBeverages / 27
Dishonesty / 27
Disrespect / 27
Driving toSchool/Parking / 27
GrossDisobedience / 27
GrossInsubordination / 27
GrossMisconduct / 27
Inappropriate Language andGestures/Behavior / 28
Insubordination toStaff / 28
Plagiarism / 28
Pranks / 28
Public Displays ofAffection / 28
Additional SchoolPolicies
Incentives / 29
Make-up WorkPolicy / 29
Missing Work Policy / 29
Sale ofObjects / 29
Visitors / 30
Service Learning/WorkStudy
What Constitutes WorkStudy? / 30
What Constitutes ServiceLearning? / 30
Who isResponsible? / 30
FridayWaiver / 30
Unemployment / 31
Grades, Credits, &Records
Correspondence CoursePolicy / 31
GradingSystem / 31
GraduationCeremony / 31
GraduationRequirements / 31
Individual GraduationPlan / 32
Progress Reports & Semester ReportCards / 32
Quick Schools’Access / 32
StudentRecords / 33
Retention and Destruction of School StudentRecords / 34
Transfer ofCredits / 34
School Calendar / 35
Remember / 35
Handbook receipt andagreement / 37
Legal Requirements for SchoolAttendance
The Illinois Compulsory School Attendance Law (Article 26 of the Illinois School Code) holds theparent responsible for the enrollment and regular attendance of children enrolled. STAR expectsparents/guardians tomakeresponsibleeffortstoensuretheregularattendanceoftheirstudentsandtoinformtheschoolof any absence and the reason for theabsence.
Program Requirement forAttendance
Regularattendance,punctuality,andparticipationinclassesarenecessaryforsuccessattheRegional STAR Programsandtoreachindividualandprogramgoals.Anystudentwhomissesmorethan5 unexcused days in a semester may be dropped from the program. Students who attend less than 70% of attendance days, for any reason, may receive an incomplete grade due to missing work. Students who do not attend more than 70% may be referred back to the home school or could be dropped from the program. Students under 17 years of age whoaredropped from the Regional STAR Programswill be reassigned to the homeschool.
Please see Service Learning/Work Study for additional methods of meeting the five (5) hoursrequirement.
The following valid reasons will be classified as excusedabsences:
- Being sent home by the school forillness
- Excused by administration
- Court appearances with written proof fromcourt
- Extended serious/critical illness of student/familymember
- Funeral for familymembers
- Injury, emergencies, or other absences as determined by theadministration.
- Medical appointments with written proof fromdoctor
- Religiousholidays
All absences not previously classified are considered unexcused absences. The followingare examples of unexcused absences. This is not an all-inclusivelist.
- Employment
- Lack of ride toschool
- Missing the schoolbus
- Oversleeping
- Parent call-ins
- Participation in non-school sponsoredevents
- Personalbusiness
- Private vehicle breakdown or failure tostart
- Truancy
- Trips/Vacations
Recommendations for Making MedicalAppointments
Although medical and dental appointments are sometimes unavoidable, we ask that they be made attimes which will not interfere with work or class time. When this cannot be avoided, please understand thatthe student is still counted asabsent.
Recommendations for PlannedAbsences
The Regional STAR ProgramsAdministration encourages scheduling vacations, work/servicelearning hours, and any other planned absence during non-school hours. Any absence as a result of thesesituations will be counted as an unexcusedabsence.
Recommendations for Calling Students Out ofSchool
If a student is going to be absent from school or requires an early dismissal, it is the responsibility ofthe parent/guardian to inform the school of the absence. If the office is closed, please leave a message onthe voicemail system. Give your name, telephone number, student’s name, and reason forabsence.
Belvidere Principal: / 815-547-8080Rockford Principal: / 815-227-8495
Student Illness While atSchool
Students may ask for permission from teachers to go to the office when they are not feeling well orhave been injured. The office will not let any student, under the age of 18, go home sick or injured without contacting a parentor guardian. Any student leaving the school, for reasons of illness or injury, without authorization by thePrinicpal shall be considered unexcused and in violation of the closed campuspolicy.
Punctuality is required: Any student who does not arrive at school by the assigned starting timemay be considered tardy. Students who arrive more than 20 minutes into a period may not be allowed to attend that class period. Students will remain in the office or may be sent to work on-line courses is lieu of entering the classroom tardy. Students habitually late (20% of class meetings) will be given an incomplete grade for the semester.
Please consult the Principal for information regarding you campus’ tardypolicy.
Studentsmustattendschoolonaregularbasisandbeontime.Truantmeansachildwhoissubjectto compulsory school attendance and who is absent without cause for a school day or portionthereof.
Examples of Truancyare:
- Afterarrivalatschool,anyabsencefromanassignedareawithoutteacherpermission, approval of the principal or hisappointee.
- Avoidablefailuretoarriveonschoolgroundsasscheduledwithoutpermissionfromthe principal or his appointee and without knowledge of a parent orguardian.
- Any unreportedabsences.
A student is considered chronic truant when they are absent without valid cause for 5 percent or moreof the previous 180 regular attendancedays.
School districts are required to report chronic truants to the Regional Superintendent’s office.Chronic truants and parents of chronic truants can be prosecuted through thecourts.
Emergency InformationRequirements
StudentsandparentsneedtodisclosehealthinformationtothePrincipal duringtheintakemeeting. This information is vital to keeping your student safe in the event of a medical emergency.All informationgatheredduringthisstagewillremainprivateandwillonlybedisseminatedonaneed-to- knowbasis.
1.Administering Medicines toStudents
Students should not take medication during school hours or during school-related activitiesunless itisnecessaryforastudent’shealthandwell-being.Whenastudent’slicensedhealthcare providerandparent/guardianbelievethatitisnecessaryforthestudenttotakeamedication during school hours or school-related activities, the parent/guardian must request that theschool dispensethemedicationtothechildandotherwisefollowtheSTARproceduresondispensing medication.
No STARemployee shall administer to any student, or supervise a student’s self-administrationof, any prescription or non-prescription medication until an official copy of the prescriptionand dispensinginstructionsfromalicensedphysicianissubmittedbythestudent’sparent/guardian. Nostudentshallpossessorconsumeanyprescriptionornon-prescriptionmedicationonschool grounds or at a school-related function other than as provided for in this policy andits implementingprocedures.
Nothing in this policy shall prohibit any school employee from providing emergency assistanceto students, including administeringmedication.
2.Self-Administration ofMedication
A student may possess an epinephrine auto-injector (EpiPen®) and/or medication prescribedfor asthmaforimmediateuseatthestudent’sdiscretion,providedthestudent’sparent/guardianhas providedanofficialcopyoftheprescription,aswellasdispensinginstructionsfromalicensed physician. The STAR shall incur no liability, except for willful and wanton conduct, as a resultof any injury arising from a student’s self-administration of medication or epinephrineauto-injector or the storage of any medication by school personnel. A student’s parent/guardian mustindemnify and hold harmless the STAR and its employees and agents against any claims, excepta claimbasedonwillfulandwantonconduct,arisingoutofastudent’sself-administrationofan epinephrine auto-injector and/or medication, or the storage of any medication by schoolpersonnel.
3.Specific MedicationInstructions
For a student with diabetes: The parent(s)/guardian(s) are responsible to share the healthcare provider’sinstructions.Whenthestudentisatschool,thestudent’sdiabeteswillbemanaged according to a diabetes care plan, if one exists. See Care of Students with Diabetes Act, 105ILCS 5/10-22.21b, added by P.A.96-1485.
Forasthmainhalers,providetheprescriptionlabel.Bringotherprescriptionmedicationstothe school in the original package or appropriately labeled container. The container shalldisplay:
•Medication name anddosage
•Administration route and/or otherdirection
•Dates to betaken
•Licensed prescriber’sname
•Pharmacy name, address, and phonenumber
Bringnon-prescriptionmedicationstoschoolinthemanufacturer’soriginalcontainerwiththe label indicating the ingredients and the student’s nameaffixed
Communicable and Chronic and InfectiousDisease
Astudentwithorcarryingacommunicableand/orinfectiousdiseasehasallrights,privileges,and services provided by law and the student’s home district’spolicies.
Procedure for Emergency HealthSituations
In the unlikely event of an emergency health situation, the Principal will:
- Establish control of the situation, including performing any emergency action required(i.e. Applying pressure to an open wound to stop it frombleeding).
- Contact the local emergency teams and/or school nurse. The Prinicpal maydelegate another staff member to make this call if he/she is taking care of thesituation.
- Pass vital information from the student’s emergency file on to the EmergencyPersonnel.
- Make parent/guardian contact as soon as the Emergency Services have been contacted.This may also be delegated to another qualified staff member if the Principal is still caring for the student.
- If the student needs to be transported to the hospital before a parent can arrive, a staff member will accompany thestudent.
- Following the conclusion of the Emergency situation, the Principal will follow thehost schools policies regarding the reporting of accidents. Additional accident reports may be filed with the Regional Office of Education, which oversees the Regional AlternativeSchool.
Fire, Severe Weather, and LockDown
Each site will use the building protocols in relation to the fire, severe weather, and lock downprocedures. The individual Principal and staff will be familiar with the procedures for eachcase.
School Closing andDelay
If weather or any unexpected emergency requires that school be closed, the information will bebroadcast at the earliest possible time. The following media will post suchoccasions.
WIFR – Channel23 WREX – Channel 13 WTVO – Channel17
a.Host school cancels school: If the host school cancels school due to severe weather,the Regional STAR Programs at that site will not haveclasses.
b.After School Activities are cancelled: If the host school cancels it’s afterschool activitiesduetosevereweatherconcerns,theRegional STAR Programs will,atthe Principal’s discretion, not haveclass.
c.SevereWeatheroccursduringschoolhours:Ifsevereweatheroccurswhilestudents areattendingRegionalAlternativeSchool,thePrincipal maymakethedecisionto send students home early. When this decision is made, the Principal will ensureeach student has contacted his/her parents and has plans for gettinghome.
Cell Phones and any other electronicdevices
Cell phones and any other electronic devices are not allowed to be used in the school building inany fashion.TheRegional STAR Programs hastherighttoinsistthatthestudentsplacetheircell phoneandanyotherelectronicdeviceinadesignatedcontainerdeterminedbytheschool.Atthe conclusion of the school day, the student’s cell phone and any other electronic device willbe returned.
Ifbeingused,thefirstoccurrencemayresultinthephoneandanyotherelectronicdevicebeing confiscatedandreturnedtothestudentattheendoftheevening.Furtheroccurrencesmayresultin thephoneoranyotherelectronicdevicebeingconfiscated,wherearrangementswouldneedtobe made for the student/parent to pick up the phone and any other electronicdevice.
Audio/Video RecordingDevices
Students are prohibited from taking audio/video recordings and images while attendingRegional Alternative School. Prohibited situations may include, but are not limitedto:
- Photographing other students and/or staffmembers
- Taking an unauthorized audio recording of class, other students, and/orstaff
- Taking an unauthorized video recording of any student or staffmember
Internet/Network Acceptable UsePolicy
Each student enrolled in the Regional STAR Programs program will sign the host school’sAcceptable UsePoliciesregardingcomputerandinternetusage.Theformwillbesignedduringtheintakemeeting. Failuretoabidebytheconditionssetforthbythepolicymayresultindisciplinaryactionandupto removal from theprogram.
Safe SchoolsPolicy
The Supreme Court has held that school officials may institute a search if there is “reasonableevidence” that a student has violated or is violating either the law or the rules of school. If school officials carry out a search independent of the police and other law enforcement officials, they do not need a searchwarrant. Ifaviolationoftherulesissuspected,studentsandanystudentproperty,includingautomobiles,are subject to search under conditions of “reasonable grounds.”
Closed CampusPolicy
Students are not allowed to leave during their scheduled hours of attendance. If it becomes necessaryfor the student to leave prior to the end of their scheduled hours, they must check out with the Principal. Undernocircumstancesshouldthestudentleavethebuildingwithoutcheckingout.Todosowillbe considered leaving the building without permission during scheduled hours, which is a violation ofschool policy.Anystudentwholeavesthebuildingwithoutpermissionwillnotbeallowedtoreturnforthe remainder of the academicday.
Bullying Policy andPrevention
“Bullying”meansanysevereorpervasivephysicalorverbalactorconduct,includingcommunications madeinwritingorelectronically,directedtowardastudentorstudentsthathasorcanbereasonably predicted to have the effect of one or more of thefollowing:
1.Placingthestudentorstudentsinreasonablefearofharmtothestudent’sorstudents’personor property;
2.Causing a substantially detrimental effect on the student’s or students’ physical or mentalhealth;
3.Substantially interfering with the student’s or students’ academic performance;or
4.Substantially interfering with the student’s or students’ ability to participate in or benefit fromthe services, activities, or privileges provided by the Regional Alternative Schoolsprogram.
Bullying, as defined by the Illinois School Code (105 ILCS 5/27 -23.7 & 27A-5), may take variousforms, includingwithoutlimitationoneormoreofthefollowing:harassment,threats,intimidation,stalking, physicalviolence,sexualharassment,sexualviolence,theft,publichumiliation,destructionofproperty, orretaliationforassertingoralleginganactofbullying.Thispolicyismeanttobeillustrativeandnon- exhaustive.
Bullying on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, nationality, sex, sexual orientation,gender identity, gender-related identity or expression, ancestry, age, religion, physical or mental disability,order ofprotectionstatus,statusofbeinghomeless,oractualorpotentialmaritalorparentalstatus,including pregnancy, association with a person or group with one or more of the aforementioned actual orperceived characteristics,oranyotherdistinguishingcharacteristicisprohibitedineachofthefollowingsituations:
- During any school sponsored education program oractivity.
- Whileinschool,onschoolproperty,onschoolbusesorotherschoolvehicles,at designated school bus stops waiting for the school bus, or at school sponsoredor school sanctioned events oractivities.
Through the transmission of information from an electronicdevice.
Bullyingbehavior(s)arecontrarytoStateLawandthepoliciesoftheRegionalAlternativeSchool.As such, bullying will not betolerated.
Anystudentthatfeelshe/sheisbeingharassed,hazedorbulliedshouldimmediatelyreporttothePrincipal. The following information will be necessary to begin the investigationprocess:
- Names of student(s)involved
- Description of the bullying, harassment, or hazingincident
- Names of potential eyewitnesses
- Proofoftheeventisencouraged,althoughnotnecessarilyrequired.Havinghard evidenceofthebullyingbehavior,suchasanemailorTwitterposting,willaidthe investigationprocess.
- Impact on you or othersinvolved.
- Written statement detailing the bullyingsituation.
It is not necessary to have all of this information completed prior to meeting with the Principal when firstreportingthesituation.However,theinformationwillneedtobecompletedwithintwodaysofthe initialreporttoenablethePrincipal tothoroughlyinvestigatetheincident.Parentsaremorethan welcome to make phone calls and/or schedule a time to meet with the Principal to discuss thesituation and theirconcerns.
The Principal will begin the investigation process upon the completion of the reporting stage. Onceall information has been gathered from the affected student(s), the Principal will completethe investigation within 10 school days. While investigating the situation, the Principal will speak withall identified eye witnesses, teachers, and the accused. All of those who are being questioned duringthe investigation will have their due process rights upheld, which means they will be given an opportunityto tell their side of the story before any consequences aregiven.
Parent/guardian(s) will be contacted during the investigation phase and given information pertinent tothe case.However,studentprivacywillbeprotectedandmaylimitsomeoftheinformationthatmaybe
shared. Although parent/guardian(s) will be unable to witness the investigation, they are able toschedule atimetomeetwiththePrincipal todiscusstheirconcerns,provideevidenceoftheirown,andask questions.
Oncetheinvestigationprocessiscomplete,thePrincipal willmakethefinaldeterminationofguilt basedontheinformationcollected.Allparties,notincludingtheeyewitnesses,willbenotifiedofthe completed investigation. Only pertinent information will be shared with those involved. For example,the victim of bullying will be informed that the situation has been resolved and that the student hasreceived consequences.However,thedetailsoftheconsequenceswillnotbesharedasdoingsowouldbea violation of student privacyrights.
Any student(s) receiving consequences for their involvement in the bullying incident(s) may receiveany of the following or a combinationthereof:
- Out of School Suspension for up to 10days
- Placement on a “last chance” contract to remain in theprogram
- Requirement of providing a written apology to the student(s) theybullied
- Referral to social services, counseling, and otherinterventions
- RemovalfromtheRegionalAlternativeSchoolsprogramandreferralbacktothe home school, along with a recommendation for alternative placementand/or expulsion.
- Referral to the appropriate law enforcementagency
- Other consequence(s) as deemed appropriate by the Principal
4.Retaliation &reprisal
Retaliating or engaging in reprisal against a student who reported bullying behavior will not betolerated. Any student who engages in reprisal or retaliation against a student who reported an act of bullyingmay receive the followingconsequences:
- Identificationasengaginginbullyingbehaviorandtheopeningofaninvestigation against saidstudent
- Out of School Suspension(s) for continued bullying behavior in the form of reprisal orretaliation
- Referral to social services, counseling, and otherinterventions
- RemovalfromtheRegionalAlternativeSchoolsprogramandreferralbacktothe home school, along with a recommendation for alternative placementand/or expulsion (See Removal from the Program pages21-22)
Ifthestudentengagingintheretaliationistheonewhowasidentifiedasthebully,heorshemaybe immediately removed from the program and referred back to their home school for alternativeplacement and/or the assignment ofconsequences.