“Call signs “are used

To identify the transmitting stations

Word “Roger” signifies,

The last transmission received

The best way to orient your antenna when making the long distance communication are to your

Great Circle Map

In RTTY (Radio teletype) transmission, frequency shift shall not exceed,

850 Hz

The calling frequency in the 40m band in the Philippines is,

7.045 MHz

The six most basic parts of the telephone set are,


Dialing (dual tone or rotary)




Hybrid coil

Another name for a hookflash that is rented by the PBX system to telephone company central office switches that signals a request for dial tone or another services.


When replying a call made on calling frequency, reply by called station made preparatory to traffic shall be made on

Where calling station keep watching unless a specific frequency was inducted by calling station.

Frequency of signal is 15MHz, the wavelength is

200 m

Grounded antennas are known as

Marconi Antenna

Feedhorn is a part of what type of antenna.


Quarter wavelength of signal using 150 MHz operating frequency

0.5 m

Emission designation of SSB suppressed carrier, voice telephony.


Bending of radio waves over terrain like mountains and hills.


Telephone line installers sued test tone (installer’s tone) to place RF signal on a pair of wires so that they can locate that pair of the other of the feed.

Tone probe/Banana

USB is an external bus standard that emerges in 1996. Its supports data transmission rates of ______and can connect as many as ______peripheral devices.

12 Mbps, 127

Frequency ranges of FM radio broadcasting.

VHF (30-300 MHz)

The Q word for “I am acknowledging receipt” is


Grounded grid amplifier are often used at very high frequency because

Usually do not require neutralization

The alpha cut off frequency of a transmitter is defined as

High frequency at which current gain becomes unity

In the Q code “I am listening to” is


“Beyond the horizon” is also called

Troposcatter propagation

The approximate bandwidth of A3 voice modulation receiver

6 kHz

Ideal value of signal to noise ratio is


The energy dissipated from 100 W radio transmitters for 10 hrs continuous

1 kW hr

Which is not a Hertz type antenna?

AM Broadcast Tower Antenna

The term referring to the space orientation of electromagnetic wave of a radiating transmission system.


A sensor used to measure the change in resistance of extrinsic silicon with temperature.

Spreading Resistance Sensor

Half power points are also known as

- 3 dB point

The most ideal SWR on VHF communication.

Unity SWR or 1:1 WSR

Second Harmonic of 500 kHz is

1000 kHz

A radio telephony signal used to indicate a very urgent message to transmit concerning safety of a ship or aircraft for safety of a person.


What permit is required if a transmitter is to be shipped from Manila to Davao City?

Permit to Transport

In the International call sign series, the Philippines is allocated the three-letter



Responsibility for proper operation of radio station fall on

License Radio Operator on Duty

What determines the frequency of the crystal oscillator?

Thickness of the crystal

What are the requirements for the circuit to oscillate?

Gain must be high

Feedback must be positive

Coupling from the output to the input must be good

What circuit provides two complementary signals to a puss-pull circuit?

Phase splitter

The no signal area between the ends of the mobile groundwave signal and the reflected skywave in the high frequency propagation

Skip Zone

One of these may cause ionic disturbance characterized by rapid fluttering sound, hence voice communications is poor.

Aurora Borealis

If circumstances permit, immediately before crash of forced landing, radio apparatus must

Set for continues emission

A coil of wire that filters out high frequency

RF Splitter

The practice of taking a bit her and there in the beginning and end of a digital transmission for use in the overhead of the transmission equipment

Bit-robbing of robbed bit signaling

Roaming means

The cellular/PCs telephone travels outside of its calling area but still continues to send and received a signal

At three digit code or shortened phone number that has the specific purpose, such as 911

Service Code

Is a harmonic radio frequency that is a result of modulation on an AM carrier and is a transmission characteristic of an FM carrier.


SIM stands for

Single Interface Module

The illegal practice of charging a customer telecommunications carrier without their consent.


A standard interchange format used by e-mail applications to exchange message with each other

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

A device that is used to maintain a minimum bend radius for installed fiber optic cable.


A plot of the relative strength or intensity of the antenna radiation as the function of the orientation in a given plane is called ______.

Radiation Pattern

What is the unit of magnetic field intensity?

Ampere per meter

What is the parameter that compares the concentration of the power of the given antenna to that of some reference antenna?

Gain of the antenna

The most usable layer for long distance communication in HF propagation using ionosphere is


In propagation in space waves, the most practical frequency band to used is

VHF (30 – 300 MHz)

Frequency used for submarine/power

EHF (3 – 30 Hz)

Frequency range used for ultraviolet light

3 PHz to 30 PHz

Frequency range used for terrestrial microwave/satellite

SHF (3 – 30 GHz) and EHF (30 – 300 GHz)

Frequency range used in broadcasting TV

UHF (300 – 3000 MHz)

Video TV signals are transmitted using this kind of modulation

Amplitude Modulation

For uniformity in international communication the time reference standard used at present is


What condition exist when there is no potential across the detector in a bride circuit

Null condition

What is the process of balancing an arc bridge circuit that consists of making successive adjustments of two parameters until a null is obtained in the detector?

Balance Convergence

The television Standards used for color system in the Philippines.

American National Television Standards Committee

The number of lines per frame of TV transmission in the Philippines

525 lines per frame

How much will crystal frequency change by means of inductor and capacitor in parallel?

0.1 %

Highest audio frequency transmitted in FM broadcast stations

15 kHz

The product of the power fed to the antenna and the antenna power gain minus the transmission losses equals

Effected Radiated Power (ERP)

How long before expiration date must radio station file a renewal at NTC?

60 days

The logbook and file copies of message handled by radio station shall be preserved and retained for a period of

2 years

The silent is observed at least half an hour of operation. If the first silent period of is done at 10:15 AM, the second period shall be observable at ______.

10:45 AM

The band of frequency which is usually affected by solar cycle

HF Band

Approximate height of geosynchronous satellite above the earth surface

36,000 km

Q code are used to

Shorten message

When it is 12:30 in the Philippines, in UTC it is

0430 UTC

A LAN connector that crimps into the outside a coax cable

Vampire trap

Wide bandwidth amplifier has

Poor Selectivity

Class A is ideal for single transistor audio amplifier because

It produces minimum distortion

The velocity of light divided by the frequency

Radio Wavelength

A device that was engineered to a make a microwave antenna systems that allows to transmit and receive signals on the same antenna

Directional Coupler

A variable error in GPS latitude and longitudinal signals. It is purposely integrated in the positioning system to prevent anyone other than the government from having an absolute precise positioning position.


An executable subroutine store as a file that is separate from the programs that could use it.

Dynamic Link Library (DLL)

A closure containing a cellular\PC transmission line. It comes with a heater/air conditioner units and its size of a doghouse.


What is the kind of power that comes directly from the power company? It is not a pure 220 V AC power because as it travels on the power line, it collects all kinds of EMI (Electromagnetic Interference) of all frequencies.

Dirty Power

What operates in the intermediate frequency of MTI – Radar?

The Coho

What is the major advantage of a cross-field amplifier?

High Frequency

What is the reception of emission from a space station in the broadcasting satellite service by the receiving equipment which in some cases may be complex and having antennas larger than those used in individual receptions?

Community Receptions

What antenna using a mean beam from an earth station with respect to the satellite that illuminates a given area on the surface of the earth of the rotating communications satellite?


Why is CDMA ideally for military use?

Because of its immune in interference (Jamming)

What is the term otherwise known as CDMA?

Spread Spectrum multiple Access

It is previously known as single sideband reduced carrier.


Bit–Robbing is also known as

In- Band Signaling

The maximum commercial load outside Metro Manila is

17 minutes

The purpose of RF Amplifier to receiver

To improved noise figure.

Used to increase battery voltage and extend signaling range.

Loop Extender

What kind of receiver does the radar used?

Super Heterodyne

What is the radiation of the end fire array?


Range of LORAN

One quarter wavelength absolute, less than 100 ft relative

Two types of manufacturing IC

Bipolar and MOS

What is the maximum transmitter power of the mobile nit for CDMA?

300 mW

What is the wavelength of deep red?

700 nm

Zero dispersion wavelengths

Wavelength at about 1300 nm

What is the most popular plug for RG-56U coax?

F Connector

How wide is the spectrum bandwidth of a single HF carrier?

200 kHz

What is the effect of light controlling dark current of a detector?


Why coax cable is is not used above 6 GHz?

High Attenuation

3 Communications color codes:

Twisted pair cable color code (PIC)

Fiber optic color code

Resistor color code

What is a propagation effect that results when phase difference between radio wave components of the same transmission are experience at the recovery station?

Selective Fading

Telemetry by using radio waves

Radio Telemetry

The frequency range of FM

88-108 MHz

The frequency range of AM

535-1605 kHz

A device use to amplify the output of fiber optic reflector.


If the antenna is too low, the directivity gain and the radiation resistance will also be too low ______is used to overcome this problem.

Top Loading

A test telephone set used by telephone installer and repair personnel.

Butt Set

It is an effect that last for 10 minutes or several hours wherein the electromagnetic wave disappears rapidly as a result of the increased ionization of the ionosphere caused by increase in noise from solar storms.

Dellinger Effect

A frequency band whose frequency ranges from 0.46 – 0.5 kHz, what emission uses these frequencies?


Time difference between the transmitted signal and received signal in LORAN

Time Delay

The most important specification in fiber optic communication

Data Rate

Number of electrons produced by incident phones

Quantum Efficiency

Provide better selectivity

High Q tuned circuit


Provide automated and improved emergency communication in marine transportation.

Antenna which can be used on more than one band due to the used of parallel LC network

Trap Antenna

Common used of DSB in broadcast and communication.

FM/TV stereo

What is the primary purpose of an RF amplifier in a receiver?

To improve the receiver’s noise figure

What ferrite receiver can be used instead of a duplex to isolate a microwave transmitter and receiver when both are connected to the same antenna?


TACS cellular system has how many channels?


What is the transmit frequency of TACS?935 – 960 MHz

What is the received frequency of TACS?

890 – 915 MHz

What is the minimum size of telephone conduit used for hospitals, hotels, residential, condominiums and apartments?

12.7 mm diameter

Maximum number of turns of a typical helical antenna

20 turns

What is the typical dithering error in a civilian-purchased GPS unit?

±0 – 50 ft

What microwave device is used as an oscillator and amplifier?


It is the circuit whose purpose is to keep the receiver audio tuned off until an RF signal appears at the receiver input.

Squelch circuit

What cable has a solid center conductor which is then covered by and insulator such as Teflon?

Coax or Coaxial cable

What is the area between the point where the ground wave is completely dissipated and the point where the first sky wave returns, where no signal is receive?

Skip Zone/ Quiet Zone

______is a large telephone device which has keyed on-off circuit which functions as the main controller in the PBX


The minimum output power for cordless telephone and telephone line extenders operating beyond 300 ft.

10 Watts

The radiation pattern of the vertical/whip antenna


The varactor is used as a ______in microwave devices.

Frequency Multiplier

Underwater communications in which audible baseband signals use water as the transmission medium


What is the frequency range of high frequency?

3 – 30 MHz

What is the time for a satellite to complete 1 orbit?

Sidereal period

The study of light transmission in solid material

Fiber Optics

Known as the electromagnetic signal.

Radio Frequency (RF) waves

What is the other term of longitudinal wave?

Compressional or Irrotational wave

What are the types of linear transponder?

Inverting and non-inverting

What call is most prioritized?

Distress call

The beamwidth of the Yagi-Uda antenna ranges from

20° - 40°

The wavelength range of ultraviolet.

10 – 390 nm

The circuit used to create a dibit.

Bit Splitter

The frequency assigned to VOR.

115.05 MHz

Which circuit provides channelization is transponder?

Bandpass filter

Wavetrap frequency used in video amplifier

4.5 MHz

The measurement for metrological aid that is placed on an aircraft, balloon, or kite that provides meteorological measurement.


A device use to measure the height above surface with reference to a surface place in an aircraft or wavecraft.


What type of IC determines a short distance one way optic communication system?


What is the advantage of FET over BJT?

Higher input impedance

Philippines belong to what region?

Region 3

The resistance characteristic of a microwave diode where when voltage is increased, the current decreases

Negative Resistance

The maximum power utilized by short range radio service?

3 Watts

What refers to as a converge entity of the telecommunication system by congress which authorizing that entity to be engage to that telecommunication service?


SITOR stands for

Single Telex On Radio

An impedance matching transformer with impedance ranging from 50 to 75 


The data rate of DVD

1.3 Mbps

Peak wavelength of sunlight

500 nm

Wavelength of sunlight

300 – 2000 nm

The current threshold of an ILD

70 nA

What occurs when the threshold voltage of the ILD is reached?


A parabolic reflector has an efficiency of 55%

A director is _____shorter than the driven element.


A reflector is _____longer than the driven element.


The component used to produce AM in very high frequencies

PIN diode

How many SITOR signals can occupy one voice band channel?


What best describes demodulation?

Removing information signal from the carrier

What best describes amplitude modulation?

The information signal changes the amplitude but does not change the carrier frequency

Percentage of modulation is also known as

Modulation Index of Modulation Factor

What separates the sound and video signals in TV receiver?

Video Detector

What refers to the privilege given upon the telecommunications entity by congress, authorizing that entity to engage in a certain type of telecom service?


The magneto-optic effect that has a polarization plane of electromagnetic wave is rotated under the influence of a magnetic field parallel to the direction of propagation.

Faraday Effect

Multiple Cable TV RF signals fed in different inputs and taken from one output alone


Sideband present in J3E?

Upper Side band

Sideband present in AM?


What is FM?

Information varies the frequency while its amplitude remains constant

What is AM?

Information varies the amplitude while the frequency remains constant

Refers to the path that crosses private property and enters the building?

Service Entrance

A location where the riser cable terminate from further distribution throughout the floor structure

Riser Conduit

The diameter of a single mode fiber cable

10 m

It is a flat conductor separated from a large conducting ground plane by an insulating dielectric


Highest frequency that can be used for sky wave propagation between two given points on earth

MUF (Maximum Useable Frequency)

An echo completely out of control


Thermal detector that changes its resistance in response to thermal energy resultant from impinging radiant energy


Radiation of a collinear or broadside antenna


Spectrum bandwidth of a GSM HF carrier

200 kHz

Has a wavelength of 455 – 492 nm


Widely used Balance Modulator

Lattice Modulator

Previous emission designation of a single sideband reduce carrier


Emission designation with the least bandwidth utilization


Least effective radius of operation


What is critical angle?

Angle in which a wavefront is at incidence with the ionosphere

What is a Wavefront?

A fixed point in an electromagnetic wave

What rays are beyond visible light?

Gamma rays, X-rays, Cosmic Rays

Cause of too intense color signal

High Chroma

The constant in Path Loss where distance is in Nautical Mile and frequency is in MHz


Approximately what is the gain of RF, IF Receiver?

100 dB (typical value)

The direction of the of the satellite is opposing the direction of the rotation of the earth


A hollow tube used in microwave to transfer signal from one place to another
