MVWP Program Proposal Name: Holley O’Bryan
Program Title:
Date: July 25-August 1, 2008
Anyone proposing to present MVWP programming will complete a proposal. The proposal is really a detailed plan and a statement of intention. Proposals will be reviewed by the MVWP staff and the MVWP advisory board. The purpose of the review will be to determine if the proposed program fulfills National Writing Project principles, if it would make a positive and productive addition to MVWP offerings, and if it is feasible. Reviewers will have the opportunity to add feedback that will be returned to the proposer. Once the review is competed, the proposer will work out a specific plan with MVWP staff for delivering the program.
Please describe the program you propose.
For whom is it intended? / Young Scholars enrolled in the 2008 summer programWill your program be open to all interested participants or will there be a selection process? / Students who demonstrate a strong interest in the reading, writing, and sharing of poetry in a small group setting of approximately 15 rising 8th graders
Number of sessions? / 6
Length of each session (minutes)? / 120 minutes
Is this a professional development program, a writers' workshop, a young writers' program, a conference presentation or other? / This is a young writers’ program.
What is the purpose of your program? / Offer rising 8th graders the opportunity to write, share, and publish poetry
When and where do you plan to offer your program in terms of time of year, time of day, and location? / July 25 August 1, 2008
(Hubbard Hall)
Utica College
Please attach a draft announcement/flyer/registration form for your program.
Please block out the timing of your program in minutes. If you are planning more than one session, feel free to use more than one page. Use this to show that your program will fulfill National Writing Project principles.
Day 2
/“Phantastic Fortune Cookies”
Presenters will model (w/input from the students) the writing of a poem using a fortune cookie’s fortune as a promptStudents will share and respond to poems independently written
If time allows, students will be familiarized with the laptop lab and the website
For Monday’s activity, students will be required to provide song lyrics that they consider to be their “theme song.”
“My Music is Poetry”
Students will write and share a short response describing why their lyrics best serve as their “theme song.”Students will review their glossary of literary terms, definitions, and examples
Students will examine their “theme song” lyrics, identifying examples of literary terms
Students will write/share an original poem/rap/song that is their “theme song” (continued on last page)
What specific materials will you use in presenting your program?
Projector for internet and laptop lab
What materials will be provided to the participants in your program?
What media support (equipment, internet connection, etc.) will be required for your program?
Laptop lab
Internet connection
Please outline the financial profile of your program.
What fees will participants be charged? / NoneHow will the fees be funded (out of pocket, district funds, grant funds, etc.?) / MVWP Grant
How many hours will you bill the Mohawk Valley Writing Project for your work? / 18
Explain contact hours/credits/inservice hours earned by participants in your program. / None
Explain any expenses incurred by your program and how they will be funded. (Include materials, fees, etc.) / Materials and supplies for participants
Payment to teacher
Funding through MVWP
Explain any potential partnerships/co-sponsorships between MVWP and other agencies in supporting your program. / Partnership between MVWP and the YSLPP of Utica College
Do you have any plans to seek outside sponsorship (grants, etc.) to support your program? / No
Please identify all the presenters involved in your program, including their professional roles, their affiliations, and the year they attended Summer Institute. Please provide contact information for each presenter.
Holley O'Bryan
English Teacher: Donovan Middle School
Utica City School District
Summer Institute: 2007
Jennifer Coriale
English Teacher: Proctor High School
Utica City School District
Summer Institute: 2006
Day 4
Day 5
“Who’s Your Hero?”
Writing Prompt: What is your definition of a hero? Identify/describe your hero
Read excerpt from “The Heroes of 9/11 (Scope Magazine)
List Poetry: The students will collectively compile a list of nouns and adjectives that epitomize the concept of a hero. The contents of the list are manipulated to produce a list poem that reflects the literary elements of poetry
Laptop Lab: Students will access website to post and read their personally selected poetry
“A Friend, Indeed”
Students will write and share a response to a quote pertaining to friendshipIn cooperative groups of 2-3, students will write, peer edit, and share friendship poems in the form of Haiku or Cinquain, including examples of similes, metaphors, and personification in their work
“Emotions in Motion”
Students will complete the following sentence stems, sharing their responsesI hate it when…
I love it when…
I feel sad when…
I feel happy when…
Read/analyze “Alone” as a whole group
Day 6 (cont.)
Day 6
20100 / ACTIVITY
Students will independently provide an emotion as a title, along with the 1st two lines of a poem (free verse or rhyming), addressing that emotion
After a pre-determined time, the students will pass their work clockwise to the next member of the group. The students will add on two more lines to their peer’s poem, continuing until their own poem has returned to them. The original author will complete and share his/her work
“Return of the
Phantastic Fortune Cookies”
Students will write and share a response to the following writing prompt: If you could write your own fortune/advice in a fortune cookie, it would read…
Laptop Lab: Students will access to post and read their personally selected poetry
Day 4
/ ACTIVITY“Who’s Your Hero?”
Writing Prompt: What is your definition of a hero? Identify/describe your hero
Read excerpt from “The Heroes of 9/11 (Scope Magazine)
List Poetry: The students will collectively compile a list of nouns and adjectives that epitomize the concept of the hero. The contents of the list are manipulated to produce a list poem that reflects the literary elements of poetry
Computer Lab: Students will access website to post their personally selected poetry
“A Friend, Indeed”
Students will write and share a response to a quote pertaining to friendshipIn cooperative groups of 2-3, students will write, peer edit, and share friendship poems in the form of Haiku or Cinquain, including examples of similes, metaphors, and personification in their work
“Emotions in Motion”
Students will complete the following sentence stems, sharing their responsesI hate it when…
I love it when…
I feel sad when…
I feel happy when…
Read/analyze “Alone” as a whole group
Students will independently provide an emotion as a title, along with the 1st two lines of a poem addressing that emotion
Day 4
/ ACTIVITY“Who’s Your Hero?”
Writing Prompt: What is your definition of a hero? Identify/describe your hero
Read excerpt from “The Heroes of 9/11 (Scope Magazine)
List Poetry: The students will collectively compile a list of nouns and adjectives that epitomize the concept of the hero. The contents of the list are manipulated to produce a list poem that reflects the literary elements of poetry
Computer Lab: Students will access website to post their personally selected poetry
“A Friend, Indeed”
Students will write and share a response to a quote pertaining to friendshipIn cooperative groups of 2-3, students will write, peer edit, and share friendship poems in the form of Haiku or Cinquain, including examples of similes, metaphors, and personification in their work
“Emotions in Motion”
Students will complete the following sentence stems, sharing their responsesI hate it when…
I love it when…
I feel sad when…
I feel happy when…
Read/analyze “Alone” as a whole group
Students will independently provide an emotion as a title, along with the 1st two lines of a poem addressing that emotion